
The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion


In April, when the grass is long and flying, when it is warm and cold, it is another year of Qingming, and it is remembrance again and again, remembrance again and again, and telling the immortal deeds of revolutionary martyrs again and again, which have become our growth marks in the new era, and these revolutionary martyrs have become the most shining coordinates in the hearts of young people, guiding the younger generation to inherit the red gene, not forget the original heart, and continue to move forward courageously in the great development of the times.

  ——The most shining coordinates rest in peace in the martyrs' cemetery

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion
The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  Qingshan buried loyal bones, mountains and rivers mourned the souls of heroes, and a group of scattered martyrs who defended their families and defended the country were concentrated and moved into the martyrs' cemetery, where they would rest in peace. In Jizhou District, the old red revolutionary area, there has always been a fine revolutionary tradition passed down from generation to generation in the red rivers and mountains. The Qingming Festival is coming, the Panshan Martyrs Cemetery, the "Jizhou District Scattered Burial Of Martyrs' Remains Burial Ceremony" was solemnly held, and the remains of 7 scattered martyrs were buried among the pines and cypresses in the mountains. They sacrificed their young lives for the revolutionary cause, exchanged their blood for today's years of peace, and remembered the heroic and great achievements of the revolution, and we will remember the heroes and continue to forge ahead.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion
The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  On April 2, in order to comfort the revolutionary martyrs, the ceremony of scattering the ashes of the martyrs was held in the Jinghai District Martyrs' Cemetery. The cypress stood solemnly, the grass hung low, accompanied by the gentle and low-back "Song of Remembrance", 12 salute soldiers escorted 12 martyrs' urns covered with five-star red flags, slowly moving forward, and the participants stood on both sides of the trail, facing the martyrs' gaze ceremony and greeting the martyrs home. Heroes have passed away, the spirit is eternal, 12 newly admitted martyrs, they either fought for national independence in the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, or during the War of Liberation, they bravely killed the enemy for the establishment of a new China, or in the early days of the founding of New China, they made glorious sacrifices to save state property, their heroic deeds will forever be recorded in the annals of history, they inspired us to remember history, inherit the legacy of the martyrs, and protect and build well the red rivers and mountains laid down by the martyrs.

  The most shining coordinates make us silently mourn

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion
The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  Epidemic prevention and control needs, during the Qingming Festival, the Municipal Veterans Affairs Bureau organized the "2022 • Endeavor • Qingming Sacrifice heroic martyrs" centralized sacrifice sweeping activities. With reverence, nearly 40 deputies held a moment of reverence to pay tribute to the martyrs who heroically sacrificed their lives for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people and the construction of the republic. In the future, all the party members and cadres of the Municipal Veterans Affairs Bureau will continue to do a good job in ensuring the service of retired soldiers with full enthusiasm to comfort the revolutionary martyrs.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion
The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  The willows are hanging low to send mourning, and the pine cypress is quietly mourning the heroic soul. The "2022 • Endeavor • Qingming Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs" was held in the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Xiqing District. At the scene, all the personnel solemnly remembered the great deeds of the heroic martyrs, sincerely paid homage to the immortal heroic souls of the revolutionary heroes, and expressed their high respect and deep condolences for the martyrs instead of the families of the heroes and the cadres and masses of the whole region, and spread the positive energy of advocating, remembering, studying, and defending the heroic martyrs.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  In a solemn and solemn atmosphere, all the mourners stood in front of the martyrs' monument, silently mourned, mourned the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country and all the revolutionary ancestors who contributed to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese nation, and expressed their incomparable admiration and remembrance for the martyrs.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  On the morning of April 2, Jinghai District held a "tribute to the heroes and martyrs, wipe the tombstones" in the martyrs' cemetery to make sacrifices and sweeping activities, the sacrifice and sweeping activities began in the majestic national anthem, all the personnel bowed three times to the martyrs' monument, accompanied by the "Flower Offering Song", the delegates presented flower baskets to the martyrs, and then all the personnel jointly visited the martyrs' monument and presented flowers to the martyrs. The deputies also came to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, wiped the dust from the inscription, and removed the dead branches and leaves in front of the grave, so as to express their condolences and high respect for the revolutionary martyrs.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  In order to minimize the large-scale gathering of people to pay homage to sweep, the Baodi District Veterans Affairs Bureau held the "2022 • Endeavor • Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs" and the 2022 Qingming Festival Sacrifice sweeping activities at the District Martyrs Cemetery to commemorate and commemorate the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country and the revolutionary predecessors who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese nation, and to remember their great spirit of heroic struggle and dedication for the motherland and the people.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  "Home remembrance" and "cloud worship" became the mainstream methods of worship for citizens and martyrs during the Qingming Dynasty. On the morning of April 2, the on-site sacrifice activity of "2022 • Endeavor • Qingming Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs" was held simultaneously in Tanggu, Hangu and Dagang Martyrs Cemetery. In order to prevent and control the epidemic, the Binhai New Area Veterans Affairs Bureau and the Liebao Center jointly issued a "Letter to All Sectors of Society and the Families of Martyrs in the Whole Region" on March 23, guiding all sectors of society to participate in the "2022 • Endeavor • Online Tribute to Heroic Martyrs" activity through the official website of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, the China Heroic Martyrs Network, and the website of the Liebao Center, so that citizens can pay tribute to their relatives and "in the clouds" to pay respects to the heroic martyrs.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  The Heping District held the "2022 • Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs" Qingming Sacrifice Sweeping Ceremony, and cadres and workers logged on to the "Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs" platform through mobile phones and computers to express their high respect to the martyrs on the "I say a word to the heroic martyrs" message board.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  Heroes and martyrs are the backbone of the nation and the vanguard of the times, during the Qingming Festival, the Hedong District Veterans Affairs Bureau organized the "2022 • Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs" theme online sacrifice and sweeping heroic martyrs activities, all representatives and representatives of martyrs presented flowers to the heroes, bowed and saluted, recalled the heroic and heroic achievements, and pinned endless mourning and mourning on the martyrs. The wife of martyr Fu Pingshan said with tears in her eyes: Thank you to the District Veterans Affairs Bureau for attaching importance to the work of praising martyrs, thank you for respecting the martyrs, and thank the party and the government for their care and care for our martyrs' families.

  ——The most shining coordinates guide the new fashion of civilization festival sweeping

  Times change, customs change. According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, during the Qingming Festival, various districts in Tianjin carried out various forms of civilization sacrifice and sweeping activities, sending condolences online and offline, and transmitting nostalgia through iterative inheritance.

  What changes is the form, and what does not change is the feeling of longing. Centralized sacrifice sweeping and civilized online sacrifice sweeping activities have replaced the traditional ritual sweeping customs.

  In Tianjin, the civilization sacrifice sweep has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, in 2020, Tianjin held a "tribute • 2020 a bouquet of flowers to honor the hero" in 10 martyrs' cemeteries to pay tribute to the sweeping ceremony; in 2021, held the "guardian • 2021 Qingming Sacrifice Heroic Martyrs" mass sacrifice sweeping activities; in 2022, the centralized sacrifice sweep, online civilization sacrifice sweeping activities are continuing to be carried out, and the form of remembrance of the deceased has changed with the development of the times, forming a new trend of civilized sacrifice sweeping.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  The sacrifice of heroes and martyrs in the Qingming Dynasty is our admiration and watch for the spirit of the martyrs, and it is our common expression of emotion. An Huimin of the Tianjin Martyrs' Cemetery Education Department introduced: "This year, we adhere to the priority of epidemic prevention, actively promote the online sacrifice of heroic martyrs, and guide people from all walks of life and their families to participate in the '2022 • Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs' theme sweeping activities by logging on to the official website of Tianjin Martyrs Cemetery, so that citizens can pay homage to their relatives and commemorate the heroes and martyrs without leaving their homes." It is understood that in the past three years, the city's martyrs' memorial facilities have organized more than 2,600 sacrifice and sweeping activities, received more than 350,000 people to perform mass sacrifices, and more than 121,000 people participated in online sacrifice sweeps.

The most shining coordinates 丨 Qingming send mourning civilization sacrifice sweeps the new fashion

  In order to vigorously carry forward the spirit of heroic martyrs, under the premise of making overall plans for epidemic prevention and control, Tianjin has renovated 7 martyrs' cemeteries, repaired 354 martyrs' tombs, relocated 55 martyrs' tombs, and renovated 24 sites in accordance with the principle of "relocating and relocating and centralizing management". At present, the overall appearance of the city's 1142 heroes and martyrs below the county level has been fundamentally improved, the red education function of heroes and martyrs memorial facilities has been further improved, and the social atmosphere of advocating heroes, learning from heroes and defending heroes has become increasingly strong.

  "All projects are expected to be completed in May, the next step, we will work with relevant departments to carry out acceptance of the repair project of martyrs' memorial facilities below the county level, guide all districts to do a good job in inspection and cleaning, maintenance of sacrifice sweeps, collection of historical materials and search for relatives of martyrs, etc., at the same time, continue to promote the 'Internet + martyrs' memorial facilities', the martyrs' memorial and the development of the 'cloud' synchronous extension, give full play to the educational leading role of red resources." Kong Xiangyong, director of the Commendation Memorial Division of the Municipal Veterans Affairs Bureau, said.

  With remembrance, we pay the highest respect and deep remembrance to the "most shining coordinates". Every martyr's tomb, every heroic story, and every battle site guides young people in the new era to inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, remember the heroes, and constantly draw the strength of struggle from the heroic deeds, so that the flame of the revolution can be passed on from generation to generation.

  (Jinyun news reporter Yuan Meili photography Wu Tao, part of the material provided by the interviewee)