
Horoscope analysis of the stem and branch on December 18, 2021

Horoscope analysis of the stem and branch on December 18, 2021

Zhen Qian/Wen (Original)

Time combination of December 18, 2021: Gengzi Day of the Year of the Ugly Gengzi

This day is easy to break the money, easy to have tongues, right and wrong or disputes, impatient personality, but also easy to be careless, there are good things in the dark, there are opportunities.

Some people will wonder why people born in different years of the same zodiac sign have different horoscope analysis in a certain year. About this one, it is actually very normal, why is it normal? The reason is that although it is exactly the same from the zodiac, however, there is still a heavenly stem in the year, and the difference between this heavenly stem is not the same as the interaction of the dry branch of the flowing year? Of course it will be different. For example, people who are also tigers in the Chinese zodiac will have different places in the Year of the Tiger next year. For example, the tiger born in this year of Peng Yin, such as the tiger born in this year of A Yin, such as the tiger born in this year of Gengyin, such as the tiger born in this year of Yin, such as the tiger born in the year of Nongyin, there are differences in the interrelationship with this year of 2022, such as E and Nong are compatible, such as A and Nong are symbiotic, such as A and Geng are compatible, such as A and C are born together. Even if it is also symbiotic, there is also it that gives birth to me, or I give birth to it; the same is reciprocal, there is it to restrain mine, there is also me to overcome it, and the difference in these relations is naturally different from each other. The difference in this force, the difference in the direction of the force, the force naturally affected by it is not the same, for example, in the same year of nongyin, the force of action of this year of pentyn is different, the force of action of this year of Jiayin is also different, and the force of injury in this year of propylene and the year of Gengyin is also different. It is precisely because of the changes produced by these combinations that the combination of birth time has one relationship or another, only then has there been one change or another, only then has there been one imbalance or another, only then has there been one difference in strength or another, and only then has there been one kind or another auspiciousness. Because of this, when we analyze a combination of birth times, we must not let go of any stem or branch, and we cannot say that the combination of two times is about the same and think that it is the same, of course, there will be the same or similar times, but sometimes, because of the difference between a heavenly stem or because of a branch of the earth, the pattern and level, the use of God, the jealousy of God, etc. can immediately be completely different. For this type of phenomenon, the ancient book "Dripping Heavenly Essence" has the most, and often gives examples of two combinations of almost the same time, but one pattern is very good and one pattern is very poor. It is also meant to tell us that sometimes the pattern of a combination of birth times is determined by one or two words. However, not all birth time combinations will be different because of the change of a word, only those withered or combinations will often be different because of the change of a word or a word. This is also why sometimes, some combinations of birth times are similar to each other, but some combinations of birth times are different immediately after changing an hour. Similarly, such as a person's face, sometimes we say that if so-and-so has a straighter nose, it is better, and the achievement will be great. However, there are some people whose noses are very straight and straight, and they may not be high. Therefore, sometimes, the details determine the height of the whole thing, but sometimes, the change of details does not necessarily change the height of the thing, the difference here is mainly to see whether the thing is dry or prosperous, etc., that is to say, first of all, it is related to the state of the thing itself. Therefore, it is particularly important to first accurately grasp and understand the state of things themselves, which is why when we analyze this combination of birth times, we must first see the strength and weakness of the yen, which is the truth, if it is impossible to see clearly, see through, and grasp accurately, then we cannot accurately grasp the impact and force of all subsequent changes in forces on this yen.

Looking at the time combination of this day, the most obvious feature is that the heavenly stems of the year, month and day are all gold, and what does this golden wang and jin wang mean? The essence of gold is hard, the lord is strong, the lord is strong, the lord is impatient, the representative is firm, from this point of view, it can be seen that the things we encounter in this day, or the people we meet, it is easier to be stubborn, or stance, or the view of some things will be more insistent, that is to say, sometimes the things that are identified are not easily changed, which includes some things that we ourselves identify are not easily changed, and naturally include the things that the other party believes are not easy to change, what will happen when encountering such a situation? Naturally, it is difficult to communicate and communicate, especially in negotiating some things, plans, work, business or business, it is easier to be passive, because each other has a clearer or harder position, and they are unwilling to make concessions and are unwilling to make changes, that is to say, the chance of negotiation is relatively small, or the process of negotiation will be very hard and hard. Moreover, Jin Wang also has the characteristics of hardness, rigidity, impatience, and carelessness, indicating that some people in this day are also prone to tantrums, or lack patience when facing things, and they are also prone to carelessness, because carelessness is also prone to mistakes and so on. Moreover, this Jinwang is more than robbery, which also shows that it is easy to have some tongues, disputes, right and wrong, and it is easy to have some disputes on this day, such as because of a certain matter, everyone argues, it is easy to make contradictions, it is easy to make emotions, and there will even be some disputes over money, some business disputes, or it is easier to have disputes in work and career or when there are different opinions, and the competition in work or career and business is more fierce than usual. Coupled with this than robbery, we can also understand that this than robbery will rob the wealth, indicating that it is also easy to break the wealth, or the place where money is needed will be more, fortunately, there is no wood in the year, month and day, so the broken wealth will be too large. In addition, it is easier to suffer losses because of friends or because of the people around you, or it is easy to be dragged down by the people around you. Also, on this day, help people also pay attention to proportions, and must measure their strength and know their strength. In addition, Jin Wang is also prone to some small trauma, such as hand and foot bumps, falls, etc., or easy to cut hands and so on. And so on, and so on, should be paid more attention to. Fortunately, in this day, the earth branch is still desperate, in the case of gold so prosperous, the moon and day branch is sub-water, this water can discharge the hard air of gold, can also be called a catharsis, indicating that many things secretly have a turnaround, there are good changes, that is to say, there are many things that look difficult on the surface, but in fact, there are good changes inside, someone helps and so on. This water food wound release show also shows that through their own thinking and their own efforts, there are some things that can be handled and coordinated. Then, in the case of Jin Baishuiqing, it also shows that some people's thinking will be more active, thinking more, and their inner thinking activities will be more than usual. As well as in the case of water prosperity, it will make fire and overcome fire, and some blood pressure and heart problems should also be paid due attention to on this day.

People born on the day of Gengzi are often very rich in their inner world, and at the same time, they are also a very sensitive person when encountering things. This person who is born with tigers, rabbits, pigs, rats, and snakes has good things, and the birth year numbers are followed by 2 or 3 or 6 or 7 people who have profits, and the favorable time period is between 15:00 and 17:00 in the afternoon.

In terms of auspicious stars, pay attention to fire prevention.

The above is my personal analysis, please refer to it.

If our thinking is based on our own hearts, it will always have harvests and discoveries that make us happy.

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