
The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

In order to strengthen the awareness of the protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China, the "Top Ten Annual National IP Selection" came into being, and now it has been held for the second time, and each selection meeting covers 18 tracks, including animation, intangible cultural heritage, finance, cross-border joint name, sports and other fields.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

In the top ten annual national IP selection activities in 2021, the competition of the film and television track is particularly fierce, "On the Cliff", "Miracle Stupid Child", "Chosin Lake Water Gate Bridge" are selected; the music circle has the hairy "Young Bird Guide", Zhou Shen's "Spring with Light" with super high votes topped the list, it can be seen that the popularity of these musicians' works is very high.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

Among them, the cross-border joint track is quite surprising, unlike other tracks, the most influential IP in the intangible cultural heritage, most of them are related to the game, and the game X intangible cultural heritage has become the mainstream, which is eye-catching.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

For example, "Glory of the King" in 2021 cross-border joint brand is very many, many of which are related to intangible cultural heritage, such as Zhuang Zhou's guqin skin "alpine flowing water", so that players feel the charm of the Chinese guqin at close range, the glory of the king incarnated as an intangible cultural heritage guqin promotion ambassador, with the player to inherit the beauty of the guqin, this move is appreciated.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

In fact, in recent years, the game company's sense of social responsibility has become stronger and stronger, and the cooperation with the intangible cultural heritage is also more and more, in addition to the glory of the king frequently incarnated as the ambassador of the intangible cultural heritage, like the "Original God" in the 2.4 version of the launch of the role of Yunyan with many opera elements, relying on a song "Goddess Split View" to become popular around the world, but also caused a boom in intangible cultural heritage, including Oh Na, Guqin, Yue opera, Kunqu opera have joined the second creation queue, countless young people have learned about traditional Chinese culture through the "Goddess Splitting View" Erchuang.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

Tencent, Mihayou is keen to link intangible cultural heritage, netease such a big factory is naturally not far behind, its major national style games and intangible cultural heritage cross-border linkage non-stop, one of the national style mobile game "Forgetting The River Wind Hualu", on the linkage of intangible cultural heritage.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

Not long ago, "Forgetting the River Wind" cooperated with Chongqing Peking Opera House and Peking Opera artist Zhou Li to launch the role of Liang Hongyu, and there are many opera elements in the design of this role, which is eye-catching.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

The design on Liang Hongyu's crown is rich in meaning - the inlaid red jade both implies her name and incorporates the details of the traditional Peking Opera hair crown. Liang Hongyu's flower gun battle flag is also painted with the "Song" character of the small seal font, as well as the ancient battle flag elements, these small details make the game appear high-end and atmospheric.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?
The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

After the launch of Liang Hongyu, it was widely welcomed by players, and "Forgetting the River Style" did not stop the pace of promoting traditional culture, and did not forget to send players a "non-heritage gift" during the New Year: the Xianju Flower Lantern, known as the "First Lamp of China", was launched, and also invited the inheritor of the Xianju Flower Lantern of the national intangible cultural heritage project - Wang Rulan, to explain the history, culture and production skills of the Xianju Needle Piercing Boneless Flower Lantern for the players, and the players said that they had learned it.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?
The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

It is undeniable that on top of the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, the carrier of the game is very close to young people, so it is a good choice to let more people understand traditional Chinese culture through the way of game X intangible cultural heritage. And there are so many games X intangible cultural heritage IP in the "Top Ten National IP Selection in 2021", which is also affirmed by the official.

The top ten annual national IP opened the selection, and the cross-border joint track lit up: all games X intangible cultural heritage?

The "Top Ten National IP Selections of 2021" campaign is still in hot voting, if you also have your favorite works, you may wish to vote for it.

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