
World of Warcraft: TBC trumpets can't get into Zuman, remember, don't get into this kind of team

With the opening of world of Warcraft Zuman, I believe that everyone who plays trumpets is very happy, but now the situation makes many trumpet players complain that it is very difficult for trumpets to enter this group, and most trumpets cannot enter. This time Xiaobian to talk about the specific difficulty of Zu aman, first of all, the treatment of the tank is qualified, of course, it does not mean how good the equipment is, the first method should be in place, and it is not how powerful the operation is, as long as you are familiar with the profession you play, Zuman is not so complex mechanism.

World of Warcraft: TBC trumpets can't get into Zuman, remember, don't get into this kind of team

Especially the treatment profession, in many cases it is necessary to be stuck with CDs and blue pills, Xiaobian once in the box, it is because of the treatment of reluctant to drink blue medicine, and finally the bear did not get it. Then there is the equipment, in fact, this regiment does not have a boss too tough, but the hardware is a little pressure, in addition to the Bobcat saber, the rest of the boss basic table is a stable blood line, some Karazan graduated T, Gruer's four pieces are not, can do the whole main T.

World of Warcraft: TBC trumpets can't get into Zuman, remember, don't get into this kind of team

Of course, Karazan's T can also go in, after all, now T is not easy to shout, Karazan's T is also not under any pressure, even the potion is not needed, as a deputy T barely prevent it. Want to play four boxes is the requirements for the output, for the output, T5 level will be more stable, the first time the small editor team is to play 5 DPS, the output is relatively slow, so also take two boxes, in fact, you can also take three boxes, but the front ADD twice, so the result is not enough time.

World of Warcraft: TBC trumpets can't get into Zuman, remember, don't get into this kind of team

Of course, some of the output even with blue equipment, the old five demon magicians have a little requirement for the output, but there is not much pressure to fight, and the more powerful team can even pull down a direct AA together. The best two Ts of this regiment are naturally bears and anti-mounts, tanks are best to group an anti-mount, the functionality is really very good, of course, now look at the collection of stones, are subsidized 300G to find an anti-riding, even difficult to find.

World of Warcraft: TBC trumpets can't get into Zuman, remember, don't get into this kind of team

Of course, no anti-riding is not impossible, there are not many waves of monsters that need AA, and normal wild play is either not OK, or the speed is slightly slower. The healing profession priest is the best, one has to dispel. There is also an output aspect of hunting spells is a must, physics class must have, otherwise playing the final boss will be extremely difficult. If the trumpet wants to enter the team, it will find three boxes or two boxes, there is no need to rush the bear, so it is easy to enter the team. What do you think about this, you can comment in the message area.

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