
Analects study notes (401) Birds and beasts should not be in the same group

author:Every day guoxue Xiao Nebula

In the previous chapter, Confucius and his party encountered a hermit chu who pretended to be crazy and stupid, and he used the method of singing to remind Confucius that there was no way in the world to live in seclusion in time, and not to tarnish his ambitions. Confucius got out of the car and wanted to talk to him for a couple of words, but he avoided seeing him. In this chapter, Confucius and his party encounter two more hermits. Sima Qian's account in the "History of Confucius's Family" is basically the same as the content of this chapter, but it is verified that this incident occurred on Confucius's way back to Cai from the Chu state of Yeyi. Sima Qian made extensive use of the records in the Analects in the Confucius Family and the Biography of Confucius's Disciples. Some are even the same as the words.

It is Zhijin.

Like Chu Fan, cháng jǔ and jié nì are not their real names, they are also hermits. The famous scholar Yu Fan of the late Qing Dynasty said in his "Example of Doubts in Ancient Books", "If the second son of a husband asks for help and does not tell him, will he repeat his name to my disciple?" Each of the following articles has its own questions and answers, so the name of the hypothesis is different. It is said that it is 'depressed' and 'drowned', and it is a pity that it sinks and does not return. The words '桀然' also; 'long' and '桀', refer to the shape of the eye. Thinking that the real names of the two people are muddy. Yu Fan said that these two hermits were not willing to answer when they asked the ferry, how could they tell Zilu their names? Because the following has its own Q&A content, the recorder has assumed two names to represent them. Because of pity for the two of them sinking into seclusion and not knowing how to turn back, they called them "depressed" and "drowned". "Long" and "宮" are the images they look like. If you take the long depression and the drowning as the real names of the two hermits, it is the idea of the nerd. Some people understand these two pronouns as a tall man and a strong man working in a paddy field. Liu Baonan's "Analects of Justice" said: "Long depressed, drowning, the name is from the water, the sub-road asks for jin, how can you recognize his name for a while?" Forgive me for finding a name for it. Fan Zhongyan's "Prefect Sun Xueshi Sees" poem No. 5 also uses this allusion: "The fence is drunk and proud, and the song of Long Shang is drowned." ”

"Long depression, drowning and ploughing", coupling (ǒu), an ancient farming method, ploughing a foot wide land. That is, two people each cling to a sì similar to the harp on the plough in ancient times. Coupled and ploughed, two people worked together to cultivate.

"Confucius overstepped it, and made Zilu ask for help." Tsu, ferry port. Confucius passed by and asked Zilu to find out where the ferry was. Attachment: That is, the pèi , holding in his hand the chews and reins used to control the cattle. Chang Frustrated asked Zilu, "Who is that person who is in charge?" Zi Lu went over to ask for directions, and the reins were given to Confucius's hands. Zilu said, "It's Kong Qiu." Chang Frustrated said, "Is it Kong Qiu of the Lu Kingdom?" Zilu said, "Yes." Chang Frustrated said, "Then he should know the location of the ferry." "Long frustrated means, Kong Qiu doesn't know everything? How can you not know where the ferry is? This is also a deliberate attempt to disparage Confucius.

There is a problem here, when Zilu introduced Confucius to others, he did not say "Confucius", nor did he say "Confucius", but said the full name "Kong Qiu". Some people think that it is unruly for students to call the teacher's name directly. It has also been suggested that it would be okay if introduced to the elderly. In the present, this is certainly not right. For example, when we introduce our teacher to others, we will definitely not call him by his name, but will say that this is Teacher Zhang, Teacher Li. As for how the ceremonies were prescribed in the Spring and Autumn Period, it is really unclear here.

"Pioneers" and "Pioneers".

Chang Frustrated deliberately did not answer Zi lu's question, and Zi Lu had to continue to ask Zi Lu. He said, "Who are you?" Zilu said, "I am Zhongyu." He said, "Is it a disciple of Kong Qiu of the Kingdom of Lu?" Zilu said, "Yes." He said, "Whoever is a troller is in the world, and who will change it?" "The Rapper: Something bad like a flood. Refers to the appearance of turmoil and uneasiness. Easy: Change, change, reform. The world is in turmoil everywhere, who should we work with to change the status quo? KEY: Same avoidance. Pioneers: Heroes who avoid bad people, in this case Confucius. The Man of the World: The hermit who avoids the chaotic world. This refers to the hermits who are depressed and drowned. "And instead of following the pioneers, how could it be from the pioneers of the world?" Ji Yu told ZiLu, and instead of following the people who avoid people, why don't you follow those of us who are hiding from society? Yōu: Cover seeds with soil. DROPOUT: Stop. Perseverance: Still do not stop the farm work in hand. While talking to Zilu, he was working.

Birds and beasts cannot be in the same group

The sub-road is told. The Master wondered, "Birds and beasts must not be with the same group, and who are the disciples of the Wufeisi people with?" There is a way under the heavens, and Qiu is not with Yiye. "Surprise: Dazed, frustrated. Zi lu returned and told Confucius about the process of asking for directions, and Confucius lamented that these hermits did not understand their own minds. Zhu Zi's note: "I am afraid, I am sorry that I do not know my own intentions." Those who should speak with the same group, the Si people, how can no one escape from the world and think that it is clean? "Confucius meant that of course it was ren who should be in the same group, and how could he regard escaping from the world as high purity?" Birds and beasts cannot be in the same group" can be interpreted in many ways. One says that birds and beasts cannot coexist in groups; the other says that man cannot coexist with birds and beasts. There is also a saying that man cannot coexist with birds and beasts, but can only live with humans. Expressed his ambition to change the status quo because he could not be a hermit. This understanding is best suited to the ideas expressed in this chapter. Confucius said with great disappointment: Man cannot coexist with birds and animals, so who else can he deal with if he deals with people in different worlds? If there is a way in the world, I don't need to work with you on reform.

Confucius's WTO accession and reform thinking

Zhu Zi's note: "If the world has been peacefully ruled, then I am useless to change it." There is no way for the world, so I want to change the ear with the way. Cheng Zi said, "The saints do not dare to have the heart to forget the world, so their words are also like this." Zhang Ziyi: "The benevolence of a saint is not to be abandoned by the world without a way." Confucius meant that if there is a way under the heavens, the state is a state of living and working in peace and contentment of "the old man is at peace, the friend believes in it, and the little one carries it", where do we need to reform it? So "Yau is not with Easy also". EASY: Change. It is appropriate to use "reform" to understand the word "easy". Now that there is no way in the world, scholars should use the Tao to change the world, they should "cooperate with Yiye", and they should actively participate in reform. Confucius meant that if there is a way under the heavens, there is no need for reform, and if there is no way under the world, reform must be carried out. People with lofty ideals should not forget their duties and aspirations, and should take the world as their own responsibility, and should not abandon their ideals and abandon the world because there is no way under the world. The saint is completely different from these hermits, and he is devoted to the tao and to the life of the people. His heart, ambition, and virtue are not on the same level as the average self-purifying hermit.

Confucius sympathized with and respected the hermits who lived in seclusion and cleaned themselves, and did not reject the practices of hermits such as Chu frenzied public opinion, long depression, and drowning. He also advocated that "if there is a way in the world, it is seen, and if there is no way, it is hidden." "But that's for the average gentleman. He has repeatedly propagated the idea of "doing things with the Tao, not stopping", and "doing what you use, and hiding what you give up", and he also praised the power and change behavior of the micro and mikos, giving them the highest evaluation of "benevolent". But sympathy and appreciation are given to others, and as far as himself and his beloved disciples are concerned, not only will they not be hermits, but they will have a positive attitude of joining the world and a humanitarian sentiment that wants to save the people of Water and Fire. Although we are well aware of the limitations of our own strength, and our efforts may not be able to save the decline, we must also do our best and use the power of our microblogs to do something for this increasingly chaotic society. Confucianism is different from Taoism, Confucianism does not advocate the practice of passive avoidance of the world, even if you can't rule the country and the world together, you must be alone and be a morally cultivated person. Confucius was such a practical practitioner. It is precisely because there is no way in the world that he led his disciples to tirelessly run around and appeal for the reform of society, which is a valuable sense of distress and a sense of historical responsibility. To realize the ideal in your heart, you have to search hard to promote the path in your heart.

In the end, he did not tell the sub-road where the ferry port was. But it is intended to cross people, quite Zen. But Confucius is the state of mind of I who does not go to hell, and aims to "easy" this "gushing" world, "know that it can not be done" also! As Kang Youwei said: "The coming of the gai saints, knowing that the chaotic world is dull, comes to save them, not to enjoy them with his happiness." Therefore, the world is ruled, the chaotic world is saved, and the special hell is saved. Si so for the Great Sage Great Ren with! Compassion, compassion, the suffering of the flow, tireless, still see it. (Analects)

Daoke Village:

Where the chaotic world is dull and pure, how can we enjoy avoiding the world alone;

If there is a road in the world, I am willing to drown with the long depression.