
Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

In the live broadcast, Dong Lu asked Li Weifeng, did Wu Xi dodge the ball in the end? The former international defender said Wu Xi was hiding the ball, but the defender's defense was also problematic. The implication is that the national football team conceded the ball is a systematic defensive problem, one link is wrong, and the later links can be remedied, if each link is not done well, it is not surprising to lose the ball.

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

Then Dong Lu asked Yu Dabao about walking, and Li Weifeng said it left and right.

Dong Lu also complained that the fans did not understand the ball and did not love football enough. Former international Wang Xinxin asked what is "love"? And think that only football practitioners love football because they feed on football, while fans are not. Foreign fans love football? That's because they have a football culture.

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

During the live broadcast, Dong Lu believed that football professionals should stand up and analyze whether Wu Xi hid the ball and whether Yu Dabao walked to fans who did not understand the ball.

Is Yu Dabao walking? Dong Lu said that Yu Dabao was behind Dai Weijun for "protective reception".

Agent Zhao Zhen complained that you believe what the so-called foreign coach said, but "you don't believe what the domestic player coaches and media people say" (below).

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

That's the problem! It is often said that football is divided into two types: one is football and the other is Chinese football. The reason why Chinese football is backward is not only the backwardness of youth training, but also related to the backwardness of our football thinking.

Chinese football is not good, do you let others believe in the so-called domestic football experts, or experts in advanced football countries? The answer is self-evident. Fans vote with their feet, and you don't blame the fans for being too eccentric.

No, a top 12 game has just been played, and we have two new theoretical terms.

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

The game lasted until 78 minutes and 13 seconds (above), and the national football team launched a counterattack. Dai Weijun ran to catch the ball, and Yu Dabao jogged behind him, at this time the number of players between the two sides was 2 to 4 (white circle).

At this time, the right-back Gao Zhun wing just ran out of the penalty area, about 20 meters away from The starting position of Yu Dabao. The referee is about 10 meters away from Yu Dabao.

At this time, Yu Dabao has two choices:

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

First, protective response: Yu Dabao continued to follow Dai Weijun behind, waiting for Dai Weijun to protect the ball and pass the ball back to him, and then Yu Dabao waited for the opportunity to pass to other teammates, or when Dai Weijun inserted it again, a top ball passed to Dai Weijun's front.

Second, cover forward insertion: directly forward to the left, taking away some of the opposing defenders, covering for Dai Weijun's breakthrough. At this time, Dai Weijun has more choices, either he can choose to continue to break through, or he can pass the ball to Yu Dabao, who is inserted in the back.

There is no right or wrong in these two choices! The former is a Chinese football mentality based on safety first, and the latter is a resolute counterattack offensive thinking.

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

According to Chongqing coach Zhang Wailong's 7-second counter-attack theory, a good counterattack from the launch of the attack to the shot, to be completed within 7 seconds, such a counterattack is more threatening, the possibility of scoring is higher.

Then according to Zhang Wailong's theory, if the national football team wants to score, then Yu Dabao should move to the left side of the front court, rather than walking slowly in the back.

The counterattack in football is about speed and efficiency, and any slow running is not allowed. Whatever the purpose of Yu Dabao's walk, it was not advisable.

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

This is why the two foreign teachers believe that Yu Dabao chose the wrong choice, leading to the end of the national football attack.

There are two kinds of football, one is world football and the other is Chinese football.

Chinese football pays attention to safety first! So we often see national football players often fall on their feet in the game, often return the pass, and dare not go straight forward.

Playing football in this system for many years has led our players to habitually not dare to press hard when attacking and counterattacking, not daring to insert forward, and only waiting for the ball in the back, which is also called "protective response".

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

Congratulations to the national football team? Chinese football gave birth to a new term: walking counterattack + protective response.

What do you "protect" when we attack? Is it to protect this ball from being snatched by the Saudi team? Or protect the Saudis from conceding the ball?

A person desperately broke through with the ball in front, if the 10 teammates in the back were all walking like Yu Dabao, waiting for the return pass to "protective reception"? This is not called attack, this is called feint attack. It's strange to attack like this, to be able to play well, to be able to score goals.

This is our football thinking, the so-called domestic football professional thinking. alack!

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

In the 78th minute and 22 seconds of the game, when Dai Weijun was broken, Gao Zhun wing had already run to the front of Yu Dabao about 5 meters, and the referee was almost on the same level as Yu Dabao (above).

From 13 seconds to 22 seconds, Yu Dabao was running at a uniform speed, without acceleration, like a walk.

If Yu Dabao really wanted to "protect the response", then he should have accelerated to echo Dai Weijun at the beginning. But it was Yu Dabao who was walking, resulting in the opponent's 4 defenders, plus 1 Saudi defender who quickly returned to the defensive position from behind Yu Dabao, these 5 people did not hesitate to encircle Dai Weijun, causing Dai Weijun to lose the ball.

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

Looking closely (above), the Saudi player who caused The ball to be broken at Dai Weijun's feet was not the previous 5 defensive players, but another Saudi player who rushed back from behind Yu Dabao.

When the national football team launched an attack, where was the Saudi player? See (below), the 6th defensive Saudi player is about 10 meters away from Dabao at this time.

That is, the offensive players are walking, and the defensive players are chasing back at high speed.

Congratulations to the national football team? One game gives birth to two new terms: walking counterattack and protective response

Some people said that Dai Weijun should not be greedy, but should be passed back to Yu Dabao.

The difference is precisely here: After all, Dai Weijun is a youth training received in Europe, and in football thinking, the counterattack should be racing against the clock, hitting the opponent by surprise, and playing the time difference. Instead of blindly seeking stability, leading to missed offensive opportunities.

Wu Xi dodged the ball, and the domestic "experts" who understood the ball said that this was an "instinctive reaction" and could not be over-interpreted.

Yu Dabao walked, the domestic football "experts" said that "protective reception, fans do not understand the ball, only they professionals understand." Indeed, only you understand Chinese football.

Luo Guofu's physical fitness is not enough to play 90 minutes so he can't start, but some local internationals can't play 90 minutes but still start, and they haven't seen you stand up and teach Li Tie not to line up like this.

It's all yours, you're all right, is that really the case?

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