
The mobile game "Forgetting the River Wind" shoulders the burden of traditional culture and is praised by Xinhua News Agency

In the face of the impact of new culture, today's traditional culture seems to be gradually forgotten by young people.

How to improve such a dilemma has become something worth thinking about. A recent article on Xinhua News Agency seems to give a good idea - maybe the combination of new culture and traditional culture can bring different excitement!

The mobile game "Forgetting the River Wind" shoulders the burden of traditional culture and is praised by Xinhua News Agency

It is this innovative idea that has opened up new continents for many game manufacturers.

From the journey to the west linkage of the glory of the king, the opera style elements of the original god, and then to the "Forgotten River Wind Hualu" mobile game praised by Xinhua News Agency, when they are linked with traditional culture, more players also feel a different Chinese style, but in so many cultural linkages, why is the "Forgotten River Wind Hualu" mobile game won the praise of Xinhua News Agency?

In fact, it is not difficult to see the reason from the interaction between it and the player on weekdays.

The mobile game "Forgetting the River Wind" shoulders the burden of traditional culture and is praised by Xinhua News Agency

In an interview, the developers of Forgotten River Style Hualu said, "We believe that the Forgotten River mobile game is further than other games: we are not self-congratulatory and one-way to spread traditional culture, but to create with players and pass on traditional culture in an innovative form." Behind such self-confidence is the huge and creative fan-made team of the "Forgotten River Style" mobile game.

The mobile game "Forgetting the River Wind" shoulders the burden of traditional culture and is praised by Xinhua News Agency

Take the recently launched hero Liang Hongyu as an example, as a famous anti-Gold general in the southern Song Dynasty in history, this heroine with high martial arts and good at music and dance is not well known, while the "Forgotten River Wind Hualu" mobile game invited the Chongqing Peking Opera House to carry out cross-border linkage, and the development team also visited the actor of the Peking Opera "Liang Hongyu", the vice president of the Chongqing Peking Opera House, and the third generation of Peking Opera Shangpai art - Zhou Li, and worked with her to create The Liang Hongyu in the game.

The mobile game "Forgetting the River Wind" shoulders the burden of traditional culture and is praised by Xinhua News Agency

In the end, under the strong joint creation of the two sides, Liang Hongyu's perfect opera artistic image in the mobile game "Forgetting the River Wind" was born. Whether it is the red jade inlaid on the crown of Liang Hongyu's head, or the "Song" character painted in small seal font on Liang Hongyu's flower gun battle flag... Everywhere there is a shadow of traditional culture.

The mobile game "Forgetting the River Wind" shoulders the burden of traditional culture and is praised by Xinhua News Agency

With "Forgotten Rivers" taking 5,000 years of Chinese history and culture as the foundation of the IP, in addition to telling the well-known stories of historical celebrities, it is also keen to present the stories of historical figures who are not familiar but wonderful.

Traditional cultural stories like Liang Hongyu can be seen everywhere in the world of Forgotten River, and it is precisely because of this that they will be praised by Xinhua News Agency! After all, true heroes should not be buried in the long river of history, we must not only know Yue Fei and Li Bai, but also know that history is the basic knowledge that every Chinese son and daughter must reserve.

The mobile game "Forgetting the River Wind" shoulders the burden of traditional culture and is praised by Xinhua News Agency

After all, the combination of modern games and traditional culture is actually a deeper inheritance, as Zhou Li once said in an interview: "I was influenced by my grandfather and father since I was a child, they often took me to the theater to watch the play, in fact, at that time I couldn't understand what was played on the stage, but I just thought the costumes and headdresses were particularly beautiful." "A similar generation of young players may not immediately learn the whole story of a historical celebrity, a traditional art form, through forgotten rivers, but through it it establishes the original feeling and sows the seeds of interest."

Nowadays, the seeds of these interests are also sprinkled in the hearts of players, and I believe that the future will also grow into towering trees and create a different era!

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