
WeChat Pay is starting to be favored, Alipay is not popular? The reason was found

As we all know, WeChat and Alipay are currently the two major mobile payment giants in China except banks, and the number of users of both has exceeded the billion mark, and throughout the physical store size of the store, it is almost the coexistence of WeChat collection code and Alipay collection code. However, the two platforms that seem to be equally divided have already quietly opened the gap: Alipay, as the "forerunner" of mobile payment platforms, has been overtaken; and WeChat, as a rising star, has come to the fore and gradually gained the upper hand. So, what kind of reasons are hidden behind Alipay's overtake by WeChat and lack of stamina?

WeChat Pay is starting to be favored, Alipay is not popular? The reason was found

△ Alipay, WeChat mobile payment

Cumbersome operation and low convenience

Alipay initially started from providing mobile payment for Taobao users, and later added new service content, and eventually developed into a large-scale, wide-ranging APP, whether it is telephone bills, utilities, transportation fees, or movie tickets, takeaway orders, etc. can be paid on this platform. Similarly, the above mentioned payment function WeChat is also available, but the advantage of the WeChat platform is that all the functions are used at a glance, and the classification is more focused on the "small and fine" model, which provides the convenience of operation for many people, especially middle-aged and elderly users.

WeChat Pay is starting to be favored, Alipay is not popular? The reason was found

△ Alipay interface diagram

Platform binding, low favorability

Although the Huabei project launched by the Alipay platform is all the rage, its shortcomings are also difficult to avoid. Although Huabei can consume ahead of time, but personal credit will also be affected by it, once the repayment is not timely, personal credit will have a bad record, and future loans are bound to be affected. The rules set by the Alipay platform are that if you do not specifically set the payment order, as long as you open Huabei, the deduction order of the payment must be Huabei first, the bank card is second, and finally the money stored in the balance treasure of your own platform.

WeChat Pay is starting to be favored, Alipay is not popular? The reason was found

△ Huabei repayment interface diagram

That is to say, if you do not choose the payment method in time when using Alipay payment, you will default to payment from Huabei, once you forget to repay next month, trouble will come, this payment mechanism is particularly unfriendly to the elderly; in addition, Taobao shopping and Alipay's supermarkets can only choose Alipay to pay when paying, which also limits the user's choice, which reduces the user's favorability. The above problems do not occur on the WeChat platform, users not only save the trouble of choice and future risks, but also avoid a lot of unnecessary bundling requirements.

WeChat Pay is starting to be favored, Alipay is not popular? The reason was found

△ Elderly people learn to use mobile payment charts

Business overlaps, choose the good and follow the good

As mentioned above, Alipay's business sector WeChat is almost all available, in addition, WeChat also has a strong communication function. As one of the necessary software for daily communication and office, whether it is office needs or chat with parents and friends, WeChat can meet the needs, voice calls, video calls, WeChat groups, grab red envelopes and other functions. And the above functional sectors, although Alipay has also tried, the end has ended in failure, it has to be said that Alipay has lost the best period for the construction of the above major plates. In this way, abandoning the overlapping plates in the business, whether it is convenience, favorability, or comprehensive performance, WeChat is better.

WeChat Pay is starting to be favored, Alipay is not popular? The reason was found

△ WeChat pay interface diagram

Therefore, on the whole, WeChat seems to be more in line with people's life and office needs, and more able to provide people with the desired, comfortable and convenient services. The so-called user gets the reputation, no matter which industry, in the process of development, the needs of users seem to be fully valued. In the future, whether it is Alipay or WeChat, I believe that it will use actions to give back to users.

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