
Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

October was pregnant and cried.

The little baby with a loud cry

He was proclaimed his coming.

Children not only bring joy and joy to the family, but also carry the hopes of the whole society. Ensuring the health and safety of mothers and babies at all times is done by the special departments and special medical personnel of each hospital. There is also such a place in Shijingshan, witnessing the birth of new life every day, and at the same time, there is such a group of people who perform the duty of guarding new life with love and responsibility.

The following will follow the footsteps of the editor,

Let's walk into Peking University together

Department of Obstetrics, Shougang Hospital,

Listen to those new lives bloom

The warm story behind it...

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Escorted by a team of skilled professionals

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

In the maternity ward of Peking University Shougang Hospital, a mother who has just given birth is immersed in the joy of welcoming a new life. However, postpartum monitoring found that the postpartum hemorrhage that threatened the mother also came with the trend, and the obstetric personnel formed a rapid response team at any time to stop the bleeding, infusion, blood transfusion and other series of standardized operations, emergency treatment, and soon, the mother turned the crisis into safety. This is a true story that happened at the end of 2021, and it is also another manifestation of the ability of Peking University Shougang Hospital to deal with high-risk cases.

The Department of Obstetrics of Peking University Shougang Hospital has a sound talent echelon and strong technical force, and the discipline leader is Director Xia Yixin, former Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Armed Police General Hospital (now the Third Medical Center of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army). There are 34 people in the obstetrics team, including 12 doctors, 1 chief physician, 5 deputy chief physicians, 1 doctor and 7 graduate students.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Xia Yixin

He is currently the director and chief physician of the Department of Obstetrics of Shougang Hospital of Peking University, the doctor of perinatal medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of Miyazaki University in Japan, and the director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the former Armed Police General Hospital (now the Third Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital). Engaged in obstetrics and gynecology clinical for 36 years, he has traveled to the Pacific Medical Center in the United States to learn non-invasive delivery technology, accumulated rich experience in obstetrics and gynecology clinical, teaching and team management at home and abroad, especially good at genetic counseling, perinatal health care for high-risk groups, pregnancy and internal disease management, prevention of postpartum hemorrhage, prevention of neonatal asphyxia, prevention of hypertensive eclampsia, amniotic fluid embolism and other obstetric key diseases management, in-depth research on international advanced birth methods such as non-invasive childbirth.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Xiang Mao

He graduated from the Medical Department of Beijing Medical College and has been engaged in clinical work in obstetrics and gynecology for 38 years. Specialties: Perinatal care, management of high-risk pregnancies, management of abnormal labour and complications during childbirth, difficult caesarean section, vaginal midwifery, suturing of complex perineal lacerations, etc. Rigorous management, excellence, real-time grasp of new ideas and new ideas of perinatal medicine.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Zhang Xiaohong

Deputy Chief Physician, has rich clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of common obstetric diseases, high-risk pregnancy management and pregnancy complications; good at prenatal consultation, nutritional guidance during pregnancy, postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation, and handling various obstructive labor, vaginal midwifery, complex caesarean section, neonatal asphyxia and postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia and other obstetric critical care rescue.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Chang Xiangfen

Deputy chief physician, good at perinatal health care, prenatal consultation, high-risk pregnancy management, normal delivery, abnormal labor management, vaginal midwifery, surgical delivery and emergency treatment of obstetric emergency critical diseases have a high clinical attainment, pregnancy nutrition, twins, pregnancy hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, amniotic fluid, amniotic fluid is too little, fetal growth restriction and other diseases have a certain clinical thinking and treatment plan.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Wu Xiaobo

Deputy Chief Physician, good at maternal mental health, perinatal health care, high-risk pregnancy assessment and management, pregnancy weight management and nutrition guidance, gestational diabetes, hypertension, thyroid and other comorbidities management.

After coming to Peking University Shougang Hospital, Director Xia has been presiding over the promotion of obstetric quality construction and development, "obstetric quality is not to seek probability but to accurately reflect in every pregnant woman" This is the central point of Director Xia's management department.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

From outpatient management to wards,

Then go to the delivery room and ask yourself every day

Personally grasp the situation of each patient,

Feel free to ask questions during the day and night,

The change situation is the first to grasp.

Speaking of the development of obstetrics, Director Xia said that compared with other professions, the team management of obstetrics majors is particularly important, because full-term women may give birth at any time. Therefore, the entire obstetric team needs to operate 365 days a day, 24 hours, regardless of holidays, and do a good job of safety and security anytime, anywhere. To this end, the obstetrics department of Peking University Shougang Hospital has set up a triple medical body from ordinary diagnosis to emergency department, covering 365 days, focusing on guaranteeing night and holidays to ensure the safety of every pregnant woman.

Make every effort to ensure medical quality and patient safety

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Safety and security is also a responsibility

obligations of obstetric medical personnel,

In addition to standardizing diagnosis and treatment,

Carry out new obstetric technology business and service concept,

Everything is for the sake of the patient

The needs of modern medical care.

In April 2021, Director Xia led the team to take the lead in carrying out perineal incision and perineal unprotected delivery technology in Shougang Hospital of Peking University, reducing manual intervention, reducing medical trauma, and making natural delivery more natural and smoother. Obstetrics and anesthesiology are seamlessly linked, for the first time to carry out 24-hour anesthesia analgesic delivery, truly humanized service, the current rate of no perineal incision and painless delivery rate has been among the best in Beijing, becoming the business card of Shijingshan area.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Director Xia often said that care is the first prescription given by doctors to patients, and Peking University Shougang Hospital also gives the warmest service to pregnant women. The obstetric outpatient clinic is located on the first floor of the Wu Jieping Urology Center Building of Peking University Shougang Hospital, with a clean and comfortable environment. The hospital's new outpatient building will open at the end of the year, and the treatment environment will be more convenient and warm.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

There are 35 obstetric beds, and since January 2022, under the condition of strictly abiding by the epidemic policy, we have overcome difficulties to open a single ward, and the family has accompanied them throughout the journey, warm and warm, as if they are at home, and are welcomed by pregnant women. With patience and love, medical staff also guard the flowers of life of pregnant women and newborns in the ordinary.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Shijingshan Medical Weaves a Health Network

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Peking University Shougang Hospital has always been one of the top pillars of medical institutions in Western Beijing, and the health management center has made a new appearance and established a multidisciplinary multidisciplinary outpatient clinic for artificial intelligence of small nodules in the lungs... In the past few years, Peking University Shougang Hospital has also continuously improved and upgraded medical conditions, and this is also the embodiment of our continuous progress in the medical and health field and the welfare of the people!

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

In recent years, Shijingshan has accelerated the western hospital,

Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Public Health Emergency Response

Women's and children's center and other project preliminary work,

Promote the national medical community,

Beijing Compact Medical Consortium Pilot.

Beijing Children's Hospital Shijingshan Diagnosis and Treatment Center,

Winter Olympics International Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine...

One medical institution after another

Landing on Shijing Mountain,

Internationalization, high-end, specialization,

Smarter healthcare projects

It is also gradually landing.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

At the same time, we will carry out a comprehensive reform of separating medicine and linkage between medical consumption and consumption, and comprehensively launch the "credit + medical" service for the grass-roots medical institutions in the whole region, and since September last year, "credit medical treatment" has been piloted in Shijingshan Hospital, and the service object of "credit medical treatment" has been expanded to medical insurance, commercial insurance, self-payment and other types of patients. At present, the community health service center in Shijingshan District has also completed the system transformation. Bring convenience to more people.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

In the future, Shijingshan will also start construction of Wulituo Mental Health Specialist Hospital and Beixin'an Community Health Service Center to promote the inheritance and innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine and build a demonstration area for the transformation of traditional Chinese medicine cultural resources in Beijing. This year, Shijingshan will implement the standard transformation of the Octagon Community Health Service Center (new site), and at the same time, start construction of 2 community health service stations during the year.

Shijingshan medical system weaves a "health network", this hospital with love to protect the safety of mothers and babies

Performing the duty of guarding new life in the ordinary,

In the ordinary harvest of countless joys and touches,

Used in Peking University Shougang Hospital

Practical action to protect pregnant women and newborns.

This also proves that

More and more accurate and professional medical services

Is gradually landing on ShijingShan,

The people of Shijingshan have got better quality,

More convenient medical services,

Guarding everyone's health!

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