
Mothers, your baby's ears can't be "plucked" casually

Mothers, your baby's ears can't be "plucked" casually

Hello, moms

The other day Jun Mom went to see her friends and her baby

Unexpectedly, Jun's mother actually saw a "thrilling" scene

A friend is plucking her baby's ears

Jun's mother quickly stopped her

Next, Jun Mama will share it with Bao Mama

Why can't your baby's ears be plucked out casually

Mothers, your baby's ears can't be "plucked" casually

Many parents think that the baby's ear feces are harmful to the baby, so they often use appliances such as toothpicks, cotton swabs, ear spoons and other instruments to take out the baby's ear, and must be cleaned up, parents can remain vigilant, the baby's ear must not be taken out randomly.

The baby's external auditory canal is still far from mature, and the external auditory canal is mostly flat and slit-like, not easy to operate, and the light ones hurt the skin in the ear and cause inflammation, boils and sores; serious may puncture the eardrum, resulting in hearing damage to the baby.

In the view of Jun Mama, pulling out the ears is indeed a normal thing, which is equivalent to cleaning the ears every day, which has no big relationship for adults, but for the baby, it is necessary to attract the high attention of the mothers.

Ear droppings have a protective effect on your baby's ears

Mothers, your baby's ears can't be "plucked" casually

1) Natural barrier

Ear feces are like a barrier that separates the outside world from the eardrum and prevents anything that accidentally enters the ear canal from hurting the eardrum.

2) Keep the ear canal moist

Ear feces can moisturize the ear canal and prevent itching and burning of the ear canal due to dryness.

3) Antibacterial effect

Although ear feces sound very unclean, it actually has an antibacterial effect, preventing the ear from running pus and becoming inflamed due to infection.

Can your baby's ears be plucked?

Mothers, your baby's ears can't be "plucked" casually

Jun Mom suggests: Unless the baby's ear feces has blocked the entire ear canal and affected the baby's hearing, it is not recommended to pluck the baby's ears.

Even if the above situation occurs, it should be preferentially selected to go to the "otolaryngology department" of the hospital to be handled by a professional doctor.

1) Your baby's ear canal is very fragile

Your baby's ear canal is narrower than an adult's, and even if you stick your ear scoop in, it's not easy to operate. Moreover, the baby's skin immunity is low, and it is likely that the ear canal will be inflamed due to the adult's operation error.

2) Ear feces can fall off on their own

In addition, the baby's ear feces can actually be discharged through the self-discharge function.

3) It is easy to push deeper and deeper

We usually use ear scoops or cotton swabs for ear plucking at home, but such tools have little flexibility and are easy to dig deeper and deeper into the ear feces.

How to pluck your baby's ears

Mothers, your baby's ears can't be "plucked" casually

1) At home

When cleaning your baby's ears at home, don't clean your baby's ear canal, we just need to clean the baby's overflowing ear feces.

You can take a small cotton swab or gauze to clean your baby's auricles, the outside of the ears and the back of the ears, as long as the effect of antipruritic is achieved.

2) Go to the hospital

If you want to clean up the ear feces in your baby's ear canal, then be sure to go to the hospital to deal with it.

Generally speaking, there are two methods, one is to use a tool to directly clip the ear feces, and the other is to soak the ear drops for 3 days and then go to the hospital to rinse.

Jun's mother warm reminder

Jun Mom wants to remind the novice mothers once again that they can't just give the baby's ears. Even if you want to clean your baby's ears, you must go to a professional maternal and infant institution, or go to the hospital to let the doctor deal with it! If you have other parenting problems that you don't understand, you can consult the Junjun Mother Parenting Team




Image source: Internet (infringement deleted)


I am Jun Jun's mother, and I am also a post-90s hot mother with two handsome babies. Focusing on the production of infant and young child food supplements and the study of infant sleep irregularities, it is a real parenting expert, food supplement expert, skin care expert, and it is also the object of enthusiasm of mothers. Follow me and be the mother and baby care specialist around you.

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