
Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

The Ultimate Radiance Cyro, who was given high hopes by everyone, eventually fell under the "claws" of Sakamoto, and was defeated by Tartaros in the first battle. This plot is undoubtedly a huge blow to the small partners who like Cyro, so Xiaobian will try to talk about this matter from a different relaxed perspective today.

Taboo remarks of the Otter warriors

In fact, ultimate radiance Cyro had already made a big taboo before he fought with Tartaros, saying the forbidden remark that the Otter warriors absolutely could not say - "solve you in one breath".

This taboo remark was only born from the beginning of the new generation of Ultraman, and it has been almost 6 years since then...

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

Let's first take a look at the performance of Ultimate Glory Cyro this time

After combining the power of the Shield of Paragi and the Power of radiant Cyro, he took the initiative to drag Tartaros into the "Narak" space.

"Narak" means "hell", and whether this space has an impact on the Ultimate Radiance Cyro Is unknown, but it is certainly beneficial to Tartaros.

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

Cyro should have wanted to cut the grass and destroy Tartaros along with this "Narak" space, but he underestimated Tartaros' strength and the burden of this new form

。 If he had changed his tactics, instead of taking the initiative to go to the "Narak" space, but preventing Tartaros from entering the "Narak", it might have been much better.

According to the official setting, ultimate radiance Cyro has the same ability to manipulate time and space as Tartaros, so it is completely possible to prevent Tartaros from escaping. He confined Tartaros to the battlefield at the time, and was able to get the assistance of other Otter warriors in time.

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

I don't expect Taiga Triple Slim and Joe Ultraman to unite with ultimate Radiance Cyro to annihilate Tartaros in one fell swoop, but the battle situation will definitely be much stronger than the Ultimate Radiance Cyro alone

。 The worst-case scenario is to ensure that Julian Ultraman will not become a prisoner of Tartaros...

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

So this time Cyro's plan to solve Tartaros in one go is that he is a little reckless and can't blame others

The first of its kind in the Milky Way

The first Otter warrior to be "cursed" by this taboo remark was Galaxy Ultraman

As a new generation of big brothers, he is in "Decisive Battle! In the theatrical version of Otter 10 Warriors, bravely confront the time-space demon God Atalga.

Probably because he didn't feel how good Atalga was in hand-to-hand combat, our auditorium light classmate showed his standard smile and excitedly said, "Solve him in one breath."


Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

Saying that, Galaxy Ultraman instantly released the "Galactic Fire Ball" and then successfully scratched at Atalga...

If ultimate radiance Cyro wants to solve Tartaros in one go because of a mistake in judgment, then the Auditorium Light wants to solve Atalga in one go through the "Galactic Flame Ball" is purely self-inflated.

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

A skill like the "Galactic Fire Ball" is not even a must-kill, and it seems that from the beginning to the end, it has killed a lightning bolt Daranbier...

You said that the Auditorium Light judged Atalga to be an enemy of the same level as Lightning Darambil, and he was not a shriveled who was devastated?

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

Xiaobian felt that even if the Galaxy used "Galactic Daylight" at that time, it was better than using the "Galactic Flame Ball", maybe it could make Atalgar take two steps back, at least to ensure that he would immediately be choked by his neck

Aix's terrible price

Whether it was the Galaxy or the Ultimate Radiance Cyro, they were all stunned by this forbidden remark, but Ax Ultraman was "cursed" to death by this forbidden remark

! Do you remember this plot? Occurs in episode 13 of Ax Ultraman.

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

Facing the Dark Sword DiMaga, Aix and The Great Void Earth decisively choose to attack with the must-kill "Zanadim Ray" in an attempt to eliminate the enemy in one fell swoop.

This time, the taboo phrase "solve it in one breath" came from Aix Ultraman, so he was the only one who was "cursed" in the end, and the great void earth was at most a roll when solving the fusion transformation

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

The Zanadim Rays did not cause any damage to the Dark Sword Di Maga, but Ax was disintegrated by the molten iron rays containing the energy of the Dark Thunder released by the Dark Sword Di Maga.

Speaking of this, we can't blame the Dark Sword Di Maga, because it was Aix who first put the must-kill skill "hello", it was just a gift.

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

Asakura Lu who followed in the footsteps of Aix

So far, the last person in the new generation to be "cursed" by this taboo statement is Ged Ultraman

。 In order to pursue Gilbalis, Ged fought the enemy in his original form on the planet Ain, and after feeling the difficulty, he decisively took out the red steel and prepared to enter the ultimate final form to end the battle in one breath.

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

However, Gilbarius is a highly intelligent artificial intelligence life after all, and the last time he died at the hands of G&D Ultimate Terminator, how could he let Ged smoothly become this form this time

...... So when G&D just took out the red steel, it released a powerful light directly from the red core of the chest to defeat G&D, and incidentally destroyed the G&D sublimator.

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

After all, the "Ultraman" series was shot by Round Valley, and there is no set of "transformation into invincible time" in the next shed. At that time, if it were not for Shikari sending the plug-in in time, it was estimated that Asakura Lu would be really cold

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

The terrible nature of taboo speech

As a matter of fact

This taboo remark not only works for Otter warriors, but also has a "curse" on villains in Obu Ultraman.

...... Dear friends, don't forget,

In episode 21, the girl with the blue ribbon only said this forbidden remark to Hongkai one second ago, and the next second she collapsed directly into Hongkai's arms

This "curse" takes effect in seconds!

Who can blame the Ultimate Radiance Cyro for eating up? How many times have you said it, the Otter warriors must not say that sentence before they start fighting

What do you think of this taboo remark? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section. Tips: During the epidemic period, pay attention to protection. We will not see each other in the next period