
The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!

author:Who's Who Who's III


It introduces the important position of Geldan in the history of the great powers in the East, and the history of the 50-year war between the Dzungar Khanate and the Qing Dynasty. Among them, the battle of Hetongbo in the Yongzheng era became a key moment in the fierce confrontation between the Qing army and the Dzungar army, and the two sides launched a fierce confrontation in this decisive battle, which eventually led to the rout of the Dzungar army. Want to know the story behind this pivotal battle? Let's look down!

The rise of Geldan and the establishment of the Dzungar Khanate

The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!

The name Geldan was not unfamiliar to the people of the Eastern powers, he was one of the founders of the Dzungar Khanate and the only true Great Khan among the founders of the Khanate.

The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!

The establishment of the Dzungar Khanate was an important historical event in the history of the great powers of the East in Xinjiang. Its establishment not only changed the pattern of the Xinjiang region, but also engaged in a long-term struggle with the Qing Dynasty, which was also one of the most intense periods of confrontation between the Qing Dynasty and the Hui Khanate.

The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!

The history of the war between the Dzungar Khanate and the Qing Dynasty

The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!

From the time of Emperor Kangxi, the father of Emperor Yongzheng, the Qing Dynasty and the Dzungar Khanate began to fight for 50 years. In the past 50 years, the two sides fought many wars, and the most tragic war was the decisive battle between the Qing army and the Junggar army in the Yongzheng period and Tongbo.

The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!
The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!

The Battle of Tongbo in the Yongzheng era

The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!

The battle of Hetongbo took place in 1723 AD, when Emperor Yongzheng had just ascended the throne for two years, in order to completely solve the strong enemy of the Dzungar Khanate, Emperor Yongzheng personally formulated a battle plan, and sent a force of 100,000 troops to Hetongbo to assemble, preparing for a decisive battle with the Junggar army.

The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!

In this war, the Qing army was divided into two routes, one under the command of Zhuo Suochan and the other under the command of Gesbu. The two armies finally met near Hetongbo and prepared to launch a joint general attack.

Knowing that the Qing army had been assembled, the Dzungar army also urgently gathered its most elite forces and put up stubborn resistance. Over the next few days, fierce battles ensued between the two sides, and countless soldiers died on the battlefield.

In the end, the Qing army gained the upper hand, the Dzungar army was defeated, and Ge Longmu and other Dzungar generals were also captured one after another. In this war, the Dzungar army suffered heavy losses, and 100,000 soldiers were routed by the Qing army in just three days.

The most bloody battle of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, cutting the braids and bloody battles, would rather die than surrender, and a large number of generals committed suicide and martyrdom!


Wars in history have always been brutal and ruthless, and the Battle of Tongbo is a microcosm of the long-term confrontation between the Dzungar Khanate and the Qing Dynasty. By understanding this period of history, we can not only feel the tragedy of the war at that time, but also experience the game and contest between the forces of all parties. The lessons of history tell us to cherish peace and cherish the tranquility and harmony of the present. We should cherish the history, and we should cherish the future.