
Graphics card prices have risen fourfold in a decade, and now it is finally expected to return to normal?

Since the release of the RTX 30 series and RX 6000 series graphics cards at the end of 2020, the entire graphics card market seems to have turned in a very strange direction, not only the price of graphics cards has soared, but also a large area of stock shortages. Every rush on major platforms has just begun to end. Many players are struggling to grab cards, while many mine owners are making a lot of money.

Graphics card prices have risen fourfold in a decade, and now it is finally expected to return to normal?

Such an outrageous phenomenon has naturally caused dissatisfaction among many players, such as "you don't buy me, tomorrow can drop 200" and other slogans, are calling on many ordinary consumers, unless you just need to buy a graphics card.

However, now in 2022, more than a year later, it seems that the graphics card market is still at an abnormal price, although the price has declined, but it is still very outrageous compared to the original price.

Recently, Dr. Jon Peddie, founder and CEO of Jon Peddie Research, also wrote an article analyzing the changes in the graphics card market in recent years.

Graphics card prices have risen fourfold in a decade, and now it is finally expected to return to normal?

He released a trend chart of the average price of discrete graphics cards for 2008-2021, which can be seen that it was still below $200 before 2010, and has since grown steadily overall, exceeding $200 in 2018-2019.

Then there's the well-known thing, and graphics card prices are soaring, approaching $800 in 2021, more than four times what they were more than a decade ago.

Jon Peddie pointed out that in this wave of price increases, GPU manufacturers, graphics card manufacturers do not make much money, the real money to get soft one is the mine owner, the other is the dealer, channel provider, scalper.

He believes that as long as players are not moved and reject these outrageous high prices, those hoarded inventory can only be smashed, and the price will eventually return to a reasonable level, may not fall too fast, but there will be such a day.

Graphics card prices have risen fourfold in a decade, and now it is finally expected to return to normal?

And BoBantang has made a combing of the recent domestic graphics card market. According to the combing found that the recent virtual currency market has rebounded, the demand for mining graphics cards has increased slightly, and individual models such as 1660 Super and 1660 Ti have risen slightly by about 50 yuan, but the overall demand for mining cards is still sluggish, while the inventory of channel providers across the country is more, coupled with the repeated epidemic situation, market demand is preferred, and the actual transaction price of graphics cards is continuing to decrease.

On April 7 compared to March 28, the wholesale price of several mainstream graphics card models changed as follows:

- GTX 1660 Super: The price remains unchanged, around 2000 yuan.

- RTX 2060 6GB: The price remains the same, around 2200 yuan.

- RTX 2060 12GB: The price remains unchanged, around 2400 yuan.

- RTX 3060: Price cut by about 100 yuan, around 3000-3100 yuan.

- RTX 3060 Ti: Price cut by about 100 yuan, about 3500 yuan.

- RTX 3070 Ti: Price reduction of about 300 yuan, about 4500 yuan.

- RX 6600 XT: Price cut by about 100 yuan, around 2800.

Of course, the above prices are for reference only, and the actual prices of different brands are slightly different and change at any time.

Graphics card prices have risen fourfold in a decade, and now it is finally expected to return to normal?

In addition, for consumers who need to buy graphics cards now, there is a need to pay attention to the problem of mining cards, and recently some netizens have reflected that the so-called "new cards" purchased in some "flagship stores" have been found to be recycled second-hand cards or mining cards, so they need to polish their eyes, and pay attention to careful screening after purchasing graphics cards.

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