
Original God: Counterintuitive details, except for the rain in the main city, why can't the burning wooden chest be cut?

Hello everyone, I am a dog brother, the reason why the original god is getting more and more popular is inseparable from its quality that far exceeds that of similar mobile games, otherwise it will not conquer tens of millions of foreign players. Remember the previous online rumors of the New York Times commented that the original god used the Japanese style to defeat the Japanese game, although the whole text looks like a sour face, but the fact is indeed irrefutable, the original god in the two-dimensional field can wrench the wrist with the Japanese game, which has been very successful.

Original God: Counterintuitive details, except for the rain in the main city, why can't the burning wooden chest be cut?

However, the development still has to come step by step, and we must realize that there is still a gap with the Japanese manufacturers, for example, the original god still has some details that are not as perfect as possible. For example, many players complained, why doesn't it rain in the main city? Inari wild thunder and rain every day, each character also has a voice and reaction to the rain, but the main city does not respond, some netizens think that this is the protection of the gods, some people think that it is to take care of low-end equipment players, and some people think that the location of NPCs changes when it rains, and the design cost is not cost-effective.

Original God: Counterintuitive details, except for the rain in the main city, why can't the burning wooden chest be cut?

In fact, the rain is fine, and netizens have found that the elemental reaction that is very important in the original god, sometimes there will be counterintuitive details, such as the character standing in the burning grass to buckle blood quickly, using the fire element to break the ice, etc. are normal, but sometimes the wooden box that can be destroyed with a sword or fire can be destroyed, and the first fire can not be broken, only wait for it to spontaneously combust.

Original God: Counterintuitive details, except for the rain in the main city, why can't the burning wooden chest be cut?

In addition, the characters walking on the beach have footprints which is very good, such as the gods walking in the water can also become "turtles" and so on are details, but all the characters are a footprint is very magical, Ke li can step on huge footprints, Carved Qing wearing high heels is also exactly the same as other characters, it is not so perfect.

Original God: Counterintuitive details, except for the rain in the main city, why can't the burning wooden chest be cut?
Original God: Counterintuitive details, except for the rain in the main city, why can't the burning wooden chest be cut?

In the end, the grass of the snowy mountain cannot be ignited, the river floats still and will not be washed away, and the inari waterwheel will not move with the character, the waterwheel collision volume of the Wangshu Inn is round and cannot stand, and the waterwheel of the light policyzhuang will also slide down, while the indyami waterwheel can stand but move by itself, and there is no response to the character.

Original God: Counterintuitive details, except for the rain in the main city, why can't the burning wooden chest be cut?

These counterintuitive details can be perfect in some real AAA masterpieces, but the original god is an online mobile game after all, and it cannot be so perfect. And the original god also has a lot of interesting small details, such as colliding with NPCs, facing npCs to put skills, the other party has a reaction, a variety of copywriting hidden details, task connectivity, etc., it can be said that the details of the original god are reflected in the art design, copywriting, background story, for the real AAA masterpiece is still far behind, but in the two-dimensional mobile game, it is indeed the existence of the only file, and can surpass it may have to rely on Miha you to come.

Original God: Counterintuitive details, except for the rain in the main city, why can't the burning wooden chest be cut?

Did you find any other interesting details? Perhaps in the AAA masterpiece that Mihayou is developing, these details will not be a problem.

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