
Internet literary masters talk about writing| green shirts drunk: urban themes, beyond reality a little bit

Internet literature masters talk about writing

net literature

Internet literature is vigorously and vividly growing in this era, with its infinite imagination, with its cuteness, with its realistic contemplation, giving hundreds of millions of readers in this country various forms of energy and vitality, creating new miracles and possibilities.

The vigorous development of online literature began with the original intention of writing, became an opportunity of the times, and is inseparable from the hard work of all writers bit by bit. Whether it is the experience of knowing the destiny of heaven or the new wave of the Z era, their eyes flash the same light, and every bit of their thinking about writing has experienced countless days and nights of "like cutting, like grinding".

By launching the special topic of "Online Literary Masters Talk about Writing", China Writers Network relives the original intention of online literary masters with many readers, and shares their literary concepts and creative details. We believe that diversity and excitement will be presented here.


Internet literary masters talk about writing| green shirts drunk: urban themes, beyond reality a little bit

Green shirt drunk, reading group god writer, mainly in the game genre novel creation. Representative works such as "Almighty Game Designer", "Extraordinary Player", "Restart the Game Era", "The Main God Painted Scroll", "The Richest Man From the Game", etc., "The Richest Man From the Game" was selected as the Top Ten Online Original Novels in the 2021 Searchlight Book Critics Good Book List.

Urban theme, beyond reality a little bit

I would like to talk about my understanding of urban theme online novels from "The Richest Man Starts with the Game". It is mainly divided into two aspects: one is the taste tendency of urban readers at present; the other is my unitary writing mode in the creative process.

The urban theme in the online text can be understood as between the realistic theme and the pure fantasy theme. There are no supernatural forces in the pure reality genre, or the author directly makes settings that do not need to be explained, while the pure fantasy theme has a large number of self-contained settings that the author fully uses his imagination to construct.

The urban theme in the online text is more like somewhere in between: there are often only one or two "gold fingers" that can subvert reality and are completely set by the author, and this gold finger has almost no possibility of happening in reality, but at the same time, it is not enough to affect and change the basic operation mode of the entire world in the story.

This characteristic of urban themes in online articles is obviously inseparable from the reader's taste tendencies.

The greatest desire of urban readers is to find happiness in urban themes that is born out of reality and at the same time higher than reality. Their tastes are generally relaxed, and a witty, humorous, stress-free style will be more popular.

Internet literary masters talk about writing| green shirts drunk: urban themes, beyond reality a little bit

Pure reality themes have too heavy pressure, and pure fantasy themes are easy to be too high and ungrounded, making it difficult for readers to substitute for daily life. Therefore, the mainstream urban theme novels in online texts present the current state: beyond reality, but only beyond a little.

The essence of urban fiction lies in the grasp of this moderation, if it exceeds reality too much, it will be too detached from reality, and if it is not enough, it is difficult to write a plot that transcends general reality, and it is difficult to bring novel feelings to readers.

Through a "gold finger", it forcibly makes possible what cannot happen in reality, and thus leads to a series of stories that are either absurd, or black humor, or touching. This not only ensures that the story has a strong appeal to the reader, so that they can feel the emotions that cannot be felt in reality, but also ensures that the story will still be more grounded, and there are some things that can reflect the daily details and resonate with the reader, thus making the urban theme have a unique charm.

Therefore, many blockbuster urban themes, especially the professional texts of blockbusters, have a similar tendency. An ordinary profession, a specialized professional classification, plus a very expansive and interesting "goldfinger", the story unfolds naturally.

When I wrote "The Richest Man At Loss Starts with the Game", I also grasped this taste tendency of the reader, using a special system to change the protagonist's motivation from making money to losing money, and this motivation cannot be known by others, so it produces a misunderstanding of him by the supporting characters, which also leads to a series of hilarious stories.

In terms of writing mode, I prefer a unitary writing mode.

Compared with the grass snake gray line of some traditional occult authors and immortal authors, which construct a huge world and a chaotic and complex plot at the beginning, readers of urban themes are more inclined to a simple and clear main line. They generally prefer a relaxed and humorous style, and they like a stress-free atmosphere when reading books, so although the unit structure is simple, it can best cater to the tastes of these readers in the early stage.

The so-called unit writing is to structure the entire story with units. When conceiving a plot, first conceive the main unit content of the plot. Take urban themes as an example, if the protagonist wants to shoot a movie, or make a game. Then when conceiving, we must first conceive what kind of movie and game this is, and where its main selling point is.

After determining the main selling point, we will enrich its details, for example, whether there are any famous scenes in it, whether there are details that will arouse strong resonance between readers and players, and gradually enrich the content.

After the main content of the movie or game is finalized, then design the surrounding plot around the content. For example, this work must have many difficulties in shooting or development, how the protagonist should overcome it, whether to think of his own way, or to seek the help of other supporting characters; this work will inevitably cause some expectations and misunderstandings when it is promoted at the beginning, how to create favorable public opinion; how the public will react after the work meets with the public, whether the reputation will first decline and then rebound against the trend; after the final conclusion of this work, will it have an impact on the protagonist's future planning, and even the rules of the entire industry, and so on.

In this way, a complete unit is formed.

Such a unit from the beginning to the end of the smooth down, there is only a story line, for the reader, can quickly experience an emotional from the laying to the rise, to the climax to the end of the whole process, the reading experience is very good.

In combination with specific works, I used this method of writing when conceiving the plot of "The Richest Man at Loss". For example, the third game made by the protagonist, Game Maker, I originally wanted to write a special game type of "meta-game". This type of game creates a special feeling of "breaking the fourth wall" by making the characters in the game face the player, because this is a fairly niche game genre in itself, and the probability of success is relatively low, so it is very much in line with the theme of the book.

After determining the type of meta-game, I started thinking about its packaging. Since it is "breaking the fourth wall" and the protagonist is a game designer, it is certainly best to let the player enter the perspective of the game designer. So the title of the game "Game Maker" came into being, and it was determined that this was a game in which the player played the game designer to make choices and make the game, and the narrator as a "keyboard man" pointed out the country and interfered with the player's judgment.

After determining the content of the game, it is to find a reasonable reason for the protagonist to make it. It just so happened that in the previous plot, the protagonist was accidentally troubled by the explosion of the first two games, so he naturally had the idea of "making a game to spit and dissuade the player". So in the perspective of the protagonist, this game is a game that spits on players, interferes with players, and makes players realize that the game is not easy to make, and at the same time it is a niche game, and the possibility of losing money is greatly improved.

Immediately around this game, it was derived that the game blogger was forced to be embarrassed, the peers were not optimistic, and the players played confused, which made the early content more full of suspense, and then through the interpretation of the game blogger, the players realized the fun of the game, thus causing the effect of reversal and completing the complete content of the united plot.

After the unit architecture is completed, you can add a variety of "fillers" to the gaps of the units to make the whole story more smooth and rich.

For example, in the process of shooting a movie, in order to overcome difficulties, the protagonist inevitably intersects with the roles of producers, actors, and dramatists, and the key supporting roles, in the transition of different units, can also add a lot of daily interaction with the protagonist, or more towards the life of the plot.

At the same time, in the process of creating united content, we must pay attention to the influence of the "goldfinger" element on the entire plot. Because it is an optimal plot lead, it can make the plot quickly enter the unit content, and quickly let the reader know the main goal of the protagonist at this stage, thereby speeding up the plot rhythm.

Judging from the current readers' tastes, the future urban theme as a whole still continues this trend, born from reality, ensuring that the content is more grounded, but beyond reality, through a small setting that subverts reality, leading to many interesting stories.

However, in the future, with the continuous optimization and development of the content, the urban theme will certainly gradually become more exquisite, which should be mainly reflected in the higher professionalism of the content, the richer and more profound connotation, and the character portrayal of supporting roles and protagonists is no longer a tool person, but more distinct.

This is also a general direction that most urban theme online writers are working towards.

(Column Planner: Yu Jing)

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