
League of Legends: Zeli Emergency Boost! Olaf little redo after too strong! Urgently weaken Olaf!

Hello, hello League of Legends players, Little Peach will bring specific information about the emergency hot patch against Zeli that will be launched directly in the near future, as well as the hot patch that was urgently weakened after the small redo.

In the 12.7 version of the recent update of the national service, after the update, Zeli directly dropped the T4, and the designer felt that he had overcut, so he decided to launch an emergency hot patch to enhance it.

League of Legends: Zeli Emergency Boost! Olaf little redo after too strong! Urgently weaken Olaf!

The first is that Zeli's base health has been increased from 500 to 530.

Q Skill - Electric Burst: The E cooldown returned during critical hits is increased from 2x to 3x, and the number of R skill layers stacked during critical hits is increased from 2 to 3 layers.

W Skill - Strong Penetrating Laser: Slowdown time increased from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 2 seconds, and attack damage bonus increased from 120% to 140% AD.

E Skill - Brilliant Firework: Cooldown increased from 28/26.5/25/23.5/22 to 26/24.5/23/21.5/20 seconds, and the CD returned to E during Q skill critical hits increased from 2 to 3.

R Skill - Overrun Burst: The number of layers stacked on R during Q skill critical hits is increased from 2 to 3.

League of Legends: Zeli Emergency Boost! Olaf little redo after too strong! Urgently weaken Olaf!

Originally, Olaf's early head-to-head ability was relatively strong, because Olaf was a little too strong after the small redo, so the designer also weakened Olaf slightly in this emergency hot patch.

W Skill - Brutal Strike: Base Shield value is reduced from 70/115/160/205/250 to 10/45/80/115/150, providing up to 30% of the current health shield based on health lost.

R Skill - Twilight of the Gods: Double Resistance bonus is reduced from 20/30/40 to 10/25/40, and Attack damage bonus is reduced from 15/20/25+30% Attack Damage to 10/20/30+25% Attack Damage.

The above is the specific change value of the emergency hot patch of the direct online national service, and there is new news in the follow-up, and The little peach will share it with you

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