
Chronic kidney disease requires fine management and treatment through 5 life measures

Chronic kidney disease, the incidence of increasing incidence, this disease, is caused by a variety of reasons caused by the irreversible change of kidney structure and function, can last for months to several years. In most patients with chronic kidney disease, the early symptoms are not obvious, but as the disease progresses, renal function will continue to decline, eventually developing into a stage of uremia. Every year on the second Thursday of March, World Kidney Day, the theme of this year's event is to bridge the knowledge gap, improve kidney care, and emphasize the fine management of chronic kidney disease. Let's combine the relevant points now and introduce the details that ordinary patients should pay attention to.

Chronic kidney disease requires fine management and treatment through 5 life measures

Chronic kidney disease, which is an abnormality in the structure or function of the kidneys for more than 3 months, can be divided into stages of disease severity according to 2 indicators. The first type is divided into three stages, including mild elevation, moderate elevation, and severe elevation, according to the urinary albumin excretion rate. The second is to divide the GFR into 5 stages according to the changes in the glomerular filtration rate, and for ordinary patients, it is possible to focus on the detection results of urine protein and its changes.

Chronic kidney disease requires fine management and treatment through 5 life measures

Due to the characteristics of chronic kidney disease, which is irreversible to change, therefore, coping measures should focus on both ends, 1 is to strengthen prevention, early identification. 2 is fine management, delay the decline of kidney function, and try to avoid the disease from entering the end-stage renal disease, which is commonly known as the stage of uremia. Chronic kidney disease, early symptoms are not obvious, possible symptoms include increased urine foam, increased nocturia, skin itching, retinopathy, aggravated hypertension, edema, anemia, gastrointestinal symptoms, etc. When these symptoms occur, we must pay attention to it and seek medical examination in time.

Chronic kidney disease requires fine management and treatment through 5 life measures

The prevention of chronic kidney disease is at the core of risk factors, including overweight or obesity, high blood pressure, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, as well as long-term use of drugs that cause kidney damage, smoking, etc. Usually, we should develop the habit of regular physical examination, diagnose chronic diseases in time, and carry out standardized treatment, and control blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, blood uric acid and other indicators within the scope of the standard. Change your lifestyle habits, lose weight as soon as possible, and quit smoking. It should be important to remind that without a doctor's prescription, avoid blind medication, a variety of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, will damage kidney function. In addition, avoid the misuse of Chinese herbal medicines, especially drugs or health supplements that contain ingredients such as aristolochic acid or mutong.

Chronic kidney disease requires fine management and treatment through 5 life measures

Changing life behaviors and actively treating complications are also key measures to delay brady kidney disease. If the urine protein always does not go down, there are 5 details that need to be reflected. 1. Whether sodium salt intake is controlled. The daily sodium intake of patients with chronic kidney disease should be within 6 grams. The details to be aware of are the need to take into account the sodium salts in food, such as condiments, monosodium glutamate, pickles, processed meats, etc. Second, whether protein intake is limited. Usually, patients with chronic kidney disease who weigh 60 kilograms cannot eat more than 150 grams of meat per day, in addition, they also need to limit the intake of protein-rich foods, such as eggs, milk, nuts, soy products, etc., and foods such as animal offal, which should be strictly restricted.

Chronic kidney disease requires fine management and treatment through 5 life measures

Urine protein can not go down, need to reflect on the third detail, whether the weight loss, need to remember, obesity will promote the occurrence of proteinuria, therefore, it is best to lose weight by more than 5%. Fourth, whether to insist on physical activity. Exercise can not only help control proteinuria, but also improve immunity, reduce the risk of infection, and reduce complications. Therefore, patients with chronic kidney disease need to develop exercise habits according to the professional guidance of sports medicine. Fifth, whether you have quit smoking and alcohol, smoking and drinking, will cause renal vasoconstriction, increase urinary protein excretion, accelerate kidney tissue damage. Therefore, in order to protect the kidneys, it is necessary to quit smoking and alcohol.

Chronic kidney disease requires fine management and treatment through 5 life measures

If the above 5 measures are in place, the urine protein index still cannot be lowered, and it is necessary to find the cause from the diagnosis and treatment. In terms of diagnosis, in addition to 24-hour urine protein quantification and urine protein composition testing, it is also necessary to do antiphospholipase A2 receptors, complement and other immune indicators, if the diagnosis is difficult to determine, a renal aspiration biopsy may be required. In terms of treatment, it is necessary to standardize the medication in accordance with the requirements, and cannot reduce the amount of medication or stop the medication without authorization. In addition, it is not possible to blindly listen to folk remedies or experience, and special attention needs to be paid to the fact that many so-called pure natural medicines may actually contain ingredients that damage kidney function, causing drug-derived kidney function damage.

Whoever loves, pass on health to whom.

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