
That's too bad! Men online shopping old man ring physical game card was deceived: the merchant only sent an empty box

On April 7, a netizen of PS5 Tieba broke the news that he had purchased a physical game DISC of "Eldon's Ring of Law" at a Taobao store, because the seal in the package was complete, and there was no video of opening the box. As a result, after opening the box, it was found that there was no disc inside, and the merchant only sent him an empty box with a back seal, did he forget to put the disc in?

That's too bad! Men online shopping old man ring physical game card was deceived: the merchant only sent an empty box

After the netizen contacted the customer service, the customer service refused to refund or reissue after the sale on the grounds that the seal was intact. Netizens have no choice but to contact the express station, after inquiry found that the package in the collection of the weight of 120g, and now the packaging carton + empty box weight is exactly 120g, if there is a disc then the weight is 140g. This proves that the merchant did not put in the CD, and the profiteer was really too bad.

That's too bad! Men online shopping old man ring physical game card was deceived: the merchant only sent an empty box

Subsequently, the netizen found Tao Xiao'er to intervene in the processing, but because there was no open box video, the product packaging was indeed intact, and Tao Xiao'er determined that the merchant was not wrong, and there was no evidence to make a claim. Finally, for humanitarian reasons, the platform compensated the netizen 300 yuan.

Xiao Lei learned that the price of the physical game disc of the PS5 version of the "Eldon Ring" is generally more than 360 yuan, and the Hong Kong version or the version with special gifts will be more expensive. The platform compensated 300 yuan, although it recovered most of the losses, but in fact it still lost a lot. We also learned a lesson from this, buy these physical game CDs online, and be sure to remember to shoot out-of-the-box videos.

That's too bad! Men online shopping old man ring physical game card was deceived: the merchant only sent an empty box

Sometimes it's not enough to just shoot out-of-the-box videos, and the game disc may still be inconsistent with the actual game, or some of the gift packages cannot be collected. Therefore, a small number of netizens will also record discs and put them into the game console to read normally until they receive gold coins or gift bags. I have to say that there are really more and more means of profiteers now, and if they are not cautious, they may step on the pit and be deceived, and they have to guard against it.

Many gamers will choose to buy physical game cards directly instead of the digital version, so that after experiencing the game, they can also be sold second-hand to get back blood, which is a more cost-effective approach. Of course, there are also some players who buy back to collect, and some limited editions or editions with special bonuses have higher collection value.

However, the probability of buying a physical game disc is also relatively high, such as the above-mentioned situation of forgetting to put the disc after the cover is relatively outrageous, and the common situation is that the game version does not match the version you bought, and the game content is missing. Therefore, it is actually safer to buy the digital version directly, and the price is relatively cheaper. If you must buy the physical version, it is recommended to choose a reliable merchant or channel, and then remember to record the out-of-the-box video.

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