
3 big performances for guys pretending to like you

There is a saying that goes like this:

A person can pretend to be happy, but the voice cannot pretend, it is not happy, and it will be known if you listen carefully.

In the same way, love and unlove cannot be hidden.

If someone has only one empty mouth to love you, even if his love words are crazy, they can't escape the details that have nowhere to hide.

Those who pretend to like you will have the following three manifestations:

He never had you in his future

Some time ago, watching "North and South", there was a plot that made a special impression on me:

Feng Xi, who has been running with her boyfriend for nearly ten years, is almost a nanny who takes care of her boyfriend in every detail and takes care of her boyfriend.

When the boyfriend wants to travel, she will pack stomach medicine and specialties into his suitcase;

When the boyfriend comes home from work, she will make a large table of dishes for him to eat;

The boyfriend is too tired to go home, so she puts the bath water to make him feel comfortable and take a hot bath;


But it is such a payment, and the final result is only a sentence of "we are not suitable."

In fact, they will come to this step, there is already a clue, before going abroad, the boyfriend and Feng Xi imagined their future:

After returning from school, you can take your parents to your side, you can help your relatives who were kind to you before, and even arrange the work of your childhood playmate.

But when Feng Xi asked very seriously, "What about me?" Do you have me in your future? At that time, he was silent.

At that moment, he couldn't even say a single lie.

In fact, it is very simple to see if a person really loves you, just see if he wants to be with you, whether he wants to be with you every day now and in the future.

The person who likes you will definitely want to spend the rest of his time with you, and the reason he strives is to give you a better future.

And those who don't have you in the future, they don't want to be with you for a long time, and they won't waste too much time and energy on you.

3 big performances for guys pretending to like you

He won't announce your existence

On Weibo, I saw a message from a girl who had been with her boyfriend for more than two years, but she was still not sure whether her boyfriend really loved her.

When it is good to her, you can be obedient and tolerate everything, but when it is not good for her, you do not care so much about her.

He would take her on tours and eat good food, but would never take her to any of his own parties;

Will carefully prepare birthday gifts and surprises for her, but is very reluctant for her to know the people around him, whether they are friends and colleagues, or relatives and family;

Will tell her a lot of vows, sweet words, but never mention the marriage, asked urgently, said that their career is still unstable, want to accumulate more capital for the future;

It has been almost three years since the two of them have been together, but the girl does not know anything about his social relations, let alone know him and understand him from many aspects of other people's mouths.

The girl began to wonder: Did he really want to live with himself for the rest of his life?

I once heard a saying: a man is a territorial animal, and if he loves you, he must be eager to declare his possession of you to everyone.

If a person says he loves you, but refuses to take you to know his family and friends, does not let you enter his social circle, and does not give you any opportunity to let other people around you know that you exist.

That only goes to say that he's just pretending to like you, or that he's not that into you.

3 big performances for guys pretending to like you

He never took the initiative to soften

We are all people who walk and live alone in this reinforced concrete city, but there is always someone who will make you soft.

I've heard a very interesting quote about love, "Sometimes I love you very much, and sometimes I want to shoot you." ”

But on the way to buy a gun, I saw the strawberries you liked to eat, and I was full of thoughts about how happy you looked when you saw the strawberries, and the matter of buying a gun was instantly thrown out of the clouds.

Like a person is probably like this, sometimes the whole person is angry, eager to break up immediately, old and dead do not interact with each other.

But as long as you think of the sweetness you have experienced together, the places you have walked together, the movies you have watched together, and the songs you have heard, you don't want to leave in an instant.

In love, someone is willing to bow their heads and be soft, which must be the greatest degree of pampering.

Because I like it, I am willing to show my softest side to the other party.

In this world, it is really nothing to bow down to the person you like, it is not a sign of weakness and incompetence, but a proof of love for the other party.

If a person, who says he loves you, encounters anything but does not compromise or give in, and confronts you tit-for-tat and does not give in, he must be pretending to like you.

People who really like you can't bear to make you so embarrassed.

Liking someone, whether it's genuine or fake, is really simple.

Many times, the parties' hearts are the clearest, but many girls are good at deceiving themselves, always feel that the other party loves themselves, but they are punched in the face again and again by reality.

Pretend love, like a bubble that passes away with the wind, looks beautiful, but in fact it does not exist for long, and eventually it will disappear with the passage of time.

I hope you can see through the pretend likes and meet someone who really loves you soon.

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