
Letters from the cloud | Music Teacher Shi Honglian: Use music to plant spring in your heart

Source: Teacher Boya

Letters from the cloud | Music Teacher Shi Honglian: Use music to plant spring in your heart





Letters from the cloud | Music Teacher Shi Honglian: Use music to plant spring in your heart
Letters from the cloud | Music Teacher Shi Honglian: Use music to plant spring in your heart

When the epidemic hit, the cloud meeting of the "classroom in the air" became the daily mode of students.

The screen is not separated by love! With the strong support of the Shanghai Special Grade Teachers and Principals Association, we launched the "Letters from the Cloud" column, inviting special principals, special teachers and other famous principals and famous teachers to talk with teachers, classmates and parents through letters. I hope that their education and teaching experience, the touching stories around them, and their own life insights will bring warmth and strength to fight the "epidemic".

Today, we launched a letter written by Shi Honglian, a special teacher of music in Shanghai, to the students, learning to follow the music to let go of the soul and ignite the brightness.

Letters from the cloud | Music Teacher Shi Honglian: Use music to plant spring in your heart

Plant spring in your heart with music

Dear students,

In the recent period of time at home, like you, I have changed from being busy with classes, evaluating classes and grinding lessons in various schools every day to working online at home. Although there are many complicated things every day, I can always face life and work in a full state, and my secret is music. As a music teacher, my profession gives me a natural sense of well-being. Zi Yue: "Happy in poetry, standing in etiquette, becoming happy." Confucius believed that people will be invaded by the external material world in the acquired environment, and their bodies and minds need to recuperate in order to return to their original nature. The improvement of musical accomplishment is related to whether the personality is sound.

Count nine when the cold winter is over, and the spring is warm and the flowers bloom. If there is no epidemic, you must be enjoying the bright spring light and the beauty of nature with your classmates and family at this time. Staying at home every day today may affect your emotions and psychology to a certain extent. On this special day, let's enjoy spring through the special way of music and nourish the heart! The rich nourishment that music gives you is the best "cultivation of the mind". Because in the world of music, there is an endless supply for you to absorb.

You can turn on the radio at home, when the classic melody of 94.7 MHz sounds, you can follow the beauty depicted by the music to release the soul and "travel around" the world; you can also open the music textbook, play the supporting music CD, follow Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony" to appreciate the idyllic beauty of Vienna, accompany Smetana's "Voltava River" to appreciate the natural scenery of the Czech Republic, enter the world of Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker", enjoy the dance of "Candy Fairy", cross to the Americas to feel the Argentine tango, Brazilian samba, Ancient rumba...

Of course, our motherland also has many beautiful scenery, just like the music textbook repeatedly mentioned, we must look at our mother river "Yellow River", sing a song "Song of the Yangtze River" ... At this time, do you have a sense of comfort and happiness? You can also follow the "Air Music Classroom", walk into the alleys of Jiangnan with the famous music teachers in Shanghai, listen to the famous Jiangnan song "Yang Liuqing", hum a tin opera fragment "Pearl Tower", and pin Yipin Shanghai opera singing "Luohan Qian".

Musical works can stir our heartstrings, and musicians' little stories can also make us laugh and sigh. During this time, I am sure that your music teachers will be doing their best to carry out online teaching classes. listen! The teacher was introducing the humorous and funny "Haydn Daddy", who used the second movement of the "Shock" symphony to gradually weaken to the point of thin gossamer, and then suddenly came a sudden and strong unison, and made a big joke with the listener who liked to sleep in the slow movement; the tenacious Beethoven, after being deaf, did not succumb to fate, and completed the great "Ninth Symphony" with a strong inner hearing and tenacious perseverance; the patriotic musician Chopin, for his homeland Poland, regardless of the physical condition, Piano concerts were held non-stop to raise funds for polish revolutionaries; Mei Lanfang, a master of Peking Opera on the mainland, had a beard and did not bend his back for the invaders...

A vivid musical work, a vivid musician, let us feel the beauty and hope in life, the soul is nourished by beauty and enriched, people are not disturbed by external objects, and suddenly feel self-satisfied and comfortable. It is no wonder that the great scientist Albert Einstein always played the violin regularly and used art to ignite his scientific research inspiration.

Students, please remember: when studying at home, listen, appreciate, imitate and practice music. As Zhuangzi said, "Everyone knows what is useful, but what is useless is also known." In addition to your study and life, the seemingly "useless" behavior of entering the music world may bring you unimaginable "great use". Because, this step into the world of music is like planting a spring in your heart, igniting a bright light.

Shi Honglian

March 28, 2022

About the Author

Letters from the cloud | Music Teacher Shi Honglian: Use music to plant spring in your heart

Shi Honglian is a special teacher and senior teacher of music in Shanghai. Distinguished Professor and Master Tutor of East China Normal University, Host of Shanghai "Famous Teachers and Famous Principals Project" Music (Art) Research Base, Host of the First Batch of "Rainbow Project" Music Teacher Studios in Shanghai, And Music (Art) Teaching and Research Fellow of Minhang District, Shanghai. He is also the head of the Shanghai Special Grade Teachers' Special Principal Choir, the vice chairman of the National Alliance of Famous Music Teachers in Basic Education, and an expert of the National and Shanghai Primary and Secondary School Music Curriculum Revision Group.

Editor: Zhao Xuhua

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