
Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

Recently, Jun Jun's mother's girlfriend complained the most to Jun Jun's mother was the problem of her baby spitting up, and she threw up again within a few minutes of changing clothes.

So I asked Jun Jun's mother for help if there was any good way to alleviate the problem of her baby spitting up.

Spitting up is a very common phenomenon in babies and is difficult to avoid. When they first appear, moms are worried and overwhelmed.

Looking at the good baby, how can you spit up?

What should I do if my baby spits up?

Is there no way to prevent it?

Is all spitting up normal?


Don't worry, the problem of the baby spitting up milk can actually be changed, and only the mother needs to know how to use these few small skills.

Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

Why do babies spit up

Spitting up is caused by a variety of causes, sometimes coexisting with hiccups, and the vast majority of babies' spitting up is due to gastroesophageal reflux.

Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

1. Physiological spitting up

For babies under 1 year old, spitting up is very normal, and babies around 4 months old are particularly serious.

This is related to the baby's immature digestive system and eating.

2. Pathological spitting up

If the baby is spitting up milk at the same time, there are also symptoms of discomfort such as poor spirits, poor feeding, accompanied by bloating, diarrhea, fever, crying and uneasiness, etc., they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Serious diseases such as intestinal obstruction, intussusception, esophageal atresia, and intestinal atresia can manifest as spitting up milk.

Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

How to prevent your baby from spitting up

1. Avoid playing immediately after feeding

We all know to avoid intense exercise after meals, the same is true for babies, and we should avoid too much activity after feeding.

Many mothers habitually put the baby in the jump car or baby rocking chair after feeding the baby, which makes the food unable to stay in the baby's stomach and makes the baby vomit.

After feeding, moms can pick up their baby upright and let him lie on our shoulders, while remembering to tap their hands on their backs

This allows the air that is swallowed with sucking to drain and then put it down, and the baby will not be able to spit up.

Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

2. Don't lie down and feed

There are always times when the mother is tired, and sometimes she lies down to feed the baby.

It is worth mentioning that if the baby's body in the arms is tilted, the lower mouth of the stomach will have a certain inclination, and the inhaled milk can partially flow into the small intestine due to gravity, so that the stomach part is empty, and a slight shake is easy to cause the milk to flow back to the esophagus and spit milk.

To avoid this from happening, moms remember to sit up and hold their babies to feed

Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

3, avoid eating too much

If the baby eats too much and the lotion in the stomach is too full, it is easy to spit up milk. It can also cause the baby to overfeed, resulting in the baby's obesity.

If it is bottle feeding, try reducing the amount of milk by 15-30 ml to see if the spitting up phenomenon improves.

When feeding your baby, be sure to feed it small and multiple times to reduce the pressure on your baby's stomach.

Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

4. Hiccup more

Babies need to burp very much, and hiccups can expel excess gas, making the baby more comfortable and relieving spitting.

Whether it is breast milk or milk powder feeding, be sure to burp more, shoot during the feeding process, and burp after eating!

Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

5. Change the diaper first and then eat milk

If it's time to change your diapers when you're breastfeeding, let's eat the diapers. When the baby is full in the stomach, the mother flips left and right, and is also lifted up by the legs to pad the diaper, it is easy to cause vomiting.

Similarly, massage, touch, bathing, etc. should be arranged before feeding, in case too much flipping after feeding causes the baby to leak milk.

Babies spit up and need to pay more attention!

Some spitting up milk is not normal, parents should pay attention

Normal spitting up milk will not affect the baby's growth or happiness, but if the spitting is serious, it may be necessary to consider pathological factors and seek medical attention in time;

No weight gain;

Vomiting of yellow-green liquid or bloody substances;

Vomiting in large mouths, squirting, sometimes accompanied by sharp cerebral screams or convulsions;

Refusal to eat;

Blood in the stool;

There are other manifestations of illness, such as fever, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing.

Jun's mother warm reminder

When the baby vomits violently, parents must pay attention to prevent the occurrence of dangers such as choking cough, once the cough occurs, immediately turn the baby sideways, head slightly lower, pat the baby's back, help milk or vomit flow out in time, and go to the hospital in time! If you have other parenting problems that you don't understand, you can consult the Junjun Mother Parenting Team




Image source: Internet (infringement deleted)

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