
Deep life | online learning photography, calligraphy, cultural boutique resources exhibition do not miss

According to the unified deployment of the city's new crown epidemic prevention and control, since March 14, the city has launched the "slow button", and the service of cultural center stations at all levels has been suspended. However, during the closure period, the service "does not close", and the Shenzhen Municipal Cultural Center has launched a series of online services to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the broad masses of the people during the epidemic prevention and control period.

1. Home epidemic prevention rainbow classroom

In addition to the normal operation of online service clients such as digital culture centers, WeChat public accounts, and video numbers, recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Cultural Center, together with the cultural centers (cultural and sports centers) of various districts, has launched the public welfare network classroom teaching work after careful preparation, and officially launched the "Red Silk on the Clouds" Shenzhen Cultural Center Alliance Home Epidemic Prevention Rainbow Classroom, which provided 22 hours of courses including Chinese dance, calligraphy and painting, vocal music, Cantonese opera, violin, photography, drama, calligraphy and other disciplines on the first day of launch.

Deep life | online learning photography, calligraphy, cultural boutique resources exhibition do not miss

The Shenzhen Municipal Center of Culture actively organizes professional teachers to record a large number of teaching materials at home, provides rich teaching resources for online classes, and ensures that the "Red Silk on the Cloud" series of course platforms is updated daily, so that the general public can also take what they need without leaving home and enjoy wonderful cultural courses.

2. "Exhibition and Broadcast of Thematic Cultural Quality Resources"

In addition, in order to enrich the citizens' weekly "slow life", alleviate the anxiety at home, and allow the citizens to appreciate more mass cultural products, the Municipal Cultural Center also specially launched the "Special Cultural Quality Resource Exhibition", which displayed 8 municipal quality activities and 32 special exhibitions online.

Deep life | online learning photography, calligraphy, cultural boutique resources exhibition do not miss

Nearly 300 wonderful videos, with a total duration of 26,000 minutes, including "Children's Art Flower Festival", "Pengcheng Golden Autumn Citizens' Cultural Festival", "We Enter the Art Hall", "Chinese Excellent Cultural Activities Inheritance Series Activities" and other municipal brand projects in recent years, nearly 1,000 pairs of excellent art, calligraphy and photography works in the special exhibition have been selected from Shenzhen's "National Tour exhibition of excellent art works in the cultural system" and "The Eleventh Fine Arts Calligraphy and Photography Joint Exhibition of Guangdong Province" in recent years. Fully display the level and spiritual outlook of the city's qunwen artistic creation for the public to learn and appreciate.

Deep life | online learning photography, calligraphy, cultural boutique resources exhibition do not miss

In the face of this war without smoke of gunfire, the shenzhen cultural center online service "does not close", the popularization of art for the whole people does not stop, will continue to launch online cultural resources covering the needs of citizens of all ages and friends, to send cultural care to the majority of citizens during the epidemic, to support the fight against the epidemic, so that the "slow life" at home is equally wonderful. You can pay attention to the "Shenzhen Cultural Center" public account to get more new information and new excitement.

[Reporter] Guo Yue

【Author】 Guo Yue

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

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