
Black Whistle! Xing Qi blew Mount Tai to death, all to blame on Wu Xinghan! Yu Dabao injured his arm and should make up a yellow card

author:Brother Jian said sports

On July 1, Beijing time, after the game of Shandong Taishan VS Beijing Guoan, Shandong Taishan team caused the Guoan players to handball in the Dabao penalty area in the 77th minute of the game but did not award a penalty, which also made many Taishan fans feel the pressure from the black whistle, feeling that the Taishan 0-2 loss to the Guoan team in the game, the referee Xing Qi played a vital role, when a referee who lost his professional ethics publicly went to the Black Taishan team, it is not surprising that the Taishan team did not get this obvious penalty.

Black Whistle! Xing Qi blew Mount Tai to death, all to blame on Wu Xinghan! Yu Dabao injured his arm and should make up a yellow card
Black Whistle! Xing Qi blew Mount Tai to death, all to blame on Wu Xinghan! Yu Dabao injured his arm and should make up a yellow card

In fact, when Wu Xinghan shot vigorously so that Yu Dabao could only stretch out his arm to block, even the commentators thought that this was a penalty, after all, the ball changed the direction of movement and landing under the interference of Dabao's arm, and from the behavior of Yu Dabao getting up and covering his arm, he was not light, in front of the picture and the truth, the referee Xing Qi simply communicated with VAR Huang Yi, and confirmed that it was not a penalty, and the same scene as this situation just appeared in the European Cup, there is no doubt that it is a penalty.

Black Whistle! Xing Qi blew Mount Tai to death, all to blame on Wu Xinghan! Yu Dabao injured his arm and should make up a yellow card
Black Whistle! Xing Qi blew Mount Tai to death, all to blame on Wu Xinghan! Yu Dabao injured his arm and should make up a yellow card

In fact, the black whistle Xing Qi does not want the Taishan team to score even a goal, the psychology is very obvious, when the national security player Li Lei flew to shovel Xie Wenneng, Xing Qi gave a penalty that Xie Wenneng fouled, after Xing Qi blew the Taishan team to death with a whistle without scruples, such a referee is the biggest responsible person for Chinese football to be unable to surpass Asia, he held the whistle without a fair penalty, which also made many Taishan fans feel helpless, and felt that Xing Qi was not ruthless enough against the Taishan team, since it was determined that Yu Dabao's defense was not an arm, So why not give a yellow card to Wu Xinghan, who complained about handball causing Yu Dabao to cover his arm? Doesn't that make you more authoritative?

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