
"Your mother's pension is 5,000, just give us 2,000 on the line", in the face of his wife's strong words, the husband laughed

The flowers and flowers are unintentional, only the truth exists in the heart

For the happiness of the family, Zhang Ailing once had a particularly appropriate description: when approaching the happiness of the family, she will look forward to it, but living in happiness, she suffers from gains and losses.

Yes, just like many people, when they are not married, they always look forward to everything in love, but after marriage, they are always troubled by the trivialities in marriage, and even feel powerless.

The contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is something that many families have encountered, for this matter, it can be said that the benevolent see the wisdom of the wise, some people think that the contradiction between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law is a very common thing, after all, even if it is the biological mother and daughter, there are always quarrels and quarrels, but some people think that if there is a contradiction between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, it should be mediated in time, otherwise it will become difficult to clean up after a long time, when this dissatisfaction slowly accumulates to a certain point, it will become difficult to clean up.

It is undeniable that once the mother-in-law contradiction appears, neither party can clear the relationship, after all, a slap can never be sounded.

01 In the face of the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, even if it has been mediating, it is useless

Li Qi has never understood one thing, why the contradiction between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is always so difficult to reconcile, even if he takes care of his wife's feelings from it, but also to persuade his mother, every time he is tired enough to go around, but the contradiction between his daughter-in-law and his mother has not shown any signs of improvement.

Li Qi and his wife met through the introduction of friends, although the wife's temper is somewhat strong, but in general, she is still relatively knowledgeable, and since they have been together for so long, she has made many suggestions for Li Qi, so that Li Qi has taken many detours in her work.

Therefore, Li Qi's feelings for his wife are not only as simple as love, but also part of it is mixed with a part of the grateful mentality.

Li Qi understands her wife's temper, she does not like to be preached by others, she likes to do things maverick, and her own mother just happens to like to ask a few questions about everything, so since she has been married for so long, her wife does not like to be managed by others, and her mother always asks about her wife for various reasons, because the contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has never subsided.

In the face of this, Li Qi is also helpless, even if he has made many efforts from it and actively mediated the contradiction between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but there is always a little bit of incompatibility between his wife and mother.

02 With the passage of time, the wife's mentality has also changed

Li Qi knew in her heart that even if her mother asked more questions, in the final analysis, it was for the good of her own family, but what her wife sometimes did made Li Qi unable to understand.

Although there are many advantages of the wife, she cannot stand the fact that she has been too close to her mother's family.

In Li Qi's impression, since marrying her wife, she would always go back to her mother's house every three or five minutes, and every time she went home, she would carry a lot of things in a big bag, until later, when the husband and wife had the crystallization of love, the wife's behavior gradually converged a little, until later, the wife did not have Li Qi's consent, when her brother got married, she gave a big gift, and it was precisely because of this that the two people's small family reached the point where they did not have any savings, and the biggest quarrel broke out between Li Qi and his wife since marriage.

But the wife did not think that this matter was her own mistake, on the contrary, she also said with vigor: I am this one brother, he married me, the sister does not help him who helps him.

It was only at this time that Li Qi clearly realized that the so-called maverick behavior of his wife was originally based on her own wishful thinking, and as long as she thought it was right, no matter who it was, it could not influence her next behavior.

03 offered to let the mother-in-law take out half of the pension, and the husband laughed

Since the last incident, the relationship between Li Qi and his wife has plummeted.

However, gradually unable to make ends meet, Li Qi is anxious in her eyes.

After washing that day, Li Qi was lying on the bed preparing to rest, when his wife suddenly said: Li Qi, I heard that your mother's pension is 5000, otherwise you can discuss with her and let her give us 2 thousand.

As soon as Li Qi heard his wife's words, she became angry: What are you talking about, our mother is so old, what do we still use her to help?

When the wife saw Li Qi's refusal, the tone was a little blunt, and she began to force words to take it: She is your mother, and now we have so much pressure in life, what is it to share some for us.

Li Qi smiled, he looked at his wife's face, smiled a little loudly: You still mean to say, originally our family's economic pressure was great, and then you see what you did, your brother got married with so many gifts, face is there, but the result?

In the face of her husband's rebuke, the wife was speechless for a while.

Seeing his wife's appearance, Li Qi did not have a hint of softness, of course, in the face of the contradiction between his wife and mother, he always thought that both sides were responsible, but now it seems that his wife's problems are more.

After saying these words, Li Qi lay down, that night, he had not slept for a long time, it seemed that he should rethink the way he and his wife got along, for his mother, even if it was difficult for him, he did not want to seek her help, because since she was a child, she had paid enough for herself.

Conclusion: In fact, in many cases, the happiness of the family needs to be jointly maintained by each family member to obtain, whether it is a mother-in-law or a daughter-in-law conflict, husband and wife get along, only a family with a heart, will go to the other side of happiness together, if there is a person in the family who looks like a god, then happiness will be a distant thing.

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