
Five elements of gold and more golden wang people

Five elements of gold and more golden wang people

Netizen letter:

Hello Mr. Nam! I have been paying attention to you for nearly a year, and your explanation can always bring new experience to me as a little white, thank you!

First of all, I would like to introduce myself to you, I am a girl from a rural family in eastern Guangdong, and the eight characters are: 庚辰 庚辰 戊午 庚申. I was born in a family with a large population, and as the sixth oldest in the family, I was cared for by my brothers and sisters since I was a child. Although the family is not rich, in the growth stage, at least the spiritual support has never been less. I did not do well in my studies, the college entrance examination only to a private undergraduate, originally wanted to repeat the study, but with the support of my parents, I entered this university to study, and I am currently in the third year of financial management.

I was born to my parents who were unexpectedly pregnant, and during the pregnancy my mother took a lot of medicine to try to beat me out of my belly, but in the end I was born smoothly. After I was born, under the introduction of relatives, my grandmother wanted to give me to a couple, and under the strong opposition of my grandparents, I still stayed at home smoothly. When I was five years old, a fortune teller said that I should recognize my parents or siblings or benefit me. Because of my young age and the reluctance of my parents to say more, I only remember this sentence. In junior high school, a friend of my mother's in Buddhism introduced a couple who wanted to recognize a dry sister for their son, and shortly after exchanging eight characters, my mother received a call from a friend, and her face was embarrassed, and the matter was closed. Before the middle school entrance examination, my grandfather's death hit me greatly, and since then my personality has changed greatly, from lively and cheerful to introverted and silent. After entering high school, because he could not stand the inconveniences of dormitory life, he soon began his day life of driving a small electric donkey to school. In the past three years, especially in the second year of high school, there have been many small car accidents, bumps, collisions, crashes and collisions against walls, and the big heart of himself has been hidden every time, as if nothing happened, but the crashed car or let the parents know at a glance. Later, a sister told me that this was probably a bad year.

In the past three years of college, I have changed a lot, I have become more positive and cheerful, and my mentality has become more stable. But I still like to live alone and come and go freely. I know that I am a person who can't get idle, and I look for opportunities to work and earn money everywhere, and many times, I am immersed in the joy of work.

In this regard, I have a few doubts, and I ask my husband to help answer:

1. Am I destined to be unfavorable to my parents? Should I really recognize my parents or siblings?

2. Should I stay in a different place to work or return to my hometown?

3. Is there a chance for the public examination editors to go ashore in the past two years?

4. When will you be able to meet your own right fate?

I hope that this article can be seen by Mr. Wang, a solution to the doubts in my heart, and I am also grateful for Mr. Wang's good deeds of solving questions and answering questions for all netizens!

Nan Xuanzi replied:

Kunzao: Gengchen Year, Gengchen Moon, Peng Wu Day, Gengshen Shi (Zi Ugly Empty)

Great Luck: 己卯, 戊寅, 丁 ugly, 丙子, 乙海, 甲戌, 癸酉, 壬申, 辛未, 9-year-old Luck

Five elements of gold and more golden wang people

Analyze the eight characters:

The Lord of the Penta Earth Day was born in the month of Chen, the Nian Zhi Chen Tu Fu Yin came to support the Lord of the Day, the Earth Branch Chenchen self-punishment, the help of the body is stronger, sitting on the noon fire to get the ground, the noon fire is the sheep blade of the Lord of the Penta Earth Day, the strength of the life is stronger, the Nian Gan, the Moon Stem and the Shi Gan Gengjin to vent the body, the Shi Zhi Shen Jin is also the five elements of the release of the body, but the Penta Earth Day Lord has the order to get the land, so it is the fate of partial Prosperity, to drain the five acts of the Lord of the Day, to use the god, to support the Fire and Earth of the Lord of the Day, the five acts of the Fire and Earth are jealous of the gods, although the wood is restrained, but the fire in the earth branch is not auspicious.

Analytical Business:

Eight characters Chen soil is more prosperous than when the order is more prosperous, and fu Yin Nian Zhi, born on the fifth day, sitting on the afternoon fire for the sheep blade, plus the eight character soil thick, more enterprising, stronger, not willing to be mediocre, honest and generous, willing to bear hardships and stand hard work, more down-to-earth and willing to work and steady a person, can step by step, have tenacity, and are beneficial to career development.

But shoulder to shoulder and day sitting on the sheep blade, but also reflected in a more stubborn, plus eight characters and five elements of gold more golden Wang, Gengshen Jin too much, although for the god of food, but will still be reflected in the subjective consciousness is stronger, although there are their own ideas and opinions, but sometimes there will be some self-righteousness, not easy to listen to other people's suggestions, this is to pay attention to, there is an opinion is a good thing, but pay attention to the scale of the advantage.

Eight characters of the body, the god of food leaks show, Shi Zhi Shen Jin Lin Wenchang nobleman, a more intelligent and clever person, the god of food is not better than the wounded officer, the overall embodiment is a gentle side, the sky dry reveals three Gengjin eating gods, geng metal in the exchange of gua, good eloquence, expression ability is not weak, the eight characters do not see the official killing, but also prefer freedom, do not like to be constrained too much.

Moon LingChen Soil Linhua Gai and Taiji Nobleman, Born on the Fifth Day of the Afternoon Daughter Lonely Luan, Nian Zhi and See Taiji Nobleman, Tiangan GengJin Food God Fu Yin Gao, Tiangan Lord Outside, Earth Branch Lord, Heavenly Stem for The Use of God, Earth Branch Shen Jin, although also used, but is controlled by the noon fire, so there is a dual personality, on the one hand, there is a gentle and sunny side, on the one hand, there is a lonely and autistic side, plus the Ground Branch Chenchen self-punishment, easy to self-entanglement and depression, self-seeking troubles, not good at interacting with people, like to be alone, usually pay attention to adjust the mood, enhance the ability to resist pressure, Learn to open your heart and communicate with people.

The so-called god of food is the treasurer, which means that a good and powerful god of food is better than the treasurer, and although your eight characters reveal the god of food for use, but one is expensive, and many are difficult to be expensive. In ziping numerology, it also pays attention to one power and nobility, which is simply to say that things are scarce and expensive. You eight characters four god eater to vent, although the god of food for the use of god, but the god of food too much, discounted, not the superior pattern, plus you walked in the early years of the great luck of their own, peng Yin great luck, the overall fortune is more general, life will also experience some twists and turns.

When the Golden Eater comes to stagecoach, the good side lies in flexible thinking, and the unfavorable places are also half-hearted and have more ideas, which is to be overcome. Coupled with the eight-character day sitting on the noon fire star for jealousy, suitable for going out to develop, not suitable for the hometown, the birthplace of the west, north, northwest is more prosperous you.

Eight characters do not see the official killing, eat the god to see four, too many boxes and regulations of the occupation is not suitable for you, and it is difficult for you to adapt to complex interpersonal relationships, the idea of the examination editor is not very suitable, it is recommended that you consider clearly in combination with your own situation. Can seize the graduation season, campus recruitment, etc., to a larger company enterprise, engaged in technology, education and culture, planning consulting, creation and other related work is suitable, you learn financial management majors, also belong to the technology, you can engage in financial accounting and other positions after graduation.

If you insist on taking the exam, you are now walking the PengYin Great Luck, the Earth Branch Yin Mu Wang Noon Fire Seal Star, 2022 Nong Yin Year, Tai Nian and the Great Luck Of the Land Branch Yin Wood Fu Yin, Wang Noon Fire Seal Star, the Examination Student Movement is more general, the probability of the examination compilation ashore is not large, 2023 Decay Year, although the Noon Fire Seal Star, but the Pentagram is compatible, the positive wealth is fitted, and the Wood Official Star follows the merger, and there is a certain hope in this year.

The moon orders Tatsutu to be a treasury, and the treasury is difficult to get rich, and Tatsumi is self-punished, and the treasury is damaged, so it is difficult to gather money and money, and the cost is more expensive. A god of food arrives at the treasurer, but too many gods of food also means that it is difficult to get rich, but fortunately, shizhu Gengshen Ganzhi eats god into the portal, so it is also a worry-free fate for food and clothing, but it is more difficult to be rich, and it is better to be content and happy.

The female life represents the father with the right wealth, the eight characters of decoction water is hidden in the tatsu soil, tatsumi self-punishment, decoction water followed by damage, there is information unfavorable to the father, tatsu soil shoulder to shoulder on behalf of the sisters, self-punishment also has information about unfavorable sisters, but there is no information unfavorable to the mother, and the eight characters do not like the seal, so there is no need to recognize the mother or brother, but you can recognize the father or sister.

Analyzing Marriage:

The eight-character body is more prosperous than the shoulders, the Heavenly Gan GengJin Food God is highly penetrating, has certain fantasies about marriage feelings, will have some idealism and perfectionism for feelings, and the requirements for the other half are not low, but the moon Lingchen Tu LinhuaGai and Taiji nobles, born on the fifth day of the birth of the daughter Lonely Luan, for the embodiment of unfavorable marriage, sometimes more lonely in feelings, the opposite sex fate is not very strong.

The eight characters do not see the official killing, only the year branch and the moon Lingchen soil hidden in the Omu official star, hidden but not visible, but also means that the opposite sex fate is not very good, the marriage is weak, this combination in general, the implementation of marriage feelings will not be too smooth. Ji Zhichen tortured himself, and Otogi Guanxing was also tortured, and after marriage, he should pay attention to her husband's good health.

The marriage palace of Rizhi is a noonfire sheep blade, the future marriage environment is not ideal, but also means that the future husband's temperament is not very good, and it is stronger in marriage, which will make you feel some pressure, but there is still some care for you. It also means that it is difficult to marry a noble husband, the husband's luck is more general, the conditions and birth are not very good, the appearance is simple, and it does not help you much.

In 2023, the earth branch of the wood is the official, but also for the peach blossom, the heavenly dry pentadecyl coincides, the positive wealth fits, the wood official star is combined with the decoction water wealth star, and the luck encountered is well grasped. In the year of 2025, tiangan yimu official star is high, tianxi star is destined, and there is also the luck of marriage.

Analyze the Great Luck:

19-28 years old is the PengYin Great Luck, this great luck of the day dry penta soil was poked by the ground branch Yin wood poke feet, the earth branch Yin wood seven killed the noon fire seal star, so the overall examination of the fortune is not very ideal, after graduation can seize the opportunity to find employment as soon as possible as the upper choice, penta soil is shoulder to shoulder, academic and career competition is larger, to learn professionally well, to pay attention to interpersonal relations, the earth branch Yin Shen rush, stagecoach fengchong, for the fate of going out to develop, after graduation can go to other places to choose a career as well.

29-38 years old is the Ding ugly luck, this big luck day dry Ding fire seal star revealed, Ding fire seal star to make Gengjin food god, Gengjin food god is damaged, so the fortune has certain twists and turns, talent is not easy to show, noble luck is relatively lacking, ugly for the treasury, Gengshen gold sees the ugly elephant of entering the tomb, but also unlucky, the overall twists and turns are there, so everything is stable and low-key, it is also suitable for work. There are also some contradictions and discord in marriages, and it is necessary to make a smooth transition.

39-48 years old is the C zi luck, this big luck day dry C fire is poked by the ground branch water poke feet, for the fortune of the star to make the great luck, the sky dry C fire owl god high transparency to make Gengjin food god, so the fortune is still relatively general, talent is not easy to show, noble luck is low, fortune is not very good, easy to spend and wear out. The meridians of the earth are in conflict, and there are some fluctuations in marriage, so we must pay attention to contradictions and quarrels. This step of the big luck pays special attention to physical health problems, the noon fire sheep blade is rushed, easy to accidentally injure, and attention should be paid to travel safety.

49-58 years old is the Great Luck of Yihai, this great fortune is the great fortune of the financial officials, the heavenly dry Yi Geng, the Yi Mu Guan Xing is contested by Gengjin, there is a sign of competition, indicating that there is a certain competition in the career, there is also a sign of career change, it is better to retire if you can retire, and you must also pay attention to the health of your husband. The land branch Shen Hai harmed each other, the Shen Jin eating god was damaged, and the money expenditure was large, so it was necessary to prevent damage.

In "Han Feizi Says Lin Shang", it is said: It is better to be clever than to be clumsy. Zeng Guofan also said that it is necessary to learn "stupid" kung fu.

In fact, it is about doing things to know how to adhere to the truth, some people although smart, flexible thinking, do things a little, faster than others, over time easy to feel arrogant, do things shallow taste, eager to achieve, east to do, west to do, and finally where not to do well. What was once a smart advantage turned into a disadvantage. On the contrary, those who did not seem to be as smart as themselves persevered, and slowly got better than their own results.

For you, to find your own advantages, to give full play to the advantages is the greatest success, to do their "sincerity" and "reality" to the extreme, to carry forward the spirit of positivity, not afraid of hardship, try to make their professional ability stronger, with hard work to support their own piece of the sky.

Tomorrow's luck

April 10, 2022 in the solar calendar (10th day of the third month of the lunar calendar)

Year of Nongyin, Month of Kotatsu, Day of Decay, Sunday

Tomorrow's situation: Weekdays. Suitable for picking, opening the light, seeking medical treatment, curing diseases, moving the soil, lifting beams, migrating, and entering the house. Avoid marrying, opening the market, and burying.

Auspicious time: 卯時, 巳時, 申時.

Fierce time: child time, sea time.

Four-pillar combination: Decameron aquatic life in the Chenyue lost order, and the moon dry revealed the Jia Mu drainage Day Lord, Jia Mu has strong roots in the annual branch, the year dry nongshui helps the Day Lord, but by the moon dry, the annual branch is discharged, the help is not large, the Sun Branch Fire Makes the Chen Soil Consume the Day Lord, the Day Branch is obviously weak, the Golden Aquatic Help, when the pillar takes Gengshen, the Xin Unitary is better.

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