
Kamen Rider Thursday: There are demons in Timons, and the truth about Phoenix is about to be revealed!

Kamen Rider revive was aired in 19 episodes last week, and there is still a lot of information revealed in this story. First of all, there is indeed a powerful demon in The timons Drive, followed by Aguirera's attachment to Lord Kif, and the other is Phoenix's so-called truth and the growth of Ichiki, and what I did not expect most is the change of Ichiki, who no longer plays the leading role in the 19-episode story. But Yihui's image is much calmer than in the past, so he is really curious about what stories Yihui will experience before he will usher in the blackening of the op!

Kamen Rider Thursday: There are demons in Timons, and the truth about Phoenix is about to be revealed!

When the squid cadre stared at the god Mons belt, we basically identified the demon familiar to the squid cadre in the Timons belt. Later, the new little sister also told Monda that his body had reached a state of about 80 years old, and perhaps this demon was not an evil being, so he would take the initiative to warn Monda so that Monda would no longer use his own power to transform. Ryuhiko also said something very excessive to Monda because of the side effects of Timmons, but for Monda, Ryuhiko can be said to be his biggest warmth. After all, after the death of the commander and the betrayal of Chikusa, Menta was indeed a little disheartened, and he seemed to be abandoned again like a child, and this time it was even more tragic, because his body was no longer strong.

Kamen Rider Thursday: There are demons in Timons, and the truth about Phoenix is about to be revealed!

The entanglement between Akirera and Sakura is still quite interesting, and the positions and performances of these two people are completely reversed from the previous situation. Sakura instead became the one who persuaded Aquirera to give up her demonic status, but Akirera asked Sakura to join the outlaws. However, here we can see Aguirera's attachment to Lord Kif, which is also quite normal, after all, since she was a child, Akirera's goal is to become Lord Kif's wife. Worryingly in this story is the son of the Ushijima family, because he secretly followed Sakura, Aguirera and Frio may be stabbed because of his backstabbing, and Frio's exit is more likely.

Kamen Rider Thursday: There are demons in Timons, and the truth about Phoenix is about to be revealed!

Regarding Chikusa's betrayal, I can only say that there is one more bad woman you like. But what is interesting is the so-called truth in Chikusa's mouth, and the tamarind's Timons belt does not belong to you. If these two paragraphs are combined, coupled with the image of Phoenix in the op, Phoenix may not be as righteous as we think, and the new commander seems to have taken Monita as a victim, and Menda's current situation is really miserable!

Kamen Rider Thursday: There are demons in Timons, and the truth about Phoenix is about to be revealed!

Yihui's transformation, this is something that I personally did not expect. Originally thought that Yihui was a hot-blooded male protagonist, in the story of this sentence, although it is said that Phoenix is the core of the story. But from the side shows Yihui's calmness and INTELLIGENCE, if it is not Yihui arrived in time, it is estimated that Mentian will have a psychological breakdown. Whether it is The hasty transformation of Mentian or the sealing of Ryuhiko, it will lead the story to an unimaginable abyss, and it can only be said that Yihui is an eternal god, and the squid cadres can no wonder that Thursday is the most troublesome existence.

Kamen Rider Thursday: There are demons in Timons, and the truth about Phoenix is about to be revealed!

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