
Kamen Rider Demons Enhanced Form Transformers speculates that the probability of Menda returning to hold it is very high

Some time ago we also said that Kamen Rider Demons has a reinforcement form that surpasses Demons, and now Kamen Rider Demos also has three transformers, and fans also have their own views on this enhanced form of transfiguration, so let's talk about it separately

Kamen Rider Demons Enhanced Form Transformers speculates that the probability of Menda returning to hold it is very high

First, the debut of Menda's return

As the first transformer of Kamen Rider Demons, Although he was tossed very badly, his popularity was still very good, and the official also specially produced a sequel. So this transcendent Demons is most likely its regression transformation, overcoming side effects, transcending limits, and surpassing Demons.

Kamen Rider Demons Enhanced Form Transformers speculates that the probability of Menda returning to hold it is very high

Second, Kirch Kanzaki's own upgraded form

We know that in the next episode, Kanazaki will transform into Kamen Rider Demons, as a knight chef, after the first transformation will definitely seek more powerful powers, coupled with its previous precedent of transforming the belt for Eurut, so this time beyond TheMons is most likely transformed by himself.

Kamen Rider Demons Enhanced Form Transformers speculates that the probability of Menda returning to hold it is very high

Third, Weekend's new knight

We know that the creator of the Demons Drive is Makoto, and the founder of Weekend is Masumi, so the transcendent Demons here are most likely a powerful knight form that Masumi has equipped his colleagues. Leave a message to tell us what you think.

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