
World of Warcraft: Khadeja returns, having spied on the Shadow Realm in Karazan, and is a bit informative

The plot of the Shadow World of World of Warcraft ended in a bit of a hurry, due to the cut of version 9.3, and there are still many plot segments after defeating the warden. The most abrupt is Khadeja, after the Legion version Khadeja has not much drama, but suddenly appeared in the Shadow Realm, and what happened in the Shadow Realm is no less than other characters, Kenrito may have a new plot in the next version, and Khadeja also mentions Madiven and Karazan again!

World of Warcraft: Khadeja returns, having spied on the Shadow Realm in Karazan, and is a bit informative

After defeating the Warden, Peragos was promoted to arbitrator, the Shadow Realm was once again given a new balance, the battle was over, and it was common sense that mortals from Azeroth should quit the Shadow Realm and go home separately. Interestingly, after the warden fell to the ground, Gianna in Olipos suddenly saw Khadeja. Moreover, Khadeja is a bit vague about his explanation of his presence in the Shadow Realm, and can even be said to be deliberately hiding something, especially that Madiwen and Kara agree with the connection between the Shadow Realm.

World of Warcraft: Khadeja returns, having spied on the Shadow Realm in Karazan, and is a bit informative

Gianna asks Khadeja why he came to the Shadow Realm, and Kade learns about the Shadow Realm in the books left by Madiwen, and glances at the Shadow Realm through the curtain at karazan's spire. Even more far-fetched, Khadeja explained that because of the ruthlessness of the years, coupled with his own overwhelm, he was getting older and wanted to see the environment of the Shadow World in advance. But there is also a flaw in this, when Khadeja also mentions that he knows a little about cunning spirits, hidden places, and ancient knowledge. These are things that happened in the Shadow Realm, and Khadeja was able to say it casually, which shows that Khadeja has been paying attention to the movements of the Shadow Realm.

World of Warcraft: Khadeja returns, having spied on the Shadow Realm in Karazan, and is a bit informative

The reason Khadeja knows the Shadow Realm so well may come from a foreshadowing of the 9.0 release. At the Ring of Transfers in Oliberus, a "vigilant raven" occasionally appears, and the camp is labeled Kenrito, which parades around and then disappears in the direction of Winsell. The Kenrito faction, and the Raven form, combined with the fact that Cardega, which now suddenly appears in the Shadow Realm, is enough to have been lurking in Olipos, collecting everything that has happened in the Shadow Realm. This creates a new suspense, which is why Khadeja did not dare to show his face before defeating the warden, who generously said that he was old and wanted to see the shadow world after he fell to the ground.

World of Warcraft: Khadeja returns, having spied on the Shadow Realm in Karazan, and is a bit informative

Judging from Khadeja's explanation, the Shadow World still has things that deserve Kenrito's attention, and neither the mortal world nor the Shadow World is aware of anything about Azeroth. Now the Shadow Realm and Azeroth are more related to the Dread Demon King that runs through the entire Warcraft, the vanished Denasius the Great! There is also the screenwriter Steve Dan's warrior who has been with a partner who can see multiple time and space. If the Warlord's companion is the Bronze Dragon Mnozdor, then this leads to the Dragon theme of the next expansion pack.

World of Warcraft: Khadeja returns, having spied on the Shadow Realm in Karazan, and is a bit informative

In short, Khadeja's early appearance after hiding in Olipos and defeating the warden should have a lot to do with the subsequent plot, but Khadeja feels that the truth should not be revealed. A powerful mage, suddenly feel that he is old, to go to the shadow world to familiarize himself with the environment first, this is too far-fetched, depending on the follow-up plot will make Khadega lead to what clues, after all, the development team mentioned that the 9.2.5 version and epic plot content, but there is no new group book.

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