
How to make girls like themselves quickly? Occasionally showing your fragile side has a miraculous effect

Most boys like to use various methods to attract the attention of girls to achieve the purpose of making girls like. Such a method can indeed have a certain effect, but compared to the techniques we will talk about below, this method is really a brother behavior. So what should be done to make girls like themselves quickly?

In fact, the easiest way to make girls like themselves quickly is to let girls see that you are different from other boys, so as to build attraction. For example, occasionally showing their vulnerable side stimulates their desire to protect.

The desire to protect is an innate emotion of man, both men and women. Do you know why girls like small animals? This is because small animals can stimulate her desire to protect. Girls are more emotionally rich than boys, but also have their own motherhood, when we take the initiative to show the vulnerable side, emotionally rich girls will be stimulated motherhood, involuntarily to care for and want to protect us.

How to make girls like themselves quickly? Occasionally showing your fragile side has a miraculous effect

After all, since ancient times, men are synonymous with masculinity and strength, so in the relationship between men and women, everyone generally believes that boys should be the party who does not accept defeat and does not show weakness. But boys are also people, strong behind will also have their own vulnerable side, many times in front of girls too strong, will not let girls feel your strength, but will feel that you intentionally alienate her, did not put her in the heart, so appropriate to show their own vulnerable side, such subversive operation, in order to be able to get the care of girls, resulting in their emotional investment, so that they like themselves more quickly.

How to make girls like themselves quickly? Occasionally showing your fragile side has a miraculous effect

First, how to show your fragile side

Relative to the positive emotional value feedback, self-motivated, loving, mature and stable, the display of the vulnerable side is a kind of emotional transmission with negative feedback, some people may ask, is the fragile side display to sell misery to girls?

On the surface, the selling and vulnerable sides seem to be no different, but the two are fundamentally different.

Selling misery is an act of taking the initiative to show weakness, taking the initiative to speak out about your tragic experience, which is a low-value performance and is easy to be looked down upon.

The display of the vulnerable side is to guide the other party to discover, is a contrast between too much and the current life, is to guide emotional investment, is a subconscious behavior.

For example, how have two people been doing lately?

A person said that recently he is really too pitiful, after renting the house and paying off the flowers, there is not much left in his pocket, listening to him say so you will not pity him, but feel that he is not motivated.

And a person said that after renting the house and finishing the flowers, although there is not much money left in the pocket, but it is good to grit your teeth and insist on insisting, although the same is the rent of the house and the flowers, but this person's words will make people feel that he is a person who insists on not accepting defeat, and can't help but want to care about him.

How to make girls like themselves quickly? Occasionally showing your fragile side has a miraculous effect

Second, how to show their vulnerable side to girls

In the face of showing girls their vulnerability, you need to have the following points:

1) Based on the story, remember that the display of the vulnerable side is never how miserable your current situation is, that will only make people feel that you are not on the heart, to convey a message: I was miserable in the past, but I survived, I am tenacious.

2) Have emotional resonance with girls, the display of vulnerability must be related to girls, only empathy can really feel, rather than you said a pass, girls have not experienced it at all, then your tragic experience in girls This is more like a story, just listen to it.

3) There are regrets in the heart, leaving the opportunity for the girl to care, although she has survived, but it will still be faintly painful, and she needs someone to comfort her

Combining past experience + strong resonance + impact on their own present, so that it can be regarded as a successful display of vulnerability, in order to make girls quickly like themselves.

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