
"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

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Text | Elius

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

"Many years later, when I face the science geeks, I still think of the boy with the strange bones that I first saw in 'The Big Bang theory.'"

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

/ Just because I looked at you more in the crowd ~/

Sheldon Lee Cooper is a bizarre character in CBS's 2007 sitcom The Big Bang theory.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

The character has the characteristics of two-dimensional thinking:

Bamboo pole figure, narrow cheeks, a pair of bright eyes in the neighbor Penny's eyes look like a "praying mantis";

Often wear t-shirts with special series of superheroes (such as The Flash, Superman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, etc.);

As a genius teenager with an IQ of 187, his emotional intelligence is low and his human normal value is low;

Not good at social etiquette in human relations, you must sit in a fixed seat or you will be mad;

Every Wednesday night must play "Halo", love the "Klingon" crossword puzzle, the mantra is "bazinga" (to tease you), but when you have a cold, you turn into a weak petite and ask others to sing "soft kitty" to soothe...

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

This is our nervous and vicious tongue but addictive sheldon (domestic fan nickname Xie Er).

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

The bizarre collision of high IQ and low emotional intelligence frequently creates fresh jokes. In August 2014, actor Jim Parsons won the Emmy Award for Best Actor in Comedy for his role as "Sheldon" in "The Big Bang Theory". Yes, for the fourth time, it can be seen that the American people are also fascinated by this role.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

So now the question is, why did the screenwriter name the comedy character Sheldon?

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

Because the name Sheldon is a joke in itself.

I mean, more than 80 years after the birth of the Xie Er character, the name was already very popular, and the scenery later bid farewell to its popular cycle in a roller coaster posture.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

Names do not all have a popular cycle, except for the custom in some societies that babies must be named after saints or ancestors, the use of some names always has some fluctuations, and in the 20th century, this fluctuation in Western countries showed a rapid upward trend. The name sheldon is a perfect example.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

sheldon is an abbreviation for shel gordon, which literally means "valley town", is a name with a strong British charm, and is also often used as a rural place name in the United Kingdom.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

For most humans on Earth, naming their children is the only chance in their lifetime to exercise naming power.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

In the 1930s, American peasants looked up to the British gentlemen on the other side of the ocean, just as the people of the mainland in the early 1990s looked up to their Compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan with water in their clothes and felt that they were very elegant.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

"Sheldon", like names like Murray, Owen, Sidney, Maxwell, Herbert and others, conveys a kind of elegance of His Holiness The Grace of The Anglo-Saxons, and for the American parents who named them, sheldon symbolized the yearning for the exquisite life of the British middle class.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

At its peak, the "British" name was far more popular in the United States than in England, its birthplace. From 1930 to 1940 in the United States, the name was favored by parents, and its peak was in 1935. (Pictured below)

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

Just like the "Zi Xuan", "Ke Xin" and "babies" in today's kindergartens, the name sheldon was once rotten.

In fact, few parents like their children to be called bad names, and the vast majority of them want their names to be unique; on the other hand, parents do not want their children's names to be too different, which seems to be detrimental to their integration into society.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

/Some names with a very high rate of occurrence/

Every parent wants to go to extremes, but at the same time wants to be different, and in their life experience, at least different from the previous generation – the result of this line of thinking is that they have the same name. What parents thought was a deliberate choice turned out to be the result of the deliberations of thousands of other parents.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

You guys got that name too?! /

Aggregation effects are aggregate effects in which groups of humans make individual decisions as they react and anticipate current and future conditions.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

This effect has spawned an internal dynamic of change, colloquially called "collective rebound" – the situation of hat wearing in one year affects the situation of the next year, the popular school or major that crashed last year may suddenly cool down this year, and the name of a rotten street will be beaten into the cold palace when the new generation of parents is named.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

Beginning in the 1950s, the name Sheldon sank into the sea and never came out again. Especially after the 1990s, the popular ranking degree jumped off the cliff and basically fell to the bottom in 2010. (Pictured below)

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

The reason why naming shows such a dynamic trend is that people living in the same language community have a strikingly similar reaction to the culture of names. This reflection arc usually lasts for several years, until parents send their children to school, only to suddenly find that those names that they thought were unique have also been chosen by their neighbors, and a generation has its own generation of the times.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

The fake English names that the first generation of Americans gave themselves became victims of their middle-class status after a generation. Sheldon went from elegant to awkward. Throughout the English-speaking world, people reacted surprisingly consistently to the name, with humorists even using it to spoof it.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

Writer Marcy Kahan, who has adapted Nora Ephron's tv script into a British stage play, said:

"I added Sheldon jokes to this stage play, and the three actors who played Harry all made the audience laugh and laugh, and every performance was like this, and it was tried and tested."

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

For example, in a love drama "When Harry Met Sally" staged in the 1970s, Harry teased Sally's sexual experience and incidentally blackened the "sheldons".

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

harry: obviously, you haven't had great sex yet…

Harry: You look like a well-behaved girl who hasn't had much experience.

sally: it just so happens that i have had plenty of good sex...

Sally: You see, I've actually had a lot of experience in this area.

harry: with whom did you have this great sex?

Harry: Who have you ever had the best relationship with?

sally: (embarrassed) i'm not going to tell you that!

Sally: I won't tell you!

harry: fine. don't tell me.

Harry: Well, then don't say it.

sally: shel gordon.

Sally: Cher. Gordon.

harry: shel. sheldon? no, no. you did not have great sex with sheldon.

Harry: Cher... Sheldon? No, no, Sheldon can't satisfy you.

sally: i did too.

Sally: Yeah, I'm with Sheldon.

harry: no, you didn't. a sheldon can do your income taxes. if you need a root canal, sheldon's your man, but humpin' and pumpin' is not sheldon's strong suit. it's the name. 'do it to me, sheldon.' 'you're an animal, shel-don.' 'ride me, big sheldon.' it doesn't work.

Harry: No, you didn't. The guy who asked Sheldon to help you with personal income tax and teeth. But the "hey" thing is certainly not his strong point. That's the name? "Come on, Sheldon." "You're a lion, Sheldon." "Conquer me, Hunk Sheldon." Haha, he's not good.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

The impression that the name gave to the American people was well complained about by Harry.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

/ You are all bad people! In season nine, episode 11, Ming ming and Amy rolled the sheets! /

Another sheldon's two-dimensional chestnut: The villain of the SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon, "Boss Pi", whose full name is Sheldon Pi, is a plankton in the sea (sword water flea), the nemesis of the crab boss, and the wife is a computer.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

In the episode "The Army of the Boss," when bosses mobilize their relatives and friends to form a group to storm the crab boss restaurant across the street, the relatives call him Sheldon's name in front of his computer wife, Karen. And Karen didn't know his name before, the computer wife's first reaction was to go crazy, changing her tricks to broadcast Sheldon's name jokes on her body, and everyone laughed together (except for Sheldon, of course).

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

Why is it so funny for someone to call sheldon? Naming follows fashion and is cyclical, and people's names are likely to betray their generational attributes.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

For example, "Murray", in the impression of Americans, must be a middle class of about 60 years old, and nine times out of ten is a Jew. Names such as Barbara, Susan, Deborah, Linda, etc. are reminiscent of middle-aged women, and this is the most fashionable name for young girls that year.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

The same scene is like our "founding" and "defending the country", and you can basically guess the age when you hear the name. And sheldon is probably equivalent to Wang Jianguo, Liu Fugui, Cheng Hongxing... Cute, cute.

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

So! The so-called thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, those bear children who once ridiculed the name of "Weiguo" and grew up watching Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas became parents and invariably gave their children the names of "Zixuan" and "Kexin". The last time you saw these names was in a romance drama, and in a few decades, it is estimated that these names will also be picked up in comedies. Koko!

"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

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"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

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"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

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"The Big Bang Theory" "Xie Er" Why is it the "Zhang Jianguo" of the United States?

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