
Kamen Rider revive ushered in a new form of the new knight suspected Timmons, and Tyrannosaurus fused turnips were revealed

It's the final stage of April, and information about May is about to be made public. Here we also saw the new intelligence of the Super Clan and Kamen Rider side, the Tyrannosauru Clan side is mainly related to the newly debuted turnip, and the five people finally ushered in the combination of turnips called Ghost Retreat, which still looks quite handsome. The Kamen Rider side ushered in a new Kamen Rider, from the styling point of view is a bit similar to Bell's feeling, but the body seems to be Timons, do not rule out that this is the final form of Timons, it seems that the possibility of The return of Menda in May is still quite large.

Kamen Rider revive ushered in a new form of the new knight suspected Timmons, and Tyrannosaurus fused turnips were revealed

This time, the cover is still composed of three special shots, as for why not mention Ultraman's side. Because before the official broadcast, the magazine picture should not have too much relevant introduction of Daika Ultraman, after all, in the previous preview and successive intelligence, The intelligence that Daika Ultraman can disclose at this stage has basically been made public, here we have seen the three basic forms of Daika Ultraman to debut, the appearance is still quite good, in the Magazine chart in May there will be further modeling pictures, of course, some of the monsters that appeared on the scene, which we can look forward to.

Kamen Rider revive ushered in a new form of the new knight suspected Timmons, and Tyrannosaurus fused turnips were revealed

Back to Kamen Rider Revive, Kamen Rider Reverce should have quite a few stories to tell in May. After all, the plot of Kamen Rider Revive did not progress much throughout April, and in May Keeff will officially debut. Coupled with the possibility that Aguirera will become a new female knight, and the strongest forms of Sakura and Menda, overall, May is quite interesting.

Kamen Rider revive ushered in a new form of the new knight suspected Timmons, and Tyrannosaurus fused turnips were revealed

In this cover we also see a brand new knight, who can be said to be a combination of Bell and Timons. It could be Bell using other demonic seals, or it could be over Timons. Personally, I think that the probability of the former is relatively large, and the latter also has a certain possibility, but if it is only to change colors and piece together, it is not too perfunctory. If it's the latter, it's basically locked in the story of Menda in May to return. There is also a complete picture of this form made by fans, which is mainly based on accurate information on magazine pictures!

Kamen Rider revive ushered in a new form of the new knight suspected Timmons, and Tyrannosaurus fused turnips were revealed

Then there is the Tyrannosauru Team, which is a special super team work at present. Because so far, there are no fit turnips. In May, the intelligence finally mentioned this, unlike the previous super team, this time it was the fusion of turnip parts made of five people incarnated, and it was quite handsome in terms of styling, looking forward to his performance in the play.

Kamen Rider revive ushered in a new form of the new knight suspected Timmons, and Tyrannosaurus fused turnips were revealed

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