
Talk like this, the boss secretly gives you a salary increase

author:Autumn Leaf Book Friends Association

Hello everyone, I'm Uncle Akiba. A few days ago, I read the book "13 Lessons of Efficient Work and the Transformation of New People in the Workplace" live, which talked about communication problems.

I think not only new people in the workplace will make mistakes, but also not only in the workplace, but also in life will often encounter, today alone to talk to you.

Talk like this, the boss secretly gives you a salary increase


Common wrong ways to communicate The first is to draw conclusions before you have communicated.

Have you ever noticed that when your mom communicates with you, your mom always says you're too lazy?

I'm a very hard-working person, I'm out to work now, and all the people say I'm hardworking, but my mom actually thinks I'm lazy.

For example, she always thinks that I love to sleep late, because the winter holidays are relatively cold, I lie in bed for a while, and then she has to lift my quilt every time, not to let me sleep, saying that I am too lazy.

This is the preconception that there is no objective combination of all my other manifestations, and it is extremely unpleasant to label people easily from the results and phenomena of one or two times alone.

So when communicating with others, first of all, don't bring prejudices to communicate, you have to discuss things, you think about it, even your mother you can't stand it, can you stand it with your colleagues?

In the workplace, there are actually four common communication mistakes:

Talk like this, the boss secretly gives you a salary increase

What I dislike most is that there are some people who always have a sense of intellectual superiority, often saying, this problem is so simple, you will not? How many times do you have to say it before you can remember it?

Who among you can bear it? I'm stupid, you help me, right? But you always satirize me, you always think I can't do it, can I cooperate with you?


Learn to communicate properly

The reason why communication is not good is that many people have high expectations, because you are my friend, because you are my husband, because you are my colleague, so you should do this thing in place.

But where there are so many shoulds in this world, everyone is not willing to wronged themselves, and the result must be to make others unhappy.

Eventually, other people's unhappiness will also be projected on you, and the world will become a mutual influence with bad emotions.

So we have to try to get others to get praise, the essence of social is to let others because of your help to become better, to help others succeed.

Communication is about solving problems, not about finding anyone's problem.

For example, when encountering problems in the work, the correct approach should be to tell everyone about the problem, find out what kind of methods there are to solve this matter, and then put the problem out on both sides to see which you can get it done and which we can get it done.

First top things over, go back and think of a way, see how to avoid it in the process, and then next time this problem? Instead of blindly looking for each other's troubles, it will only make the problem bigger and bigger

Let me give you a concrete example. Like what:

One night, you'll submit a market research report to your manager, review the report, and report to the CEO the next day.

But the time is close to 10 p.m., and your colleague Xiao Wang has not yet sorted out the market research data.

You need to call to urge. How do you communicate with Xiao Wang?

"Is the data of Xiaowang market research done well?" The manager is waiting to use, you hurry to send me okay? ”

It's very polite, we are all working.

Some people say that Xiao Wang is 10 o'clock, the report secretary has not yet handed over, do you believe that Xiao Wang said that I have been engaged in you know?

There may be some people who say that I do not communicate with Xiao Wang, the manager I have done almost this report, Xiao Wang dragged his feet, only his data was not handed in, and you also made a small report to you.

How to deal with the communication that is easy to offend people, in fact, in "13 Lessons of Efficient Work, The Transformation of New People in the Workplace", the author proposes a method:

Talk like this, the boss secretly gives you a salary increase

Put forward the advantages first, describe the facts objectively, then put forward the shortcomings, and then put forward my suggestions for the consequences, right?

First praise you, then emphasize the objective facts, and then tell you, no, no, I have a suggestion, come to us to see how to do it. Like what:

It's 10 o'clock in the evening, and you're still busy helping me with data, it's really hard.
With your colleagues who are always serious and responsible, I really feel particularly warm- and warm- after listening to it, I feel that I have worked overtime until 10 o'clock, and finally there is a person who remembers my wife in his heart.
Then, but I haven't got the data yet, and the rest of the reports are all right, so I'm going to send you this data.
The objective boss's report is not done well, the CEO will definitely be very angry every day, and his return will certainly not be good for us, and the future days will not be good, right? There is no need to provoke the boss to be scolded, the boss is not happy at work, he can not scold his boss, he can only scold us.
So Xiao Wang we are a front, you see if you can give me a basic version first, I will put it in the report, after you finish the complete data, send me again, I will update, so that I can make sure that tomorrow morning can do a good job of the report, I will first send this basic version to the manager to see first, what problems I just happen to change by the way.

Do you think that others will feel comfortable communicating like this?

First, you care about me,

Second, it really made me feel guilty.

Third, if we don't do well, we will both be scolded.

Fourth, your suggestion is very reasonable, first get you a top version,

After doing it, show it to the boss first, and then we will change it together.

Do people think that you will be a person and do things?

So the person who can talk, he can do things well, many people will feel that I will do my own things well in the work, but in fact, communication will also bring great value to our productivity.

That's why some people may not be as good at business, but they can get a promotion and a raise.

Well, that's a small part of how to deal with communication issues, if you've encountered similar situations in the workplace and don't know how to deal with them, or want to learn more about workplace problems and solutions. Learn about the book "Working Efficiently".

This article is written by Uncle Autumn Leaf

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