
Zhang Jianguo, deputy county magistrate of Shanyin County, led a team to supervise and inspect the epidemic prevention and control work

author:The reporter observed Shuozhou

Shanxi, April 7 (Reporter Liu Zhiping) In the face of the current severe and complex epidemic prevention and control situation, the party committee of the Shanyin County Public Security Bureau has arranged the deployment in accordance with the provincial, municipal and county epidemic prevention and control work deployment meetings, with the work goal of "three knowledge, two gatherings and one promotion", further improving the political position, strengthening responsibility, and resolutely winning the epidemic prevention and control battle.

Zhang Jianguo, deputy county magistrate of Shanyin County, led a team to supervise and inspect the epidemic prevention and control work

On the morning of April 6, Zhang Jianguo, deputy county magistrate of Shanyin County Government, secretary of the party committee and director of the Public Security Bureau, led a team to go deep into Guangwu, 208 National Highway, Yuanying, Ancient City, Shanyin North, Moving Station and other epidemic prevention and control bayonets, inspected the bayonet public security, township leaders' package points, on-duty personnel in place to perform their duties, personal protection, environmental sanitation, closed-loop management implementation and other work, and visited and comforted front-line duty personnel.

Zhang Jianguo, deputy county magistrate of Shanyin County, led a team to supervise and inspect the epidemic prevention and control work

Everywhere he went, Zhang Jianguo had a cordial conversation with the leaders of The Bag Point, public security, traffic police, medical care, transportation and other duty personnel, to learn more about the difficulties and problems in the epidemic prevention and control work, and to solve and rectify the problems found on the spot. He praised Xueyuan Township and Mayingzhuang Township for being able to arrange staff to implement closed-loop management at the bayonets of their respective package points in a timely manner. At the same time, we ask everyone to face the current severe and complex epidemic prevention and control situation, further improve their political position, take the epidemic prevention and control work as the primary political task at present, plug the loopholes in the work, conscientiously perform their duties and responsibilities, divide labor in accordance with their duties, closely coordinate with each other, supervise each other, and go all out to do a good job in all aspects of epidemic prevention and control.

Zhang Jianguo, deputy county magistrate of Shanyin County, led a team to supervise and inspect the epidemic prevention and control work
Zhang Jianguo, deputy county magistrate of Shanyin County, led a team to supervise and inspect the epidemic prevention and control work

Zhang Jianguo demanded, first, to improve the position, have the courage to take responsibility, strictly implement the 24-hour vehicle personnel inspection in strict accordance with the requirements, strict and strict, meticulous and meticulous, do a good job in the key links such as temperature measurement, information registration, three-code joint inspection, vehicle disinfection and other key links that are really necessary to enter Shanyin County, as well as closed-loop work such as personnel, vehicle persuasion and return in the epidemic area, to ensure that "no car is missed, no one is missed", and various control measures are implemented in place. Second, it is necessary to scientifically and rationally arrange for duty, strictly implement wartime service, implement the system of public security, township and town leaders' package points, and the system of shift duty of staff on duty, and rationally arrange work and rest time. The third is to do a good job in their own safety protection, all duty personnel must wear N95 masks, protective masks, wear protective clothing, wash their hands frequently, disinfect frequently, and the prevention and control office should make every effort to do a good job in logistics support and effectively strengthen logistics supply. Fourth, we must tighten the responsibility, firmly hold the "frontier bayonet" of the epidemic risk, build a solid defense line against the epidemic, fully protect the life safety and physical health of the people in the county, and contribute to winning the epidemic prevention and control battle in an all-round way.

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