
What should I do if I have leg cramps during pregnancy? Mama Jun teaches you a few tricks to prevent easily

What should I do if I have leg cramps during pregnancy? Mama Jun teaches you a few tricks to prevent easily

There are 9 out of 10 pregnant mothers

Suffering from cramps during pregnancy

It was an indescribable sourness

Obviously, I slept soundly

Suddenly it was like being electrified by something

First the numbness followed by the pain...

What should I do if I have leg cramps during pregnancy? Mama Jun teaches you a few tricks to prevent easily

Once you enter the second trimester, cramps will harass the pregnant mother from time to time, making the pregnant mother who has been tortured more desperate for the life during pregnancy. Today, Jun Jun's mother will teach expectant mothers a few tricks to easily prevent and learn quickly

What to do if you have leg cramps during pregnancy

1) Straighten your legs and gently bend your ankles and instep (toes facing upwards), you may feel pain at first but will soon be effectively relieved.

2) Gently massage the muscles at the spasm area.

3) Walk around slowly for a few minutes, preferably on tiptoeing.

4) If the symptoms of pain have not improved, accompanied by local skin redness and swelling, skin temperature increase, local immobilization is required, and timely medical treatment is required.

What should I do if I have leg cramps during pregnancy? Mama Jun teaches you a few tricks to prevent easily

How to prevent leg cramps during pregnancy

1) Perform calf stretching exercises before going to bed

The extension exercises are indicated as follows:

Stand up straight against the wall with your palms pressed against the wall, keeping your arms and upper body upright. Bend your left foot forward and take a step, pay attention to keeping your paws close to the ground, do not adduction or rotate outwards toes, keep your waist straight during the process, your hips slightly forward, hold on for 30 seconds, and then repeat the exercise with your legs. Generally 8 times per group.

What should I do if I have leg cramps during pregnancy? Mama Jun teaches you a few tricks to prevent easily

2) Stay comfortable

Choosing flat shoes that fit comfortably and taking a hot shower or soaking your feet before going to bed can help promote blood circulation. When sleeping, use a soft pillow or cushion pillow cushion at the ankle to relax the calf muscles and increase the return of blood.

What should I do if I have leg cramps during pregnancy? Mama Jun teaches you a few tricks to prevent easily

3) Walk on tiptoe

Try it a few times a day, tiptoe for a while and then get back to normal walking.

What should I do if I have leg cramps during pregnancy? Mama Jun teaches you a few tricks to prevent easily

4) Eat a healthy and balanced diet and eat more vegetables and fruits

Magnesium: such as whole grain foods, nuts, dates, figs, sweet corn, green vegetables, apples.

Calcium: dairy products, green leafy vegetables, melon seeds, salmon, dried beans.

Vitamin C: Oranges, citrus, potatoes, tomatoes.

Adequate water intake: At least 1.5 liters of water intake per day is guaranteed.

What should I do if I have leg cramps during pregnancy? Mama Jun teaches you a few tricks to prevent easily

Jun's mother warm reminder

Have you mothers-to-be learned the little tricks that Jun Jun Ma taught you, if you have other parenting problems that you don't understand, you can consult the Jun Jun Mom Parenting Team Oh ~




Image source: Internet (infringement deleted)


I am Jun Jun's mother, and I am also a post-90s hot mother with two handsome babies. Focusing on the production of infant and young child food supplements and the study of infant sleep irregularities, it is a real parenting expert, food supplement expert, skin care expert, and it is also the object of enthusiasm of mothers. Follow me and be the mother and baby care specialist around you.

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