
Fashion Wu Boss (prose)

author:Guan Muju
Fashion Wu Boss (prose)

The most diligent person in our village is Boss Wu. He was the one who wouldn't sit idle for a moment. So his family's life is also the best. His yard was as clean as if he didn't eat human fireworks. No one knows what time he gets up to work. Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night and re-stack the firewood. Many people's firewood is not enough to burn for a year, and his family's firewood is rotten and thrown away. The courtyard wall of other people's homes is rammed with soil, or stacked with mud mixed with grass and soil, and his home is also this kind of wall, but the outside must be smeared with mud, light and slippery, neat and tidy. Moreover, he is not the kind of scrooge who is diligent, and the fashion things in our village are all introduced by him.

He bought the first black-and-white TELEVISION in the village, and the whole village had that one. People went to his house to watch TV. He put the TV in the yard and charged fifty cents each. At night, his yard was full of people, and the money for the TV was quickly collected. However, there are also many problems, and the people who can't see behind them make it bad, some of them open the courtyard wall, and some of them throw stones into the sauce jar. At that time, the village family made a jar of sauce. In the summer, put it in the yard to bask in the sun, some make a small earthen platform to put the sauce tank, and some make a small yard to put the sauce tank. (My family's sauce jar was in a fence that my grandfather had fenced off with branches.) We call it Sauce Bar. People at that time attached great importance to sauce, and throwing things in other people's sauce jars was regarded as the most immoral thing. Only if you have a deep hatred can you dare to do this. When we were young, when it rained, we stepped on the mud, and the more we stepped on the mud, the more it looked like sauce. I quarreled with someone and said that this was the person's sauce to vent my anger at that person.

No nonsense, the book is back to the truth.

Later, people bought black-and-white televisions one after another, and color TVs came again. He bought a color TV again, he wanted to sell the first black-and-white TV, and many people said: "Boss Wu, that kid is a real thief, he has watched all the good TV programs for so many years, he wants to sell, who buys his broken stuff?" "So, it didn't sell for a long time.

Later, when the four-wheel tractor came, he was the first to happily drive the four-wheel tractor into the village and into the courtyard of his house. Entering the yard, maybe it was too much happiness, maybe it was too much nervousness, forgetting to step on the brakes. The mouth shouted: "Whoops, whoops, whoops, It crashed straight into the sauce tank, the sauce tank broke down, and the car also stopped extinguishing the fire.

Fashion Wu Boss (prose)
Fashion Wu Boss (prose)

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