
Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

A week ago, an officially certified account called "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" quickly attracted widespread attention after the low-key appearance of the media platform, and the work with the name of the domestic two-dimensional game that has achieved excellent results at home and abroad in the past few years is suspected to be the official derivative of the IP.

Just when players were immersed in the discussion of the association between "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" and "Ark of Tomorrow", some people were surprised to find that "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" had registered a number of official accounts in the United States, Japan, South Korea and other official accounts on Twitter and launched simultaneously, and for a time the attention of "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" quickly spread from China to the world.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

Everyone knows that the "big" may be coming. A few days ago, the domestic and overseas media accounts of "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" released a pilot trailer pv, and the official website of the countdown in different languages was launched synchronously, and the end of the countdown was locked at 11:00 a.m. Beijing time on the 18th, that is, today.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

A two-minute concept CG, a 1-minute real-time demonstration video, a large number of text setting introductions and screen displays, the content released by "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" this time is enough to make the players at home and abroad who love the "Ark of Tomorrow" series climax for a while, and I also noticed that in this carnival of Ark's new work, a seed has been planted steadily in the player's subconscious.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

Released for half an hour, quickly rushed to the first hot search of B station

After Ark of Tomorrow and From Stardust, Eagle Point's Ark of Tomorrow: The End may be the first to challenge the positioning of global players.


Another carnival of "boat scholars" at home and abroad

Whether at home or abroad, the players of "Ark of Tomorrow" have a unified and interesting nickname "Ark of Tomorrow", which mainly refers to the fact that because of the details of the world view of "Ark of Tomorrow", players have always maintained a high frequency and enthusiasm for mining game content and details, which reflects the excellence and success of "Tomorrow's Ark" in the overall quality.

With the above points, "Tomorrow's Ark" has become one of the few domestic original IP games that have achieved excellent results in the world in recent years, and it has maintained a very high influence in the field of two-dimensional games, so when "Tomorrow's Ark: The End" appears in front of the player's vision, the player is not calm in an instant.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

Why? Think about it, there is still more than 1 month is the third anniversary of the launch of the "Ark of Tomorrow" national costume, in the past 3 years, "Ark of Tomorrow" has evolved from a simple game to an IP with a certain comprehensive influence in the field of entertainment, players look forward to the performance of "Ark of Tomorrow" in various fields, and "Ark of Tomorrow" has also proved itself in music, film and television and other cross-media linkage, not to mention a new IP work of "Ark of Tomorrow".

After the launch of several overseas official Twitter accounts of "Ark of Tomorrow: The End", several accounts quickly received a large number of player relations, of which the official account of Rifu received more than 25,000 player attention before the 18th, and the PV of the pilot trailer received tens of thousands of forwards and likes in just a few hours after its release.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

The domestic situation is even more exaggerated, after the four versions of the pilot PV in China, Japan, Britain and South Korea were launched on the B station, as of March 18, they have received more than 1.5 million hits, and the comments at the bottom have exceeded 16,000, which is just the feedback of the pilot PV.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

Interestingly, I noticed that many players and anchors at home and abroad who were looking forward to Ark of Tomorrow: The End of the World started the live broadcast early a few hours before the countdown, and stayed in front of the live broadcast room, which I may have only seen before the release of a new work by a well-known producer at the launch of some major game manufacturers.

After today's official exposure, a large number of players have been searched at home and abroad, and KOL has produced content about "Ark of Tomorrow: The End", with frame-by-frame video analysis, super-long content analysis, and speculation about the details of the world view. Eagle Point Network's new work can get such enthusiastic public opinion feedback across the whole range, and this scene is also very similar to the scene when the "Ark of Tomorrow" national costume was launched in the summer of 2019.

However, this time, Eagle Horn wants to let global players "party" together.


Expect and be expected

As a veteran player of "Ark of Tomorrow", I browsed a large number of dry goods released by "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" for the first time, and also deeply perceived from the perspective of players why "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" will attract widespread attention from players at home and abroad. In addition to the IP itself, "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" has too many surprises in the content this time.

First of all, the art, Eagle Horn has conquered a large number of players through a unique art style in the past, and as the first 3D work of the "Ark of Tomorrow" IP, the overall art style of "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" continues the artistic aesthetic of the "Ark of Tomorrow" industry and functional wind, and then on this basis, the design of characters and architecture has more "light science fiction" elements because of the difference in active scenes.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

The integrated machinery for precise navigation, the rapid deployment of sophisticated buildings, and the content medium transmitted at the speed of light actually illustrate this point, which is in stark contrast to the yellow sand, wasteland and abandoned and lost buildings in the PV.

The same is true in character design, at present, the PV and publicity map have been disclosed in several character costume styles are more biased towards the "light science fiction" works of people's regular clothing, retaining elements of daily life, while adding scientific research and industrial design in texture and detail design, which is also the core of the "Ark of Tomorrow" IP character aesthetics.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

Then there is the technical power of the game in 3D, the official real machine demonstrates the heroine Perica and another protagonist group member on the big map to explore the process, the overall scene is very beautiful, especially the last few seconds of standing on the road and looking around, vegetation, sunlight, water flow, green leaves, at a glance it is difficult to imagine that this is a "doomsday" world, the overall picture quality is excellent, although this is only the second 3D work of Eagle Point Network.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

And that full of high-energy CG not to mention, this time "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" trailer CG in the form of a full 3D animation to release surprises and surprises, the picture and music complement each other, 2 minutes more time is not long, but through a simple plot process and off-site monologue, but also told a good story that a PV should tell.

As for the core gameplay of the game, "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" seems to have chosen a comprehensive RTS + RPG wild road, just like the core tower defense gameplay of "Ark of Tomorrow" is actually a combination of battle flag + tower defense, and the core gameplay of "Ark of Tomorrow: The End" can play what new tricks under the condition of ensuring differentiation, which is currently a point of concern for players.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

In addition, the plot, characters, scenes, gameplay, etc. are all keen to discuss by players, and unfortunately, Eagle Horn's best "musical" talent is not shown much in this exposure.

But I think, because no one would doubt the musical performance of Ark of Tomorrow: The End.


At the time of this article, Ark of Tomorrow: The End has become a hot topic on social and media platforms in China, Japan, South Korea and other countries, and as a loyal player of Ark, I can feel the true emotions of this boom.

Now to answer the question we asked at the beginning. As an emerging game company that has attracted much attention in recent years, with the great success of "Ark of Tomorrow" in 2019, Eagle Horn is known as one of the Shanghai F4 in the domestic game circle, and as a young company focusing on the production of high-quality content, Eagle Horn knows what its positioning is.

The original explosion of "Ark of Tomorrow" was promoted by many factors, and it is precisely because Eagle Horn failed to verify a lot of logic through "Ark of Tomorrow", and the future global game trend is undoubtedly more industrial and boutique, using a mature system to efficiently produce game content while establishing pan-"3A" single-platform or cross-platform commercial works.

Laying the first seed of globalization, the ambition of Eagle Horn's new work "Ark of Tomorrow" cannot be hidden

"Ark of Tomorrow: The End" obviously carries such a task, and from the exposed content, its gameplay, graphics, scenes and other key indicators are also obviously intended to work towards the pan-"3A" efforts and move closer, and the answer seems to have been called out.

Ark of Tomorrow: The End is Eagle Horn's first step toward globalization and the first seed it has laid on global propaganda.

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