
From the lunar soil to the earth, 2 kilograms become a thousand kilograms? The weighing "shocking" results are out!

author:Mature Ming Moon Nws


A few days ago, the China National Space Administration sent a message.

The protagonist of this news is Chang'e-6.

Since Chang'e-6 returned to Earth with two kilograms of lunar soil, major researchers have begun to pay attention to this matter.

And this news also shocked many people.

That is why did two kilograms of lunar soil weigh thousands of pounds after returning to Earth?

Distinguish between mass and weight.

In everyone's impression, there seems to be no difference between these two words, but in fact, these two words have completely different meanings.

In ordinary life, we are almost accustomed to confusing these two concepts, which is to distort the essential understanding of a thing.

In physics, there is a very clear difference between the two terms.

To put it simply, the mass of an object is a property unique to the object itself, which does not change depending on the environment or conditions to which an object is subjected.

It's like a person's height and weight, no matter what the environment, they remain the same.

Even if the person were standing on the moon and his weight became one-sixth of that on Earth due to the less gravity on the moon, this would not change the mass of his body.

From the lunar soil to the earth, 2 kilograms become a thousand kilograms? The weighing "shocking" results are out!

Weight, on the other hand, is closely related to the mass of the object and the environment in which it is located, as well as the conditions it is subjected to, and the weight of the object is the result of gravitational attraction on celestial bodies such as the earth.

On the Moon, we will find that the weight of the object is lower than that on Earth.

The reason why we think that the moon has less gravitational pull is because the gravitational pull of the earth is much greater than that of the moon, which makes people mistakenly believe that the gravitational pull of the moon is also smaller than that of the earth.

So will the mass of standing on the earth be equal to the weight of standing on the earth?

Obviously not, the mass standing on the earth is constant, while the weight standing on the earth changes with time and space.

This is because the gravitational force on the earth exerts an action on this object, and an object will only have weight if it is subjected to gravity.

And the magnitude of gravity is still adapted to local conditions, so the gravity is not the same in different places.

From the lunar soil to the earth, 2 kilograms become a thousand kilograms? The weighing "shocking" results are out!

There is another good example on Earth, and that is steel.

In our opinion, metals are very hard and not easy to deform.

But in space, it can only be protected by vacuum technology, because metals can quickly become fragile once exposed to air.

From the lunar soil to the earth, 2 kilograms become a thousand kilograms? The weighing "shocking" results are out!

Therefore, this also shows that the quality of things itself does not change due to the environment, but sometimes it changes significantly due to various factors.

And weight is more of a factor in local conditions.

Why does two kilograms of lunar soil weigh a thousand pounds?

Although the mass of lunar soil on Earth is still 2 kilograms, why do they become so heavy on Earth?

As you know, due to the gravitational difference between the Moon and the Earth, there is a big difference in mass and weight between standing on the Moon and Standing on the Earth, and the gravity on the Moon is only one-sixth of that of the Earth.

So according to this logic, the lunar soil weighs only 4 catties at most.

But in fact, these two kilograms of lunar soil weigh a thousand pounds on Earth.

There is another factor in this, and that is the "minerals" in the lunar soil.

These "minerals" are not the "minerals" that we are familiar with in our lives, but are for better preservation of the lunar soil.

When passing through the atmosphere, these "minerals" will cause Cai Yingting to evaporate instantly, which is why a light appears in an instant.

So what is the difference between lunar soil and earth soil?

As we all know, human life was originally born from the "mud" of the earth, and this "mud" refers to the soil.

The soil is rich in water and minerals.

But there is almost no water in the lunar soil, and the particles in the soil are much sharper than those on Earth because the moon is sharper because of the lack of air on the moon.

From the lunar soil to the earth, 2 kilograms become a thousand kilograms? The weighing "shocking" results are out!

The mineral composition of the soil is also very different, and the soil on the earth is rich in non-metallic elements, usually metal oxides.

The lunar soil is rich in metals, which are closely related to the environment on the moon.

Scientists speculate that the chemical composition of lunar soil is important for scientists to study the evolution of the solar system.

And by digging deeper, you may be able to find information about the time of the birth of the earth.

From the lunar soil to the earth, 2 kilograms become a thousand kilograms? The weighing "shocking" results are out!

We can also see that the impact of different environments on things is huge.

The lunar soil also provides very important information for human exploration and survival in space.

We can make building materials from it, and we can also extract rare metals from them, which will also be of great significance to human exploration of space.

Where will the lunar soil be used in the future?

With the continuous progress of science and technology, I believe that one day we human beings will explore the mysteries of space.

So where will these two kilograms of soil on the moon be used in the future?

This is a future where humans will have a fixed dwelling on the moon.

From the perspective of the future, these two kilograms of lunar soil are undoubtedly very important for human exploration of space.

Because these two kilograms of soil contain a lot of information, they can help humans better understand the composition of the moon, geology, climate, and other important information.

Thus, it provides important practical guidance and support for human beings to land on the moon and settle on the moon in the future.

From the lunar soil to the earth, 2 kilograms become a thousand kilograms? The weighing "shocking" results are out!

It is true that we do not yet have the technology to live on the moon for a long time, but the technology of the people is always advancing, and I believe that one day in the future, these jobs will become a reality.

In addition, these two kilograms of soil can also give scientists a better understanding of the formation and evolution of the solar system.

By studying the lunar soil, scientists can get a glimpse of what the solar system looked like when it was born, understand the conditions and environment of the solar system region, and thus reveal some unknown mysteries of the solar system and the universe.

It can be said that as the first sample retrieved from the moon, these two kilograms of soil undoubtedly have very important research value, which can provide valuable reference and support for human beings to explore space and solve the mystery of the universe in the future.

From the lunar soil to the earth, 2 kilograms become a thousand kilograms? The weighing "shocking" results are out!


The return of these two kilograms of lunar soil is undoubtedly an important milestone in the lunar exploration project, which not only provides a valuable sample for mankind's exploration of the moon and the universe, but also demonstrates to the world the strength and determination of China's aerospace industry, which is becoming more and more mature.

In the future, with the continuous development of China's aerospace industry, we will usher in more exciting achievements.

These achievements will also provide key support and help for mankind to explore space and space more deeply in the future.

I believe that in the near future, we will overcome obstacles, go to the edge of the unknown, and push human civilization to a farther star.