
Puxin male Puxin female is what terrier

Recently, have any small partners often brushed the three words of Puxin male or Puxin female in the community or software? Some of the little friends may not quite understand what it means, so let's take a look at it now

Puxin male Puxin female is what terrier

As the name suggests, Puxin women are equal to ordinary and confident girls, but it does not mean that ordinary girls cannot be confident, Puxin women are equivalent to knowing that they are very ordinary, but they are very confident and conceited, and they are picky about the ability of boys or their boyfriends, looks and income or academic height, family background, etc., but they have nothing, ordinary but they are very confident, no self-knowledge

Puxin male Puxin female is what terrier

The word Puxin woman originated from Yang Kasa's "Spit Conference" so ordinary, but so confident - derived from Puxin male, and later some people used the word on some girls, that is, Puxin women.

Puxin men, as the name suggests ordinary and confident men, these Puxin men are characterized by general appearance, general salary, general family conditions, but they comment on the appearance of girls, age, body, education, etc., with a very contemptuous attitude to look at women, of course, Puxin women are the same

Puxin male Puxin female is what terrier

Puxin women in the contemporary network is a derogatory term, Puxin women are not able to see their own ordinary and blind self-confidence, and then to evaluate others, completely do not see their ordinary side, feel that they are on top

If you want to avoid becoming a popular woman, you must first see your own conditions, neither exaggerate, nor be arrogant, and then you must be strict with yourself, lenient with others, and the most important thing is to be humble and do not comment on others at will.

Puxin male Puxin female is what terrier

Classic quotes from Pu Xin Nu

1, you are like this, I used to look down on it.

2, don't be delusional, you don't deserve me.

3, you say angry words, I don't believe it.

4, hurt you too badly, sorry

5, no one can refuse the sister, of course, you can't

6. Crush on me?

So what do you think about Puxin men and puxin women?