
Inventory of new energy vehicle deliveries in March: a few joys and a few sorrows

Inventory of new energy vehicle deliveries in March: a few joys and a few sorrows

Text/Shore Qing

In 2021, the retail sales of new energy vehicles were 2.989 million units, an increase of 169.1% year-on-year; from January to February 2022, the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles were 765,000 units, up 154.7% year-on-year.

And April has just arrived, the new energy companies can not wait to release the March delivery, according to the custom, the faster the delivery, the better the results of the car companies, and the facts have proved that the car companies that rushed to show the results did achieve a lot of gains in March.

Inventory of new energy vehicle deliveries in March: a few joys and a few sorrows

First, the delivery volume of new car-making forces has been released

New car-making forces are often the fastest delivery and release of new energy vehicles, and with the release of data, it is not difficult to find that the situation of "Wei Xiaoli" is about to change again, Weilai Automobile delivered 9985 vehicles in March, an increase of 37% year-on-year, Xiaopeng Automobile delivered more than 15,000 vehicles in March, ideal cars delivered more than 11,000 vehicles in March, and Wei Xiaoli changed into "Xiaoli Wei".

In addition, the previous second echelon of car companies also began to impact the process, in March zero-run car delivery for the first time exceeded the 10,000 mark, reaching 10,059, in March 2022 Nezha car delivery volume of 12,026 vehicles, an increase of 69% over the previous month (7117 vehicles).

Inventory of new energy vehicle deliveries in March: a few joys and a few sorrows

Overall, among the new car-making forces that have released delivery data so far, Xiaopeng Automobile ranks first in the list, while Nezha Automobile enters the second place, and the ideal car has won the "Tanhua". The most surprising performance this month is Nezha Automobile, although it has begun to show its sharp edge in recent months, but the momentum of jumping to the monthly runner-up of the new forces' delivery volume has also won the recognition of many people.

Second, Xiaopeng Automobile topped the list of deliveries of new forces in March

And Xiaopeng Automobile can achieve the top position of "Wei Xiaoli" in the three, personally believe that there are two reasons, one is that and The diversified product layout of Xiaopeng Automobile is inseparable from the relationship, the ideal car is currently only supported by the ideal ONE, the official release of L9 still has a period of time, and Xiaopeng products are numerous, which can provide users with more choices.

Inventory of new energy vehicle deliveries in March: a few joys and a few sorrows

The second is better than the price. The same Weilai Automobile although there are many products, but the minimum price of 328,000 yuan is enough to refuse most consumers, just like the 100,000-150,000 level of fuel vehicle market competition is fierce, combined with the current situation in the mainland, most consumers will prefer about 150,000 yuan of models, Weilai's high price is destined to have some disadvantages in the amount.

Inventory of new energy vehicle deliveries in March: a few joys and a few sorrows

The product layout of Xiaopeng Automobile is mainly distributed in about 200,000 yuan, the starting price of Xiaopeng G3 168,900 yuan has won the hearts of many consumers, and the price of P5 and 200,000 yuan can also win the love of urban elites, and there are P7 support fields, it can be said that different price ranges are distributed, which is more than enough to occupy more consumer markets.

Third, a few joys and a few sorrows

In addition to the new forces of car manufacturing, GAC Aeon also achieved a good performance this month, on April 1, GAC Aeon officially released an announcement showing that the company's new energy vehicle deliveries in March reached 20,317 units, an increase of 189% year-on-year, achieving a new high in delivery.

Inventory of new energy vehicle deliveries in March: a few joys and a few sorrows

Last year, GAC Aean's annual sales volume reached 120,000 vehicles, and the capacity utilization rate exceeded 100%. The product matrix has covered small cars, compact cars, medium-sized SUVs and other market segments, and has launched "sponge silicon anode chip batteries". Gac Aeon, which is in the critical period of mixed reform this year and has completed the expansion of production capacity, will usher in a new development situation.

In addition, new energy vehicles are not "anyone can do it", a few joys and a few sorrows are often the norm in the market, Extreme Kr delivered 1795 vehicles in March, down 38% month-on-month, but the official said that because of the impact of the epidemic, it will gradually recover in the follow-up.

Write at the end:

The market situation is changing rapidly, as more car companies enter the new energy market, the market competition pressure will only become more and more, and the times are destined to leave only the best of them, hoping that more new energy companies will think of danger in peace and create more competitive products, which is the king of winning the market.

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