
Who is the kindest person around you?

Zuo Zongtang said: "Being a person, shrewd is not as good as being generous." ”

In fact, not only do you have to be kind, but you also have to make friends.

Shrewd people are often calculating, difficult to communicate, and a great waste of time and energy.

And the kind people, always holding a true heart, get along with each other steadily and at ease, the most worthy of our deep friendship.

So who is the kindest person around you?


Not taking advantage of the situation and being educated

Zeng Guofan said: "Don't take advantage of people in everything. ”

People who love to take advantage of others always treat others as fools, rack their brains, and exhaust the organs.

A truly generous person would rather others take advantage of him than take advantage of others.

Ma Weidu, a well-known collector, once went to the countryside to play and lived in a farmer's home.

He noticed that the small Kang table for eating was an antiquity, so he bought it at a high price.

Later, Ma Weidu asked someone to identify, and found that the collection value was extremely high, and he specially sent a sum of money to others.

Usually, there are small traders who do not understand the market to trade with him, and he always gives a reasonable price.

This practice has made him well-known in the collecting world, and everyone is willing to be friends with him.

Not taking advantage of others is a person's deep upbringing.

They are generous people, know how to suffer losses and make profits, and will not only take care of the small profits in front of them, and they will not calculate everywhere.

Get along with this kind of person, relaxed, you don't have to be careful, afraid of being deceived and fooled, they will also sincerely take the initiative to help you.

Who is the kindest person around you?


Treat people sincerely and with great affection

In "Zhuangzi", it is said: "The true one, the sincerity of the most." ”

Generous people, sincere and affectionate, they will not be half-hearted, nor will they live up to their sincerity.

If you identify one thing, you will insist on doing it; if you identify a person, you will never change your mind.

Zhuge Liang is like this.

He was loyal to the lord, and a "Table of Teachers" was touching to the heart, leaving Liu Beibai Emperor to be isolated.

Not only that, he also has great affection for his wife Huang Yueying.

Even if Huang Yueying's face was black and ugly, Zhuge Liang was still laughed at by others, and he never hated the other party.

In that era of common three wives and four concubines, Zhuge Liang was even only Huang Yueying, who loved until he was old.

A person who is generous and affectionate towards his friends and single-minded toward his lover.

For the sake of money and interests, they will not harm relatives and friends, abandon their lovers and children, always have a conscience, and know how to cherish.

Your friendship, he will take seriously; your efforts, he will not hesitate to reciprocate, this kind of person is the one who can warm you for a lifetime.

Who is the kindest person around you?


Work seriously and responsibly

As the old saying goes, "Do things seriously and be down-to-earth." ”

Sloppy people can't work together because they don't have a bad attitude and only harm others and harm themselves.

Truly generous people, serious and rigorous, promises to do things will spare no effort to complete.

Even if something goes wrong, they will shirk their responsibilities, but will bravely assume it, making people feel at ease and reliable.

There was an old carpenter who planned to return home, but just happened to have a guest to order a box.

The boss trusted the old carpenter's craftsmanship so much that he pleaded with him to finish before leaving.

The old carpenter was grateful for the kindness of the boss, and after some consideration, he agreed.

Unexpectedly, this was done for a full six months.

On the day he returned to his hometown, the boss specially prepared a heavy gift and said gratefully:

"Fortunately, you are serious and rigorous, and later I learned that the box was given to the prime minister, and if it is not good, I am afraid that I will kill myself."

In real life, there are many people with outstanding abilities, but there are not many people who are practical and reliable.

And the kind person is not necessarily the best, but it must be a serious and responsible person.

No matter how small things are, they will do their best to complete them, not perfunctory, not lazy.

They do things, you are absolutely assured, such people, is worthy of our sincere fellowship.

Who is the kindest person around you?


Be honest and principled

Mencius has a saying: "Man has no action, and then he can do something." ”

A person who is generous has morality and principles in his heart, knows what to do, and resolutely does not do anything.

They stand firm, they walk right, they go far, they do not deceive others, they are not ashamed.

Yan Shu of the Northern Song Dynasty was a man of integrity throughout his life and adhered to the principles in his heart.

At the age of 14, he was recommended to korea as a child prodigy.

During the temple examination, he found that he had just done the examination questions, and he actually asked for a change of questions.

The Emperor admired his honesty and gave him the title of Fellow Soldier.

After doing business every day, the courtiers were keen to feast and play, but Yan Shu read behind closed doors.

When the emperor heard about it, he praised him and made him a prince, but he said bluntly: "It's not that he doesn't like it, it's because he doesn't have any money." ”

There is an old saying: "Gentlemen are frank, and villains are long-standing." ”

Generous people can keep their hearts and bottom lines, do what they should do, and get what they deserve.

At any time, be consistent in appearance, less disguised, more honest, and open in heart, and it is most meaningful to associate with such a person.

Who is the kindest person around you?


Compare hearts to hearts and understand transposition

The Analects say, "Do not do unto others what you do not want." ”

Between people, the most rare thing is empathy.

Only the kind person knows how to compare the heart to the heart, understands that no one is easy, and knows that everyone has difficulties.

Therefore, I will never embarrass others, but I will also think in a different position, stand in the other person's point of view, and think about people.

They have a sincere and kind heart, are good at tolerance and understanding, and bring sunshine and warmth to the world.

Once saw a story.

There was a drunk man on the train who accidentally bumped into a mother and daughter.

When the girl saw it, she asked her mother, "Mom, is he a bad person?" ”

Mom pondered for a moment, smiled and said, "No, he's just not happy." ”

The mother thought that she had also had a time of frustration and hardship, and sometimes hurt others.

Therefore, she will not argue with the other party, but choose tolerance and understanding.

This kind of kind of generous person who can compare his heart to heart no matter who he is, behind it is the deepest kindness.

Talking to them about feelings and establishing friendships is even more comfortable, warm, and the relationship will be long-lasting.

Who is the kindest person around you?

The ancients said: "Virtue is thick and thick, and virtue is thin." ”

In the end of a relationship, it is not talent, not ability, but character.

Hou Dao is a person's highest character.

Because of the thickness, it is not advantageous and educated;

Because of the kindness, so treat people sincerely, seriously;

Because of the kindness, so to be upright, to abide by the principle;

Because of the thickness, it is better to compare the heart to the heart and understand the transposition.

Because of this, we prefer to be friends with kind people.

In the future, may you and I be able to: be generous people and make generous friends.

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