
William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads



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Edited by Peng Peng

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads


Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? The British royal family has put on another good show! This time, the protagonist is not Harry and Meghan, but our Prince William!

Who said that a prince would only play polo on horseback? Our William is hidden! Just a few tricks, let stepmother Camilla and the junior Ross obediently bow their heads. It seems that the palace fighting drama of the British royal family is even more exciting than our "The Legend of Zhen Huan"!

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

Prince William: If you don't make a hit, it's a blockbuster

Dear readers, do you remember the shy and shy Prince William in the past? The "vase" prince who is thought to be only smiling and posing?

Well, let's throw this impression in the trash!

Because William recently is simply a living "palace fighting master"!

He not only succeeded in smashing the conspiracy of his stepmother Camilla, but also made the junior named Rose voluntarily withdraw from the princess competition. This operation is even more exciting than "Game of Thrones"!

I have to say that William really blew our minds this time. It seems that the Queen's personal training is really not covered, this means, this scheming, tsk, tsk, worthy of the future King of England!

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

Camilla vs William: Stepmother and stepson

Speaking of Camilla, this stepmother is really not willing to be lonely.

On the surface, she was amiable to William, shook hands and didn't say anything, and cast a doting look. This acting, I'm afraid I can win an Oscar, right?

But how could the clever William be deceived by such superficial effort? He knew very well in his heart that Camilla's mind and plan were not simple at all.

However, in order to take care of the overall situation, William temporarily released the stepmother. This political wisdom, I have to say, is very kingly!

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

But don't think that's the end of it. This open and secret battle between stepmother and stepchild has just begun!

Recently, William has taught Camilla a vivid lesson. While receiving the Japanese emperor, William skillfully arranged for Camilla to appear.

This trick is amazing! Why? Because the Emperor of Japan is an old friend of William's mother Diana!

In this way, it is tantamount to reminding everyone: Hey, look at this Ms. Camilla, she is the little mistress who ruined Diana's marriage!

And that's not all. In doing so, William is still conveying a message to Camilla: who is in charge of the current British royal family.

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

William's counterattack: the master has made a move, step by step

Speaking of which, you may ask: Where did William get such confidence?

Don't worry, and listen to me slowly.

Since officially becoming crown princes two years ago, William and Kate have embarked on their "official journey". This couple is a bit famous in the international arena and is known as the "royal diplomat"!

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

Their influence can be said to far exceed that of Charles and Camilla. This made Camilla anxious, for fear that her position as queen would not be guaranteed.

So, Camila began to play tricks. Kate has disappeared for six months, and there may be Camilla's shadow behind her.

However, William was not a vegetarian. Even without Kate by his side, he is still very good diplomatically. This is really beyond the reach of Camilla's children!

William's counterattack can be said to be step-by-step, and the move is fatal.

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

At the Royal Race, Camilla wanted to take the opportunity to exclude Kate's mother's family. Unexpectedly, William threw off the title of crown prince, and directly invited his father-in-law and mother-in-law to participate, and gave him VIP treatment!

This really made Kate's mother's family raise their eyebrows. You know, they used to participate in royal activities, but they couldn't even go through the servant passage!

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

Rose's Exit: The Clever Calculation of a Smart Man

After talking about Camilla, let's talk about the "little three" named Ross.

William made up his mind this time and promised Kate to cut ties with Rose. That's a tall move! It both calmed Kate's heart and gave Rose a clear signal.

And what about Rose? She's not a fuel-efficient lamp. After William's statement, she immediately quit acquaintancely.

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

But don't think Ross just threw in the towel. This woman is shrewd! She did this for two reasons:

First, leave in style, so that William will remember it deeply. Maybe one day William will think of her and be able to continue the edge!

Second, who knows what will happen to Kate's physical condition? In case of any accidents, Rose may be able to become William's successor!

I have to say, this Ross has a good calculation!

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

Netizens are hotly discussed: everyone expresses their own opinions, and everyone has different opinions

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think:

"Prince William is amazing! Worthy of the future king, this skill, this wisdom, simply! "

Some netizens also said:

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads
"It's not easy for Camilla, marrying Charles has already borne so much infamy, and now she has to deal with such a smart stepson, it's really difficult!"

Some netizens put forward different opinions:

"I think Kate is the best. Silently supporting her husband, and at the same time dealing with her stepmother and rivals, this determination and wisdom is the real king's demeanor! "

Some netizens expressed puzzlement about Rose's behavior:

"What the hell does this Ross think? Do you really think there's still a chance? Is the threshold of the royal family so easy to cross? "
William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

There are also netizens who are critical of the whole incident:

"Is it interesting that these royals are intriguing all day long? It's better to serve the people well! "

Some netizens expressed their doubts about the entire royal system:

"In the 21st century, don't the British feel backward? When will the royal family be abolished? "

Of course, there are also some voices of reason:

"It's one thing for us outsiders to see the excitement, but for the person concerned, it may be the whole of their life. We should still respect them and give them some privacy. "
William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

Written at the end: The play is not over, don't rush to the end

Readers, seeing this, do you think this royal drama is wonderful and climaxing?

But let's not jump to conclusions. Because behind this glamorous royal family, everyone has their own hardships and helplessness.

William won beautifully, but his challenge had just begun. How to balance family and royal responsibilities, and how to deal with possible crises in the future, these are all issues that he needs to face.

Although Camila bowed her head for the time being, she would never give up easily. She was still waiting for a new opportunity, one that would allow her to remain the queen.

As for Rose, although she is now out of the stage, who knows what will happen in the future?

William is not a vegetarian! A few simple moves made Camilla and Rose bow their heads

So, readers, how do you think this royal drama will develop in the future? Will William be able to successfully tackle all challenges? Will Camila make a comeback? Will Ross really quit just that? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area!

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