
Cast loyalty with your life and remember the "fourth uncle" Qin Baolin

author:Ping'an Wancheng
Cast loyalty with your life and remember the "fourth uncle" Qin Baolin

Every year there is a strange spring grass, and the years are clear and clear about the deceased. Qingming Festival, a day when grass grows and warblers fly, a day that makes people have mixed feelings, sends mourning, and evokes memories. As in previous years, in the drizzling drizzle, I stood in front of the tombstone of the fourth uncle with a reverential mood, sent his favorite lilies before his death, recalled the life and past of the fourth uncle, and once again felt the original mission of a communist.

In the biography of the fourth uncle, it is written: "Qin Baolin, who joined the public security work in 1971 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1984, is a member of the party committee and deputy director of the Wancheng Branch of the Nanyang Municipal Public Security Bureau. In the case of suffering from three kinds of cancer, he still insisted on leading the police to fight crime, breaking 138 cases of various types and arresting 196 criminal suspects in two years. In 1999, he was awarded the "Top Ten Public Servants" of Nanyang City, was awarded the "May Day Labor Medal" of Nanyang City, and in 2004 was awarded the National Outstanding People's Police. In June 2005, he was awarded the title of First Class Hero Model of the National Public Security System. ”

Cast loyalty with your life and remember the "fourth uncle" Qin Baolin

Time is like an arrow, and time is like a shuttle. In the blink of an eye, the fourth uncle has left us for 17 years, and every time I am clear, I will come to the national cemetery to pay tribute to the hero in my heart. A bouquet of flowers, a pile of fire paper, gently brushed away the dust on the stone tablet, and sighed infinite mourning in my heart.....

The most memorable thing is that the fourth uncle once said to me: "The stupid bird flies into the forest first." In the spring of 1991, when I was in the fourth grade of primary school, because I could not keep up with my academic performance, my fourth uncle repeatedly instructed my father to pay attention to the learning method and let me "open up" and work hard. I told my fourth uncle that I wanted a math competition book, and the fourth uncle bought it back for me the next day and taught me that "only by being more diligent can we improve our academic performance. "With the encouragement of the fourth uncle, I studied all night to study all kinds of mathematical problems and problem analysis, just like a changed person, learning no longer needs to be supervised by others, and then the results from the last few in the class went straight to the top three, everyone did not believe the rapid progress of my grades, the fourth uncle knew and said painfully: "Good, Erni is a child with ambition...."..." On that day, I cried a lot, it was this attempt at "diligence" that I would never forget, the education and guidance of the fourth uncle, so that I learned to do things to insist, to be strong, and the "stupid bird" to fly first, paving the way for me to take a good life path in the future. Uncle Four has always attached great importance to my studies, so he accompanied me from elementary school to high school.

Cast loyalty with your life and remember the "fourth uncle" Qin Baolin

Because of the influence of the fourth uncle, I have a clear plan for my future: "When I grow up, I will also be a people's policeman like the fourth uncle, and fight side by side with the fourth uncle to catch the bad guys!" "The fourth uncle knows my ideal and happily closes his mouth. Unexpectedly, I was successfully admitted to the police academy, and after graduation, I passed the civil service examination and really became a glorious people's policeman. I remember that it was March 2005, and the fourth uncle was very happy to learn that I had been hired as the first person in the position I reported, and invited me to a meal. At that time, I was really stupid, I only knew that the fourth uncle was sick, but I didn't know that the fourth uncle had cancer, and I remember that he called me to the office, and said with some trembling: "Erni, do you know what it means to be a people's policeman?" Are you ready? "I remember very clearly that when he asked me these questions, the smile that appeared on his resolute pale face and the corners of his eyes was tinged with a trace of tears.

I never knew what Uncle Four meant when he said, "Are you ready," because from the police academy to the civil service, I have been preparing for it, and police is my favorite profession. Later, when I officially took up my job, in my spare time, I listened to my colleagues talk about uncle four's condition, and I learned that uncle four had cancer. I knew that my heart was particularly sad, I often took time to visit the fourth uncle, once in his office, he was on the phone to communicate the case, I looked at him carefully, he was wearing a wig, pale, emaciated, but still played twelve points of spirit in the work, can not help but shed tears of sadness. After the fourth uncle hung up the phone, he reprimanded me, and he told me to work well, don't always run to his office, saying that he can't die for a while and a half!

Once the fourth uncle fainted and was hospitalized when he went out to handle the case, I went to the hospital to visit, he was weakly lying on the hospital bed, saw everyone busy around the hospital bed, I hated myself for not being able to help, holding the fourth uncle's thin hand, has been crying next to it, the fourth uncle said: "Er ni, don't cry, people are inherently dead, uncle has been working in public security for more than thirty years in his life, and I feel very honored to see the affirmation of the organization and the people for my work in my lifetime." In this life, people must always have faith, and since you are engaged in this profession, it is the same. ”

From the first day he joined the police, the fourth uncle was determined to dedicate himself to the cause of people's public security. In his more than 30 years of police career, he spent more than 20 spring and autumn in the front line of criminal investigation work, condensing his loyalty to the party and his love for the people in the investigation and cracking of cases and the struggle against criminal offenses. Whether it is an ordinary investigator or a grass-roots commander, he has always maintained a spirit of forging ahead and working hard. At that time, the "Dahe Daily", "People's Public Security Daily", "China Legal Daily" and other news media published the work deeds of the fourth uncle, and they said that "the doctor issued him a "death verdict" that was only 3 to 5 months old. However, he concealed his illness, endured the torment of illness and great psychological pressure and resolutely returned to work, and in the case of cancer and further deterioration, physical and mental torture, he still fought with tenacious perseverance in the front line of "murder attack", and solved 9 major murders in a row", they said that he "bowed down to the people and died"...

Cast loyalty with your life and remember the "fourth uncle" Qin Baolin

Over the past 17 years, every move, every word and deed I have in my work seems to have the figure of the fourth uncle, and in the face of the sacred party emblem and the bright police flag, I have more and more understood what the fourth uncle's sentence "Are you ready" means. I have been learning from uncle four, learning from him that he overcame difficulties and tackled tough problems, fought wits and courage with criminals with his long-term cultivation skills, and solved a large number of difficult cases; learned from his bravery and fearlessness, sacrificed his life and forgot his death, and was able to stand up in the face of murderous and cunning criminals and never retreat; learned from his courage to confront tough problems and destroyed a large number of criminal gangs that have committed many evil deeds; learned from his honesty and self-discipline, and truly achieved strict, fair, and civilized law enforcement; learned from his frankness and selflessness, and did not retreat in the slightest in the face of intimidation and threats Learn from him always keep in mind and strive to practice the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, always keep the safety and security of the masses in mind, and help the masses solve their worries and difficulties with enthusiasm; learn from him to help the poor and help the poor, and sponsor poor students to go to school in the case of his own life is very poor.....

"Thirty-six years of bowing and doing his best to cast the soul of the police, fifty-three years of selfless and fearless blood to write the history of youth." The fourth uncle, Qin Baolin, used his limited life to make the most vivid and concrete interpretation of the responsibilities and obligations that should be fulfilled as a Communist Party member! I want to continue the legacy of the fourth uncle with my own practical actions, continue to serve the people in ordinary posts, and give him the most satisfactory answer to the sentence "Are you ready?"

(Narrator: Qin Ruiyan, Recorder: Yang Lin)