
Inventors have been weakened miserably, and versions have been reduced to unpopular lineups, which is the right way for inventors to open up

Genting Game 12.5B update has been two weeks, this 12.5B update is huge and subversive for the version, although two weeks have allowed everyone to gradually adapt to the new version, but the arrival of the new version is still far away. In the 12.5B update, the designers weakened the mechanical bear and the miraculous mechanical dragon of the inventor's summons, the five shackles, mainly the double resistance of the two summons, which further weakened the flesh of the summons. After this weakening, the inventor almost disappeared in the version, and no players took the inventor out of the score anymore.

Inventors have been weakened miserably, and versions have been reduced to unpopular lineups, which is the right way for inventors to open up

But in fact, after the new version is almost completely weakened, the inventor is a very good lineup, we did not try to get out of the lineup, so it caused the illusion that the strength of the inventor is not enough, today Xiaobian will introduce you to a set of inventors' lineup, I hope you can use this lineup of reasonable scores. This lineup is mainly based on five inventors, of course, if there are inventors to change gear or population increase in the late seven inventors can also be completely, why do everyone think that the strength of inventors is not as good as before? In fact, the most fundamental reason is that everyone has not found a reasonable collocation.

Inventors have been weakened miserably, and versions have been reduced to unpopular lineups, which is the right way for inventors to open up

In the S6.5 version, the designer replaced the inventor with Ike, who has been deleted, the 3 feika big inventors, so the inventor bondage has two geek heroes in it, namely EZ and Ike, so the best match of the new version of the inventor bondage is not a celebrity but a geek, after all, the geek can give the shield to the hero inside the bondage and can also add equipment for the hero, how to see is a good strength bondage. So here we choose five inventors who are EZ Time Old Man Ek Salfanie and Jace, where Jace carries the meat suit as the main front row, and Ike can carry ice hearts and ghost books as the assassin who bursts into the back row.

Inventors have been weakened miserably, and versions have been reduced to unpopular lineups, which is the right way for inventors to open up

Of course, if Salefani arrives at 2 stars early enough, she can also give the equipment to Salle Fanny, but only if Salefani can be equipped enough as a deputy C. After having five inventors and then pairing with the four geeks, here the other two geeks choose to match the robot and Jinx, hugging as the main output of this lineup of sheep knives and the hand of justice is essential, the last piece of equipment to choose a big sword, and then let the geeks themselves play to their fullest, as long as the equipment composed of large swords is basically Jinx can be used, which is also the use of geeks to maximize the equipment to play.

Inventors have been weakened miserably, and versions have been reduced to unpopular lineups, which is the right way for inventors to open up

At this point, the lineup has been basically formed, at this time, the choice of the last hero of the seven populations has been used, you can choose the four Feika bodyguard Bronn, and the robot forms a double front row to ensure that the meat of the lineup increases the lineup control, of course, if there is an inventor turn or the inventor population increases, you can also put the alchemy up and then form the seven inventors, after all, the mechanical dragon is higher than the giant bear's blood damage, and the strength of the two summons is no longer on the same level.

Inventors have been weakened miserably, and versions have been reduced to unpopular lineups, which is the right way for inventors to open up

This lineup is finally in the population shape, we need to pay attention to is that with the four geeks have excess equipment must be carried by the geek hero, even if only carry the bulk equipment geek can also increase the shield, but also can turn the parts into a dress, geek is the model of equipment utilization maximization, when using geeks must remember the wool, otherwise the strength of the geeks can not play out at all. In addition, the main C Jinx and the main front row Jace both try to get 2 stars. The advantage of this lineup is that it is not popular, the current version is basically not played, the disadvantage is that the transition is not so smooth, and the requirements for the lineup equipment and molding are relatively high, and players who do not have a certain understanding of the game do not easily try.

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