
What kind of life do those girls who fail to undergo plastic surgery live?

According to data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, about 379,000 foreign consumers visited Korean medical institutions in 2018, of which nearly 30% visited dermatology and cosmetic surgery.

Among them, Chinese consumers are the main force in The Korean medical beauty (medical beauty) industry, and in 2018, nearly 100,000 Chinese consumers received Korean medical aesthetic services, accounting for 31% of the total number of foreign patients in South Korea, of which women accounted for more than 70%.

As we all know, in recent years, plastic surgery in South Korea is extremely hot, but the plastic surgery industry is mixed, coupled with language barriers, lack of reasonable expectations and safety awareness of plastic surgery, many beauty seekers from the moment they step into the plastic surgery door, reason is far away from them.

In this journey of beauty, not everyone ushered in the expected nirvana, and when the gauze after the operation was lifted, some people had to face the disfigurement reality and start another nightmarish life.

First, what kind of life they live after the failure of plastic surgery

Influenced by the Korean plastic surgery variety show "LET Beauty", Fang Ting and her husband found the FACE-LINE Hospital in the show, and spent 150,000 yuan to do nasal synthesis and hairline downline surgery according to the doctor's advice.

After the operation, she had a serious infection and scar hyperplasia, and when she went to Korea to repair, she encountered a black medical trust, and spent 75,000 yuan to do lifting and laser fat melting to slim her face, but the results were minimal. Today, she has long-term pain in her temples, numbness in the corners of her mouth, towering cheekbones, obvious scars in the corners of her eyes, and uneven jaw margins, which affect her normal life.

What kind of life do those girls who fail to undergo plastic surgery live?

Xiaoice had a chest augmentation but failed. In 2014, with the idea of fixing her breasts, she participated in the recording of a TV show.

In less than a month, she underwent 3 times a total of 12 surgeries arranged by the show, including facial contour adjustment, rhinoplasty and chest repair, etc., but none of the 12 surgeries were successful, and even the cheekbones were asymmetrical, even the chin and nose prosthesis were crooked, and the Xiaoice who was originally an actor had to give up all acting opportunities.

Fei Fei, who is engaged in the clothing business in Shenzhen, was born with a good appearance, but after being softly ground and hard bubble by a Korean translator friend for 4 months, she still made up her mind to go to South Korea for plastic surgery and spent 150,000 yuan on rhinoplasty and chin augmentation surgery.

She thought she would look better, but after the operation, she had a crooked nose, asymmetrical lips, and stiff facial muscles. Later, he spent more than 400,000 yuan to go to South Korea for restoration, but it still did not change much. This toss made Fifi look more than ten years older than before.

Fifi's phone contained photos of her before the plastic surgery failed.

Because of the change in appearance, the family is confused, the boyfriend is gone, she suffers from major depression, and even normal sleep has become a luxury for her.

Because of her unwillingness, Fifi and several victims of the same plastic surgery failure became the first people to stand up and defend their rights.

In order to defend her rights, she closed her painstakingly run clothing store, but the fruitless waiting made her physically and mentally exhausted.

In 2015, the Guangzhou Beauty Expo opened, and some of the plastic surgery victims showed their misfortunes at the door.

More and more beauty seekers find that it is not only themselves who have been victimized, and they have decided to unite.

The lack of exposure of plastic surgery risk information to South Korea has made the harm caused by management chaos frequent.

According to media reports, there are about 100,000 doctors in the plastic surgery industry in South Korea, but only about 2,000 of them have relevant qualifications, accounting for only 2%.

There is no way to defend their rights in China, and many victims choose to go to South Korea to find hospitals that have operated on them to defend their rights.

However, due to the language barrier and lack of understanding of local laws, many Chinese defenders often suffer losses, and there are few successful cases of rights protection so far.

Lily suffered a tooth dislocation after having double jaw surgery at a cosmetic surgery hospital in South Korea and has not been able to eat normally.

After much fruitless negotiation, she had to raise a banner in protest at the entrance of the hospital where she was operating, which caused her to rub with the staff and was taken away by the police.

After learning of Lily's encounter, several Chinese who failed plastic surgery came to the hospital in the hope of negotiating Lily's dispute. However, the hospital refused, and eventually the staff called the police in the name of obstructing normal business.

The failure of plastic surgery has given them a huge psychological blow, and the grievances suffered by defenders are not only psychological.

Fang Ting said that in the process of defending her rights in South Korea, she had been threatened, beaten, humiliated by foul language, and spilled instant noodles... When she ran to the police station thinking she had caught the "last straw", she still had no way to complain.

At that moment, it was really desperate...

Of course, there are more people on the way to Korea plastic surgery, Xiaomei from Shenzhen came to South Korea with her boyfriend, and she has made "modifications" in many places to achieve her satisfactory state.

Xiaomei used ice to cover her face, and she hoped to return home after recovering early and surprise her boyfriend.

What kind of life do those girls who fail to undergo plastic surgery live?

According to statistics, there are no less than 500 plastic surgery hospitals in Seoul, South Korea, there are more than 300 in Gangnam District alone, accounting for two-thirds of Seoul Plastic Surgery Hospitals, in order to attract Chinese guests, many hospital brands have been replaced with Chinese, but it is outrageous that many Korean hospitals offer Chinese guests 2 to 3 times higher than local guests.

At night, the advertising sign of "Plastic Surgery Street" in Lu Ou Ting is dazzling.

But who knows, what awaits Chinese customers is a dream or a nightmare?

Second, about the plastic disorder, what we know

The above case comes from a photographer's long-term follow-up report, if you feel that these stories are far away from you, let's change a colleague who has worked in the medical aesthetic industry to tell you about the pits in this industry.

The next author is invited to appear

The following picture is sent by a girl who went to South Korea to study for three days and returned to a plastic surgery hospital to operate on people.

(Image source: Douban)

Look at her false eyelashes and unassheated nail art, rings, let such a person go to the needle and surgery, not to mention the failure of plastic surgery, life is not guaranteed, it should also be possible, right?

Don't think that "this may be a posing" or "no one will go to her for surgery at all", on the basis of not having any awareness of plastic surgery safety, it is really easy for ordinary consumers to "go astray"!

Take yourself, when I graduated from high school and was preparing to go to college, there were many little sisters around me, who were pulled by their mothers to the beauty salon for double eyelid surgery. The effect is well, just... After doing it and navel eye is almost the same, after N years, everyone went to repair it collectively, and then think back to the health conditions of the beauty salon that year, no accident is really lucky.

Especially in some third- and fourth-tier cities, beauty salons also include a series of micro-plastic surgery projects such as hyaluronic acid rhinoplasty, chin pads, face slimming needles, threads, fat filling, etc., and the price is of course as "cost-effective" as buying vegetables.

Because it is not open and the pain is small, it is "widely circulated" among mothers, relying on the word-of-mouth effect to feed the entire "circle of friends micro-plastic ecological industry chain".

(Image source: CCTV)

Later, people walk on the road, just by double eyelids can identify which one you made in at a glance, some like a sickle cut, some like a kitchen knife pulled, these are still just simple appearance is not good, the later repair is still possible to improve.

Others have lost their lives forever because they lack plastic safety awareness and have undergone surgery in informal hospitals.

(The picture shows the fat filling process of female nurses in Nanyang, Henan In 2019, due to fat embolism, rescue was ineffective and died, source Weibo)

Everyone has a heart for beauty. According to the survey data, 83.5% of the people who have plastic surgery and beauty treatment have various psychological problems (personality problems). Such patients are physically healthy, but they are psychologically shaded or added to the icing on the cake by external influences, believing that plastic surgery can make themselves more perfect and confident before receiving treatment [1].

However, due to the chaos of today's plastic surgery market, for some ordinary consumers who do not have any background knowledge, stepping on the pit minutes and avoiding the pit rely on luck.

Third, if you want to plastic surgery, how to accurately avoid the pit

However, everyone does not have to see the failure case to resist and be afraid, thinking that such an accident will definitely happen to themselves. In fact, as long as you have the following 3 elements, even if you try medical beauty for the first time, you can also achieve accurate lightning protection.

1. Choose the hospital first

Many people here may have doubts, generally do not choose doctors first, how do you choose the hospital first?

Because many plastic surgery hospitals are privately owned, a considerable number of doctors work in this hospital. Moreover, plastic surgery, in addition to testing the doctor's medical skills, the requirements for the environment, equipment, drugs, etc. are also very high, so the regular hospital is the premise of whether plastic surgery can succeed.

So what kind of hospital is a regular hospital?

First of all, we must know that the plastic surgery hospitals on the market are mainly divided into two categories: public tertiary hospitals and private plastic surgery hospitals, and the public top three need not be said more, it must be formal, but many people do not know that the top three hospitals can actually do plastic surgery.

The earliest top three hospitals plastic surgery belonged to only one department, and many hospitals were not called plastic surgery, but "burn plastic surgery". It is mainly to repair and improve burn wounded people, congenital deformities or defects of patients, so most of the doctors here are very accomplished in scar repair and surgical sutures.

With the continuous development of the medical beauty market, many public hospitals have set up plastic surgery and beauty departments, the reason why everyone knows less is because public hospitals do not do large-scale publicity activities, and beauty institutions are mainly for profit, and the hype activities make them well known by more users.

If this is the case, then why do you still choose a private plastic surgery hospital?

On the one hand, the medical beauty services of public tertiary hospitals are not for profit, but to expand the scale of medical treatment, and the essence of public hospitals is to diagnose and treat patients, so the service, marketing, operation and environment are naturally worse than private plastic surgery hospitals.

On the other hand, the doctors of the top three hospitals will more rationally advise customers that plastic surgery is only to adjust the defects and imperfections, and to tend to be natural, but the psychology of most people is that since I have spent money on rectification, then at least I have to see that I am tidy.

Plastic surgery is not a disease, beauty seekers can not be considered real patients, everyone spends money to buy services, so it is not difficult to explain why most beauty seekers are still more willing to choose a one-stop service of private plastic surgery hospitals.

How do private plastic surgery hospitals determine whether they are formal?

See if it has a "Medical Institution Practice License". The query method is very simple, go directly to the website of the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, and then enter the full name of the hospital (must be the full name) on the website. If it shows that the relevant hospital has not been queried, then this is likely to be an irregular Putian hospital, oh, quickly take a detour.

It's also important to look at the level of projects that hospitals can do!

There are four levels of aesthetic programs (increasing in difficulty)[2] and not all hospitals can work on level four. Therefore, before preparing for plastic surgery, we should first check how many levels of their projects belong to, and then correspond to the qualifications of the hospital, which can effectively reduce the risk of failure.

2. Choose another doctor

After the hospital is selected, the next step is to choose a doctor, after all, it is the operation, so it must see if he has three certificates:

《Licensed Physician's License》

《Physician's Certificate》

《Medical Aesthetic Attending Physician Qualification Certificate》

Then it's time to see more doctor cases! Because each doctor's aesthetic and style are different, look at his past cases to know if he is on your aesthetic point.

Look at more cases to give yourself a psychological expectation

In my personal experience, the style of each doctor is relatively consistent, for example, he is good at making noses, so you see, all his patients feel the same after the nose is done, to put it bluntly, it is from his hand.

Therefore, if you look at the doctor's past cases, you can give yourself a reasonable psychological expectation, and you will have a more complete picture of the postoperative effect, and it is not easy to fail.

Regarding the case, there is a small Tip to remind everyone that there must be a before-and-after comparison and the case is plain or light makeup, do not believe that the photo on the Internet with 18 layers of filters is likely to be fake.

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

Be sure to choose the right doctor

The so-called symptomatic choice of doctor is for example, if you want to do double eyelids, but choose a doctor who is good at doing the nose, the effect is certainly not guaranteed. Because each doctor has his own area of expertise, usually 1 to 3 (3 is already very good). If a doctor says he can do all the plastic surgery projects, then I advise you to run.

The above doctor's information can be found on the website of his hospital. If some of them are packaged in a vacuum, I also advise everyone to think twice, which is likely to be commercial marketing.

In addition, remind me again, don't be shocked by the name of "technical dean" and "senior expert", but whenever the above words appear, it is likely that he does not even have the title of doctor. The formal titles of mainland doctors are only residency (primary), attending physician (intermediate), deputy chief physician (deputy high), chief physician (zhenggao), even plastic surgery is the same drop, if it is a foreign country, we will talk about it next time.

(GIPHY source: giphy)

3. Face-to-face consultation "shop around"

After the doctor and the hospital have been selected, it is time to make a plastic surgery plan in person. It is recommended that you prepare all the questions you want in advance, as well as the ideal post-operative effect photos, and then show them to the doctor.

In the process of conversation, you can observe whether the doctor is listening to your ideas and giving a reasonable surgical plan, or not listening to your opinions, blindly instilling his ideas, or not providing solutions according to your own needs, but recommending you to do other projects, if it is the latter, hurry up and leave, the scammer is no doubt!

Face-to-face diagnosis is actually a very important part of plastic surgery, so do not be sloppy, have any doubts, even if it is a small question, you must break the casserole to ask the end, especially the complications that are easy to appear after surgery, you need to understand clearly during the face-to-face consultation.

Even if you have chosen the hospital and doctor you want, don't rush to make up your mind, but shop around, learn more and see a few more, and then compare with each other.

You have to feel that everything is generally satisfied, so that you can proceed to the next step, so that you can minimize the probability of failure, after all, it is your own face, you don't hurt who hurts?

I hope that everyone here can be beautiful into their ideal look, today's content is here, about medical aesthetic plastic surgery, what else do you want to see, welcome to leave a message to us Oh ~ ~

(All patient names in this article are pseudonyms)

Reviewer: Boswick | Deputy Chief Physician of Plastic Surgery Department of Beijing Hospital


Cao Wei, Luo Mingcan, Liu Dongping. Psychological analysis and nursing of patients undergoing plastic and aesthetic surgery[J]. China Aesthetic Medicine, 2008, 017(001):126-127.

Zhao Huihan, Meng Qingchen. Classification of medical beauty projects: helping industry standardization[J]. China Medical Beauty, 2012(04):40-42.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Code, unauthorized media reprinting is prohibited, and illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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