
China's largest automobile group was born, surpassing Tesla to become the global "sales crown", impacting the world's top three

Lei Jun once said: Standing on the wind outlet, pigs can fly! If you miss the commercial outlets such as real estate, the Internet, e-commerce, and live streaming, what is the biggest outlet in the future? Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big health (including pension), new energy vehicles, etc. are all outlets for the future, of which new energy vehicles have been sought after by capital.

In just a few years, a number of new energy automobile companies have emerged on the mainland, including traditional car factories that adhere to technology research and development, as well as rapidly rising "new forces" car manufacturers, as well as many Internet giants such as Xiaomi that are entering the game.

China's largest automobile group was born, surpassing Tesla to become the global "sales crown", impacting the world's top three

Mainland China is the world's largest automobile manufacturing market, but also the world's largest new energy vehicle consumption market, from the release of statistics show that in 2021, the mainland car sales of more than 26 million vehicles, accounting for one-third of the world's total car sales, so the mainland is still the world's largest automobile consumer market.

At the same time, the mainland also maintains a leading edge in the field of new energy vehicles, and the sales of new energy vehicles in the mainland will exceed 3.5 million in 2021, continuing to rank first in the world, and unlike the decline in sales of traditional fuel vehicles, the sales of new energy vehicles have always maintained a rapid growth trend. According to the forecast data of the China Automobile Association, the sales of new energy vehicles in the mainland will exceed 5 million in 2022, an increase of up to 47%.

China's largest automobile group was born, surpassing Tesla to become the global "sales crown", impacting the world's top three

For any car company, grasping the outlet of new energy vehicles is to seize the biggest opportunity in the future, and the industry reshuffle has begun. At present, the world's highest market value of the car company is not Toyota, Volkswagen, but the United States new energy vehicle giant Tesla, as of March 6, Tesla market value of up to 866.3 billion US dollars, once broke through the trillion DOLLAR mark.

At the same time, giants in the field of new energy vehicles in the mainland have also emerged, as of March 6, BYD's market value reached 680.6 billion yuan, surpassing many domestic car companies such as Great Wall Motors (307 billion yuan) and SAIC Motor (217.8 billion yuan), becoming China's largest automobile group in one fell swoop, and continuing to rise in the global car market value rankings.

China's largest automobile group was born, surpassing Tesla to become the global "sales crown", impacting the world's top three

BYD's market capitalization of more than 680 billion yuan, equivalent to 107.7 billion US dollars according to the latest exchange rate, ranking first in the world? At present, Tesla's market value ranks first in the world' car companies, Japan's Toyota market value of 236.5 billion US dollars, ranking second in the world, Germany's Volkswagen market value of more than 140 billion US dollars, ranking third in the world, BYD followed by the world's fourth.

Therefore, from a global point of view, BYD's market value has exceeded the market value of auto giants such as Ford, General Motors, Mercedes-Benz and BMW in germany, and the future market value goal is to catch up with German Volkswagen and impact the world's top three.

China's largest automobile group was born, surpassing Tesla to become the global "sales crown", impacting the world's top three

BYD can achieve such a high market value, and its own technical strength, sales are inseparable, BYD can achieve completely independent manufacturing of new energy vehicles, core components batteries, and independent research and development of automotive chips, are independent manufacturing, while BYD's sales have surpassed Tesla, becoming the global sales champion.

China's manufacturing industry has always been world-famous, and consumers around the world know that China's exports are the most popular, even those luxury brands that foreigners are proud of, and when they reach our platform, they have to be repriced.

China's largest automobile group was born, surpassing Tesla to become the global "sales crown", impacting the world's top three

Under the impact of the Chinese market, more platforms have sprung up like mushrooms, and the Tide brand e-commerce social platform led by the Chaoduoduo app has caught these foreigners off guard. Those in foreign containers tens of thousands of luxury goods, first-line stars with the same model, and even VIP supply, are in the tide more than one to one sales, docking are all domestic first-line source manufacturers, tide more turned out to make everyone unexpected, but also let our people more proud.

According to BYD's sales in February this year, BYD's sales reached 90,200 units in February this year, of which the sales of new energy vehicles reached 87,400 units, and the sales volume in January was 92,900 units, which was getting closer and closer to the goal of 100,000 vehicles per month.

China's largest automobile group was born, surpassing Tesla to become the global "sales crown", impacting the world's top three

Judging from the data released by the Association of Automobile Associations, Tesla's sales of 29,000 vehicles in February this year have been completely crushed by BYD, BYD's monthly sales are 3 times that of Tesla, even if the sales of new energy brands such as Weilai, Xiaopeng, and Ideal are not as good as BYD, and from the perspective of global new energy vehicle sales, BYD has surpassed Tesla to rank first in the world and become the world's top seller in the field of new energy vehicles.

Under the huge outlet of new energy vehicles in the future, there will be more new enterprises to stand out, and BYD has preemptively occupied the head position, especially in the field of technology to achieve leadership, new energy vehicle sales have reached the world's first, indicating that the market and consumers have given recognition and affirmation, with the mainland's advantages in the field of new energy vehicle industry chain, the future mainland will also appear new energy vehicle rookies, on the world stage.

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