
Those grandmothers who are no longer willing to be "takeovers" are "reality" or "son preference"?

Before that, there were many stories about "now popular looking for a grandmother's daughter with a baby." "Especially because the daughter-in-law who can't handle the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law likes to find her mother to help bring the baby, and it is more reassuring to hand it over to the mother herself, which also shows the situation that the grandmother brings the grandchildren and the grandchildren together."

Those grandmothers who are no longer willing to be "takeovers" are "reality" or "son preference"?

Nowadays, it is subject to all kinds of gossip, resulting in the phenomenon of grandmother refusing to take the baby, and the reason behind it you can also guess eight or nine inseparable from ten, as to whether there is a reason, it depends on how the individual understands, there is no right or wrong.

First, it has nothing to do with the preference for sons and daughters and reality, and the grandmother who does not want to be a "receiver" to "see through the red dust"

First of all, the first aspect that Grandma takes into account with her baby is to affect the relationship between daughter and mother-in-law, originally the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the first difficult thing in the world, and if it is not handled well, it is "the outbreak of war", and Grandma, as a person who has experience in this area and is in this kind of relationship, can naturally feel empathy.

Those grandmothers who are no longer willing to be "takeovers" are "reality" or "son preference"?

Because, as a grandmother, you should help your daughter to deal with the relationship with her mother-in-law, not to escape. I also believe that every grandmother will love her grandson, how can she not want to bring it, in the late years, there are grandchildren can not be a very "show off" thing between their sisters? So this does not bring a baby is not the other does not bring a baby. It is more out of consideration for the sake of her daughter's future life.

Children can also serve as a bridge between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. However, it also pays attention to the art of dealing with relationships. Young people should be more generous, since the mother-in-law is "old and stubborn", we will give way to the point, take more initiative to communicate effectively, in order to better make the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law go to a higher level, and the husband can also fight for your career more at ease.

If the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are unhappy, naturally the relationship between the whole family will become very stiff, affecting the children, and it is precisely because of this consideration that there will be a phenomenon of "letting go" of the grandmother.

Those grandmothers who are no longer willing to be "takeovers" are "reality" or "son preference"?

The second bitterness is that some grandmothers are also grandmothers, and it is indeed very tiring to bring a few babies when they are older, if there is some deviation in the treatment of children, then the daughter-in-law will not make trouble, so they all have their own grievances.

Especially the grandmothers who have been promoted to grandma's success, basically they are not willing to help bring their nephews, and it is still okay to occasionally temporarily live with them, which can also promote the relationship between grandma and children, and the tiredness of taking the baby is also known, and how much pressure there is to weigh themselves.

If you meet a daughter-in-law who can understand, and a relatively young grandmother, it is also okay to bring a few, after all, it is your own mother, who is distressed about her children, how can she bear to refuse.

Those grandmothers who are no longer willing to be "takeovers" are "reality" or "son preference"?

Conclusion: As the hope of a new generation, young people should try to be as independent as possible and not rely on their parents for everything. Children or parents with relatively close, do not because the mother-in-law does not bring, on the heart of the complaint, revenge, are a family to understand each other.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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