
It's very slim to eat meat without eating, but I advise you not to do it

In recent years, many Internet celebrity diet diet methods have been on the bar with "carb", such as pure meat diet, ketogenic diet weight loss, carb cycle method and so on.

These diets claim that there is no need to diet, no need to go to the gym, as long as you do not eat or rarely eat carbohydrates, only eat protein and fat, you can make the body automatically burn fat...

Can you lose weight by eating meat every day and not exercising?

It sounds like there is no pain and you can enjoy it, it is simply a good thing to drop pie in the sky, so is this really the case?

It's very slim to eat meat without eating, but I advise you not to do it

Can lose weight, but it is not recommended that everyone try it easily.

The ketogenic diet is actually a diet model that reduces carbohydrate intake and replaces carbohydrates with a moderate amount of protein and high fat, which is more used in the treatment of diseases [1].

It's very slim to eat meat without eating, but I advise you not to do it

Originally, the balanced diet recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, the proportion of calories provided by various nutrients was:

Carbohydrates: 50% to 60%;

Fat: 20% to 30%;

Protein: 10% to 20% [2].

It's very slim to eat meat without eating, but I advise you not to do it

The ketogenic diet reduces the caloric ratio of carbohydrates to 5% to 10%, the fat energy supply ratio to 70% to 80%, and the protein ratio to 20% to 25% [1-3].

It's very slim to eat meat without eating, but I advise you not to do it

In the normal dietary state, carbohydrates are the main energy supply substances of our human body, and the glucose converted from carbohydrates is the "first hand" that provides energy to the brain [4].

When carbohydrate intake is greatly reduced and the body lacks glucose, it is forced to break down fat and produce "ketones" that replace glucose as an alternative energy source for the body [5,6].

In this dietary pattern, fat consumption increases, and ketones may also act on the brain, suppressing appetite.

Therefore, it is indeed possible for the ketogenic diet to achieve the purpose of weight loss and fat loss [7-9].

Although the ketogenic diet can indeed cause some people to lose weight in a short period of time, it is more recommended that you try it under the guidance of a clinical dietitian rather than operating it yourself.

Because the mechanism of the ketogenic diet is very complex and lacks long-term observation, operating on your own may cause these effects on the human body:

1. Tired and irritable

Long-term low carbohydrate diet, prone to hypoglycemia, causing dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, heart rate and other adverse reactions.

It's very slim to eat meat without eating, but I advise you not to do it

The brain also needs to function with plenty of sugar.

Therefore, the lack of carbohydrates may lead to the whole person in a state of confusion, listlessness, fatigue, and even cause confusion in the brain, insomnia, dizziness, irritability and so on.

2. Increase the burden on the liver and kidneys

A long-term high-fat, high-protein diet may increase the metabolic burden on the liver and kidneys, and may make urine acidic, increase urinary calcium excretion, and increase the risk of kidney stones [10,11].

3. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

A long-term high-fat diet, a large intake of animal protein, including red meat, and a reduction in fruit and vegetable intake may increase the risk of hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease, and intestinal cancer [11-14].

It's very slim to eat meat without eating, but I advise you not to do it

4. Nutritional imbalance

Ketogenic diets often reduce intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, which can easily lead to a lack of vitamins, dietary fiber, and phytochemicals in these foods [15].

5. Bounce

Once the carb diet pattern is restored, the body resumes storing glycogen and the weight is likely to rebound rapidly.

It's very slim to eat meat without eating, but I advise you not to do it

In fact, weight loss is not impossible to touch carbohydrates, eat some carbohydrates in moderation, and pay attention to collocation, with exercise, the same can have a good weight loss effect.

For example, you love to eat white rice noodles, steamed buns, bread, noodles and other refined white rice noodles, you can replace some of them with whole grains, miscellaneous beans, and rhizome vegetables, such as oats, quinoa, brown rice, peas, potatoes, yams, etc.

They are as rich in carbohydrates as rice, and also contain more dietary fiber, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and other ingredients.

When replacing white rice noodles, you can start with a small amount, and then gradually increase the proportion after adaptation, up to 25%-30% of the intake of the whole-day staple food.

And be careful to eat whole grains, beans, or potatoes as much as possible, rather than processed whole grain flour.

It's very slim to eat meat without eating, but I advise you not to do it

(Source: Reference 16)

In addition, eating less of the packaged "bad carbs" - added sugar, can also consume a lot less calories, such as milk tea, fruit juice, dishes cooked with a lot of sugar and so on.

These "bad carbons" are the sugar-coated shells that we really want to say "NO"!

Finally, there's really no need to toss yourself around to lose weight.

If your weight, waist circumference, body fat percentage are normal, and there is no risk of other diseases, a balanced diet and more exercise suitable for yourself are enough to maintain a healthy body.


Lin Chen | Dietitian, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University


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