
Famitong's most anticipated game list Final Fantasy XI6 topped the list

Famitong's latest week's most anticipated game leaderboard TOP 10 has now been announced, Final Fantasy XI6 continues to dominate the charts with 705 votes, "Angel Hunter Witch 3" is second, and in third place is "Dragon Quest 10: Offline Edition".

Famitong's most anticipated game list Final Fantasy XI6 topped the list

The list details are as follows:

1. [PS5] Final Fantasy XII6 – 705 votes

2. [Switch] Angel Hunter 3 – 586 votes

3. [Switch] Dragon Quest 10: Offline Edition – 548 votes

4. [Switch] Spratly 3 – 546 votes

5. [Switch] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 – 527 votes

6. [Switch] Kirby of the Stars: Discovery – 435 votes

7. [Switch] Ushiro – 318 votes

8. [PS5] Pragmata – 254 votes

9. [Switch] Monster Hunter Rises: Dawn – 228 votes

10. 【PS4】 Dragon Quest 10: Offline Edition – 159 votes

Famitong's most anticipated game list Final Fantasy XI6 topped the list
Famitong's most anticipated game list Final Fantasy XI6 topped the list

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