
Three years ago, the 67-year-old mother insisted on giving birth to a daughter despite the fact that her children had severed ties, declaring: I have a pension

In 2019, Zaozhuang, Shandong, a hospital delivery room. An old lady aged 67 gave birth to a baby girl, both mother and daughter. It is understood that her husband is 69 years old, and the old man once again liked a daughter, who said that this was a "gift from Heaven" and named this daughter "Heavenly Gift". At the same time, the old woman's children refused to accept this, and even promised to sever ties with their parents.

People who have a certain understanding of physiological knowledge know that "advanced maternal age" usually refers to women over 35 years old, once the pregnant woman is over 40 years old, she will suffer more than ordinary pregnant women at the time of childbirth, and the probability of various complications is relatively large.

Therefore, from a medical point of view, the 67-year-old lady should not conceive at this age and is not easy to conceive, but she gave birth to a baby girl at an age when she was about to enter the ancient rarity.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old mother insisted on giving birth to a daughter despite the fact that her children had severed ties, declaring: I have a pension

The old lady's surname is Tian, her name is Xinju, and like most people, she follows the rhythm of life of "going to school and then going to work, going to work and getting married, and then retiring".

Tian Xinju and her husband have given birth to sons and daughters, the children grow old parents are old, after retirement, the two old people receive a monthly pension, idle to serve flowers and plants, tease their granddaughters and grandchildren, life is ordinary, but also happy.

After people enter old age, the various functions of the body gradually weaken with the passage of time, and when they are young and strong, they can still do not care about some diseases, and can rely on the body's self-regulation and immune resistance to recover, but they can't do it when they are old. Many elderly people, even if they have a cold and fever, are prone to develop emergencies, which is a common thing.

In life, we can often hear the elderly lament, "a hurdle in her sixties", Ms. Tian Xinju, when she was 66 years old, unfortunately encountered a cerebral infarction, that is, a blood circulation disorder in the brain, most of the time is caused by ischemia, or lack of oxygen. Therefore, Tian Xinju found a doctor to prescribe medicine, which also triggered a series of things that seemed to be "fate jokes" in the future.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old mother insisted on giving birth to a daughter despite the fact that her children had severed ties, declaring: I have a pension

"It is a drug three points of poison", after Tian Xinju cerebral infarction, every day rely on drugs to control the disease, after all, mild symptoms of cerebral infarction can be intervened, good recovery, severe disease is life-threatening on the spot.

It seems that this is exactly what happened to these treatment drugs - after taking the medicine, Tian Xinju was shocked: Why did he come to menstruation?

Every month comes, there is a certain regular cycle, these keywords come out, no matter how dull people understand: either it is a menstrual holiday, or there is a big problem with the body.

Tian Xinju went to the hospital with a panicked heart and sought scientific means to solve his problems.

For Tian Xinju, not going to the hospital is a fear at home, and going to the hospital is a big puzzle. The reason lies in the diagnosis given by the doctor. After listening to Tian Xinju's oral description of her symptoms, the doctor did a series of necessary tests for her, and came up with an unexpected and unreasonable answer: pregnancy.

This answer is obviously unacceptable and unwilling to accept by Tian Xinju: he is more than 60 years old, his children are running for more than forty, and his little granddaughter is getting married. With this mood, Tian Xinju returned home and continued to live her life.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old mother insisted on giving birth to a daughter despite the fact that her children had severed ties, declaring: I have a pension

However, the more time passed, Tian Xinju's body became more and more wrong, first the appearance became more and more plump, so plump that even the children euphemistically expressed "Mom, you should lose weight", and then the self-feeling was more and more wrong.

After many months, Tian Xinju once again embarked on the road to medical treatment, and this time, she saw her B ultrasound and saw her daughter, who was already four months old.

At the age of more than sixty years old, pregnant, when she found that her daughter could already glimpse the leg bones, anyone in their hearts was crawling through the general dense pain and itch. Especially Tian Xinju, who was a doctor when she was young, she did not want to kill a living human life, but her own age was in front of her, whether she was born or not, whether she was born or not, whether she was born or not, it was a problem.

What made Tian Xinju determined was the fetal test report. This report made her mother's heart sour - the fetus is very healthy. If the fetus has a problem with development and lacks arms and legs, perhaps Tian Xinju can still bite her teeth and not let a deformed child be born to suffer, but this child shows a stubbornness for life, which makes her more determined to be a "super-elderly mother".

Three years ago, the 67-year-old mother insisted on giving birth to a daughter despite the fact that her children had severed ties, declaring: I have a pension

For the wife's decision, the husband is very supportive. Both husband and wife are educated and value life, and are reluctant to induce the birth of a living baby in this way. Logically, this is indeed the case, and from the perspective of the hospital, as well as the difficulty of the operation and the health level of the pregnant woman herself, the doctor has repeatedly persuaded the determined couple to induce labor.

Not only the doctor persuaded, but Tian Xinju's son and daughter also persuaded, and even expressed fierce dissatisfaction: "If you want to give birth, first break off relations with us!" It seems normal in this case that children do not support their parents' opinions, after all, there is nothing more "speechless" than a person in his forties who sees his mother give birth to a sister.

In the face of all kinds of doubts and objections, Tian Xinju and his wife always insisted on their own opinions, and they carefully calculated the current situation: first, two old men and women, with pensions in their hands, how to add up to more than 10,000, it is more than enough to support a child; second, the sons and daughters are also older, and the granddaughters also do not need to help their children with their children when they start a family.

The most difficult economic problems were so easily resolved that Tian Xinju and his wife settled down and waited at home for delivery. The husband also serves "before and after the saddle" every day, taking care of the wife of the old woman carefully, eating and drinking without worrying, and feeling comfortable.

Even so, the elderly women in their sixties also made the doctors "like a great enemy", they attach great importance to Tian Xinju, asking about the situation every day and asking experts to sit in support.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old mother insisted on giving birth to a daughter despite the fact that her children had severed ties, declaring: I have a pension

Since being confirmed to be pregnant, Tian Xinju has become the person with the oldest natural conception age in the mainland, and the risks can be imagined. Why is it said that the risk of advanced maternal age is higher than that of normal age? The reason is simple, because they are older, the pregnancy reaction is relatively violent, and they are more likely to cause complications after childbirth, which also has an impact on subsequent life. Therefore, the hospital asked About Tian Xinju's fetus every day, and invited expert support.

At the end of October 2019, Tian Xinju entered the delivery room. The husband stood outside the delivery room, praying for the safety of the mother and daughter, but the daughter and son still did not accept this fact and refused to come.

No matter what, Tian Xinju gave birth to her daughter safely, and her husband happily held the baby girl, "This is a gift from heaven to us, so that we can still have a daughter at such an age!" So the baby girl named it "Heavenly Gift."

The daughter and son still maintain an attitude of non-acceptance, but Tian Xinju and his wife believe that there is no problem in their correct approach.

Perhaps in the eyes of the children, in their forties, there is a sister who is waiting to be fed, which is indeed difficult to accept; but in the eyes of Tian Xinju and his wife, a handful of and a handful of urine are pulling you up, and the old man and the old lady also have retirement wages, not taking advantage of you, what is wrong with having a daughter?

Three years ago, the 67-year-old mother insisted on giving birth to a daughter despite the fact that her children had severed ties, declaring: I have a pension

"67-year-old lady naturally conceived and gave birth to a baby girl" As soon as it was reported, it triggered a wave of heat, there are some well-meaning people or businesses that catch up with the heat, sending a variety of maternal and infant products for the little gift, Tian Xinju and his wife have more or less experienced some reports, in the good people asked why they insisted on giving birth, the couple said: "This is a child given by God, and our pension is enough to feed the daughter." ”

And it is this couple who insist on giving birth to a daughter and say that the pension is also enough to support their daughter, but in 2021, it was found by netizens that they opened a live broadcast, operated a social account, and the name was also very straightforward: "67-year-old baby", from this name, the homepage content on the social account is the daily life of Tian Xinju and Xiao Tianci.

From the time she ate from the time she was given a baby to take her first step, every moment of growth was recorded by her parents who loved her, even if they had begun to walk into the ancient rarity. People have to serve the old, but there are always people who insist on not obeying the old for something, such as Tian Xinju and his wife. They know that they are old, and they no longer have the spiritual head that the children of that year love to cry and toss all night.

What is even more helpless is that no matter how Tian Xinju does not obey the old, the series of problems in her postpartum body also make her feel helpless, when the couple thought that their pension was enough for a family of three to live, in fact, it was not, because the follow-up Treatment of Tian Xinju had been taken away for most of it, not to mention that the newborn was more expensive, so the economic problems that were not much concerned at the beginning became a problem at this time.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old mother insisted on giving birth to a daughter despite the fact that her children had severed ties, declaring: I have a pension

Nowadays, many people know the "live broadcast benefits", the "TV shopping advertising" of that year has become today's "social platform with goods", people smell business opportunities and then begin to fancy anchors, which attract gimmicks to do what. Tian Xinju and his wife can't just expect to live with a pension of more than 10,000 a month, after all, Xiao Tianqi is not only in front of them, but also has a farther future, and they may not be able to participate in the future of Xiao Tianqi.

"Parents love their children, but they have far-reaching plans", so for the sake of Xiao Tianqi's future financial resources, Tian Xinju and his wife began to plan early.

Open source throttling, first open source, two old people who add up to almost one hundred and four, there is no way to participate in the work, so the popular "live selling" has become the first choice of two old people. Immediately, they applied for social accounts and announced that they were going to start live streaming and selling goods, except for a few denigrated netizens, more netizens were supportive.

It is worth mentioning that the children of Tian Xinju and his wife have not approved of or accepted the attitude of threatening their parents with "severing relations" to not have a sister at the beginning, and now, they have also begun to take the initiative to understand their parents' ideas and often take care of Xiao Tianzi.

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