
On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

author:Write a pen

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article


When the Magnolia Awards ceremony was not officially held, when I saw the nominees for the best male and female leads, I already had a rough idea in my heart.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Sure enough, on the night of Magnolia, the winners were unexpectedly given to Hu Ge and Zhou Xun.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Zhou Xun has always been very low-key, conscientiously focused on his career, and has been invited to be a judge on the red carpet many times, but he didn't expect to win an award as a guest this time.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

In addition to these two people, the scene was extremely lively, and celebrities and celebrities all came to a room, which is enough to see the gold content of the Magnolia Award in China.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

The guests who came to Magnolia this time were all highly acclaimed actors in last year's hit TV series, but among them, an unexpected guest appeared out of thin air, that is, actor Liu Yifei.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

On the eve of Magnolia's preparation, with his excellent acting skills, he stubbornly raised the reputation of the new drama "The Story of Rose", carried the whole crew to the podium of Magnolia, and won the title of Magnolia's overseas promotion ambassador.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

I just want to ask, who else is there besides Liu Yifei, who directly used the figure of "big shoulders and thick waist" that night to teach everyone in internal entertainment a vivid lesson, even if it is big and thick, it can still shine in the audience.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

01, Liu Yifei was ridiculed as a "middle-aged woman"

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei came wearing a fairy pink dress, a little bit of floral flowers were attached to the skirt, and the back hem of the dress was dragged on the ground.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Isn't this "Rose" coming out of the play directly? It looks very comfortable, the whole body, there is no gorgeous jewelry, even the hair is minimalist, combed into a long straight hair in the middle, full of ladylike temperament.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Liu Yifei, whether it is posture or temperament, has thrown out a lot of other actresses.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

However, even with such a state, Liu Yifei was still angrily sprayed by many netizens: "Women are very heavy", "Shoulders are serious, and I look too fat" and so on.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Eh, Liu Yifei has reached the age of 35, and there are not many actors in this state, and they still insist on buttoning the words "women's sense" on Liu Yifei's head, so do the "women" know that there is such a big competitor in the group chat?

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Just by looking at this life picture, you can feel that her figure is just right, although her body looks round, but it is not fat at all.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

It can be seen that Liu Yifei's arms are not thin, and the flesh on his shoulders has been strangled out by his clothes, however, looking at the whole from a distance, there is no sense of jumping out of the head is the head and the body is the body.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

I really didn't expect this to be ridiculed by netizens!

In the comment area, a netizen even said in the comment area: Liu Yifei's state is not as good as Tang Yan.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

However, after really comparing Tang Yan and Liu Yifei, I really feel that Liu Yifei's big shoulders and thick waist directly beat the actresses.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

02, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and round waist" taught actresses a lesson

Tang Yan changed two outfits before and after Magnolia, one was a white and gray long dress, and the other was the black dress that Magnolia wore that night.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

When I saw the first dress, my first feeling was that it was quite eye-catching, but then I felt that Tang Yan's head and body were not harmonious at all, her body was thin, her head was very big, and her top-heavy feeling looked very tired.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

If this is not obvious, Tang Yan's off-the-shoulder dress that night directly exposed her shortcomings, her collarbone was obvious, and her small skeleton could be seen from afar, and the head on it was large.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

The skeleton can't be changed, but you can exercise to make your shoulders wider, otherwise it will be very uncoordinated, and compared with Hu Geyi next to him, it looks bigger and smaller.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

If you want me to say, Tang Yan's thin little body is really not suitable for close-fitting clothes, such as the frock jacket that used to be at Paris Fashion Week is very suitable for her.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

But then again, there are only dresses to choose from at the awards ceremony, which is a bit of a pity, and there have been many dresses that have exposed their shortcomings too obviously, which is really awkward to look at.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Looking back at Liu Yifei's performance on stage, it can be said that there is no incongruity from top to bottom, not only is she beautiful, but her figure is even more symmetrical, and she looks very coordinated.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

There is no sense of "dryness" and thinness of Tang Yan, her whole body is full of elegance and intellectuality, and every piece of meat on her body has played a big role, even if she stands with Chen Xiao, who is "so bright that her head can be reflected", she can continue to attract the attention of the audience.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

In addition to Tang Yan, there is also Wan Qian, the most popular actor in the same crew.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Wan Qian was in a very good state that night, with a small silver squinned suspender belt and a V-neck design that interpreted for us what it means to be sexy, which not only made the male audience scream, but also attracted the female audience's fans.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

However, even if Wan Qian's aura was full that night, when she and Liu Yifei stood together, they instantly understood what it meant to have more meat and more confidence.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

When Liu Yifei and Wan Qian stood together, Liu Yifei was generous, the lights and dresses made her very pink, and her face was full of excitement.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Wan Qian stood next to her, she really couldn't bear Liu Yifei's aura, standing thin and thin, even if the two were in the same state, they would unconsciously feel that Wan Qian's aura was not as good as Liu Yifei.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

After such a comparison, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and round waist" directly turned into a heavy punch, crushing many thin actors.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment


Liu Yifei's ability to appear on the podium of Magnolia this time is not only an affirmation of her achievements, but also an affirmation of her acting skills.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

This kind of affirmation has made Liu Yifei find the right direction, not blindly pursue the deformed aesthetics of "thinness as beauty" in internal entertainment, and insist on being yourself, so that she can achieve achievements that are higher than one person.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

I believe that in next year's Magnolia Awards Ceremony, Liu Yifei can be seen on the podium once, so that "Rose" and Magnolia can really meet.

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

Let's wait and see next year!

Information sources:

The original source is from Zhongxin Entertainment's Weibo post on June 28, 2024 about "Liu Yifei's red carpet status".

On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment
The original source is Mango Entertainment's video about "Liu Yifei's Overseas Promotion Ambassador" released on June 28, 2024
On the night of Magnolia, Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and thick waist" is a counterattack to the deformed aesthetics of internal entertainment

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